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The FAL Bulletin is reverting to its original concept, that is, facilitation of trade in the broad sense. In the context of ECLAC, this is a topic covered by the International Trade Unit in the International Trade and Development Finance Division, to which the Transport Unit also belonged until it was incorporated into the Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division in April 1999.In an effort at inter-divisional cooperation starting with this issue, the International Trade Unit will be responsible for preparing four articles per year on trade facilitation for the FAL Bulletin. These are certain to be of great interest not only to those of our readers concerned with multi-modal ocean transport and customs procedures but also to those with links to the broader issue of promoting foreign trade in the region.


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Includes bibliography.


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Este documento forma parte de la "Trilogía de la Igualdad"


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The document which ECLAC presents on this occasion explores further the theme of equality addressed at the two previous sessions of the Commission, in Time for Equality: Closing Gaps, Opening Trails (2010, Brasilia), and Structural Change for Equality: An Integrated Approach to Development (2012, San Salvador). The document prepared for the thirty-fifth session, entitled Compacts for Equality: Towards a Sustainable Future, discusses the two major challenges to development in Latin America and the Caribbean today: to achieve greater equality and to make development sustainable for future generations. The various chapters examine the social, economic, environmental and natural resource governance constraints on sustainability, as well as the challenges associated with strategic development options. They also further explore the equality approach developed by ECLAC at previous sessions, treating the world of work as a key arena. Consumption is analysed as it relates to the economic, social and environmental spheres, highlighting its potential to increase well-being as well as its problematic externalities in terms of environmental sustainability, the fiscal covenant and the production structure, among others. The dynamics existing between production structures and institutions are explored, drawing attention to ways in which the efficient organization of institutions can help to maximize contributions to development. The document concludes with a set of medium- and long-term policy proposals that need to be enshrined in social covenants and policy instruments for implementing, in a democratic context, the policies and institutional reforms that the Latin American and Caribbean countries need to resolve the dilemmas they face at the current crossroads.


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The present document provides an up-to-date overview of public debt and fiscal space in the region. The main conclusions show that public debt levels are low in Latin America and high in the Caribbean. Overall, the region has enough fiscal space to apply countercyclical policies and boost production development and the fiscal management of non-renewable natural resources needs to be modernized. It explains that fiscal policy has a very limited impact on the distribution of disposable income and in a volatile macroeconomic environment, reforms should aim to strengthen personal income tax.


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Caribbean policymakers are faced with special challenges from climate change and these are related to the uncertainties inherent in future climate projections and the complex linkages among climate change, physical and biological systems and socioeconomic sectors. The impacts of climate change threaten development in the Caribbean and may well erode previous gains in development as evidenced by the increased incidence of climate migrants internationally. This brief which is based on a recent study conducted by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (LC/CAR/L.395)1 provides a synthesis of the assessment of the economic and social impacts of climate change on the coastal and marine sector in the Caribbean which were undertaken. It provides Caribbean policymakers with cutting-edge information on the region’s vulnerability and encourages the development of adaptation strategies informed by both local experience and expert knowledge. It proceeds from an acknowledgement that the unique combination of natural resources, ecosystems, economic activities, and human population settlements of the Caribbean will not be immune to the impacts of climate change, and local communities, countries and the subregion as a whole need to plan for, and adapt to, these effects. Climate and extreme weather hazards related to the coastal and marine sector encompass the distinct but related factors of sea level rise, increasing coastal water temperatures, tropical storms and hurricanes. Potential vulnerabilities for coastal zones include increased shoreline erosion leading to alteration of the coastline, loss of coastal wetlands, and changes in the abundance and diversity of fish and other marine populations. The study examines four key themes in the analysis: climate, vulnerability, economic and social costs associated with climate change impacts, and adaptive measures.


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This report highlights the activities carried out by ECLAC in the Caribbean subregion between 1 January 2014 and 31 March 2015. Subprogramme 13 of the ECLAC programme of work 2014-2015 (“Subregional activities in the Caribbean”) covers the Commission’s work in Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago, as well as Anguilla, Aruba, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Curaçao, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, Sint Maarten, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands. Subprogramme 12 (“Subregional activities in Central America, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Mexico”) includes activities conducted in the Caribbean member States of Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. In addition, countries of the Caribbean were included in activities organized under the 12 other substantive subprogrammes of the ECLAC programme of work 2014-2015, namely: (i) linkages with the global economy, integration and regional cooperation; (ii) production and innovation; (iii) macroeconomic policies and growth; (iv) financing for development; (v) social development and equality; (vi) mainstreaming the gender perspective in regional development; (vii) population and development; (viii) sustainable development and human settlements; (ix) natural resources and infrastructure; (x) planning of public administration; (xi) statistics; and (xii) support for regional and subregional integration and cooperation processes and organizations.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una evolución detallada del impacto económico y macrofiscal de los recursos naturales en América Latina y el Caribe. Dado el crecimiento importante experimentado por los mismos, que constituyen la principal fuente de exportaciones de los países de la región, se analizará en este trabajo la manera en que los países de la región han utilizado los ingresos adicionales con fines de aprovechamiento fiscal y su consecuente efecto económico (desigualdad, crecimiento) en términos de instrumentos fiscales (recursos tributarios), gobernanza de los recursos naturales y el establecimiento de fondos de estabilización.


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El presente documento contiene un análisis de la situación del sector geotérmico en América delSur, enfocado en la generación geotermo-eléctrica, con identificación de los principales proyectos y con evaluación de todos los factores que los caracterizan, desde el punto de vista histórico, del recurso, de su accesibilidad, y de las condiciones de entorno institucional, social, ambiental y de mercado.


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El desafío del desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe es trascendental, por las diferentes dimensiones que lo componen, sus objetivos e instrumentos y los obstáculos que lo condicionan. En esa línea, este libro constituye una contribución al debate sobre el desarrollo, en particular sobre uno de sus retos más grandes, la gobernanza de los recursos naturales. En el caso de los recursos naturales no renovables, el desafío de la gobernanza es aún mayor, debido a su propia naturaleza de recursos agotables, que exige un tratamiento en extremo cuidadoso, que atienda a los criterios más apreciados del desarrollo sostenible y que considere las necesidades de las generaciones futuras como un componente esencial de las decisiones. La gobernanza vigente de los recursos naturales no ha logrado llevar a la región a un proceso virtuoso para el aprovechamiento sostenible de esa riqueza. Como se sostiene a lo largo del libro, la región requiere una nueva gobernanza de los recursos naturales que asegure que los beneficios de su explotación sean sostenibles, que haga un aporte concreto al desarrollo pleno y que contribuya a disminuir las desigualdades existentes.