5 resultados para Dementia With Lewy Bodies
em Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe (CEPAL)
Se refiere a resoluciones que emanan de otros organos de la ONU, incluso la CEPAL, el Consejo Economico y Social y la Asamblea General. El documento pretende llamar a la atencion del Comite las acciones de seguimiento tomadas acerca de ciertos asuntos que el Comite ha considerado en sesiones anteriores y que tengan alguna implicacion directa o indirecta para el CDCC o que sean de interes para el trabajo de la Secretaria.
Revisa las acciones tomadas en relacion con las resoluciones del CDCC y aquellas de la CEPAL, ECOSOC y Asamblea General, con implicancias para el CDCC.
Revisa las acciones seguidas en relacion con resoluciones del CDCC, la CEPAL y otros organismos de Naciones Unidas, con repercusiones para el CDCC.
Publicación bilingüe
The context in which society develops has changed. The principles of democracy and human rights, in addition to the explosive development of communications, have encouraged citizens' desire for involvement in many areas which formerly had been the preserve of the State. This is also reflected in the attitudes of public utility customers, who are no longer prepared to accept mediocre service from the bodies responsible; on the contrary, they are increasingly putting pressure on those bodies, demanding better service in return for the charges they pay. Road agencies are no exception. They can no longer maintain their traditional isolation from the public and from users in areas such as decision-making or accountability for results achieved. Furthermore, it is no longer enough to provide road networks; these must be managed in such a way as to ensure improved levels of service, acceptable to users who are more and more demanding. This is why conventional styles of highway management have become unsatisfactory and new approaches are developing. There is a gradual increase in openness to the interests and views of users, who are increasingly considered as partners and participants in management. There are numerous examples in various countries, including those of Latin America, of this significant change; it is likely to cause a major transformation in the way in which public highways are managed. The innovations are recent, many of them still at the embryonic stage. A wide variety of concrete measures have been proposed or tried out. It is not yet possible to predict the size or scope of these changes, or which of them will ultimately become normal practice, but the changes have begun. The purpose of this article is to outline the principal changes which are being observed and the new outlook for road users.