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This article analyses the dual functioning of the Mexican electromechanical sector between 1994 and 2008, as distinct from other globalized activities. An estimation of labour productivity in 52 industrial classes finds that structural heterogeneity increased particularly in the 1994-2001 subperiod, alongside technical and organizational improvements that were increasingly concentrated in a small number of subsidiary companies of transnational automotive-assembly enterprises. The application of a shift-share technique also revealed the absence of any significant structural change. Lastly, an extension of the methodology to evaluate competitiveness —developed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (eclac)— and its application to a second database that reclassifies 1,345 foreign trade products, makes it possible to contrast these changes with the dynamism of the global production networks in which the leading firms of the sector in Mexico are engaged.


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This study econometrically analyses the projected impact of climate change on the water sector of nine Caribbean countries to 2100: Aruba, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Montserrat, Jamaica, Netherlands Antilles, Saint Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago. Overall, all countries, with the exception of Trinidad and Tobago, are expected to suffer aggregate losses as result of climate change in the early periods ca. 2020 under one or more scenarios. Over time, some countries experience declining negative impacts, as in the case of Guyana under the B2 scenario. Some countries, such as the Dominican Republic, is projected to suffer increasing losses under the B2 scenario and, for others, the impacts do not follow a defined trend. The A2 scenario offers the best outcome for all countries, except Jamaica (where BAU is most desirable), Montserrat (which performs most poorly under the A2 scenario), and the Netherlands Antilles, which does best under the B2 case. Overall, relative to 2006, the total demand for water in the Caribbean is expected to fall by 2030 by 11.3% to approximately 12,967 million cubic meters. This is due to the expected fall in agricultural water demand by approximately 36% in that period. However, by 2050, total water demand for the Caribbean will again exceed the 2006 level by approximately 4% to 14,896.33 106 m3. By 2100, water demand will increase almost fivefold to approximately 69,233.69 106 m3. Climate change is expected to affect all countries in the Caribbean. In some cases, there will be positive impacts that may continue to increase over time and, in other cases, the impact will be negative and worsen over time. Overall, the agricultural sector is expected to suffer the worst losses over any scenario, whilst growth in the industrial sectors is expected to be significant and contribute the most to increasing water demand over time.


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar un análisis de la distribución espacial de la industria automotriz en el Brasil, entre 1995 y 2011, en relación con sus diversas categorías económicas, y mostrar sus encadenamientos sectoriales mediante las matrices interregionales de insumo-producto. A partir del cálculo del coeficiente de localización (QLij) de dicho período, se constató que la tercera ola de inversiones, iniciada en la segunda mitad de los años noventa, logró producir, de hecho, una ligera desconcentración espacial de este sector en la economía nacional. El cálculo del coeficiente de asociación geográfica (CAik) de diferentes años indicó una pequeña disminución, pese a que se mantuvo un nivel significativo de concentración, lo que sugiere que la producción de vehículos es un proceso bastante integrado con otras actividades económicas. Esta integración se corroboró, especialmente, con respecto a la compra de insumos (efectos hacia atrás) en todas las regiones aquí analizadas.


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This study investigates the extent to which the digital boom has had repercussions on productive activity, in terms of both manufacturing (ict goods) and services (ict services), in addition to its potential ramifications in the rest of the Mexican economy. Input-output matrices are used and compared to those of Brazil and the United States. Mexico has fallen behind, particularly in the production of ict goods, and the productive chains of this activity have weakened. The ict services sector offers much greater potential than has been exploited thus far, with the advantage that it involves comparatively more value added and has major diversification possibilities. It is considered essential to find more effective industrial policies targeted on the ict goods and services sectors; but the experience of countries such as Brazil, which have applied more proactive approaches with mixed results, suggests that this will be challenging.


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The aim of this article is to analyse the spatial distribution of the automotive industry in Brazil in terms of its various economic categories between 1995 and 2011, and to shed light on its sectoral linkages through inter-regional input-output matrices. By calculating the coefficient of localization (QLij) for that period, it was found that the third wave of investments, which began in the second half of the 1990s, actually caused a slight spatial deconcentration of this sector in the national economy. The coefficient of geographic association (CAik)calculated for different years revealed a slight reduction, while maintaining a high level of concentration, which suggests that vehicle production is closely integrated with other economic activities. This integration was corroborated particularly in terms of input purchases (backward linkages) in all of the analysed regions.