116 resultados para 370203 Social Policy


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Aspects of recent developments in the Latin American and Caribbean labour markets / Jürgen Weller .-- The earnings share of total income in Latin America, 1990-2010 / Martín Abeles, Verónica Amarante and Daniel Vega .-- Latin America: Total factor productivity and its components / Jair Andrade Araujo, Débora Gaspar Feitosa and Almir Bittencourt da Silva .-- Financial constraints on economic development: Theory and policy for developing countries / Jennifer Hermann .-- The impact of China’s incursion into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on intra-industry trade / Jorge Alberto López A., Óscar Rodil M. and Saúl Valdez G. .-- Work, family and public policy changes in Latin America: Equity, maternalism and co-responsibility / Merike Blofield and Juliana Martínez F. .-- A first approach to the impact of the real exchange rate on industrial sectors in Colombia / Lya Paola Sierra and Karina Manrique L. .-- Global integration, disarticulation and competitiveness in Mexico’s electromechanical sector: A structural analysis / Raúl Vázquez López .-- Technological capacity-building in unstable settings: Manufacturing firms in Argentina and Brazil / Anabel Marín, Lilia Stubrin and María Amelia Gibbons .-- Index of political instability in Brazil, 1889-2009 / Jaime Jordan Costantini and Mauricio Vaz Lobo Bittencourt


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Income distribution, poverty and social expenditure in Latin America / José Antonio Ocampo. -- Military expenditure and development in Latin America / Eugenio Lahera and Marcelo Ortúzar. -- Growth, distributive justice and social policy / Andrés Solimano. -- Equity, foreign investment and international competitiveness / Adolfo Figueroa. -- Tensions in Latin American structural adjustment: allocation versus distribution / Daniel M. Schydlowsky. -- Competitiveness and labour regulations / Luis Beccaria and Pedro Galin. -- Latin American families: convergences and divergences in models and policies / Irma Arriagada. -- Free trade agreements and female labour: the Chilean situation / Alicia Frohmann and Pilar Romaguera. -- Macroeconomic trends in Paraguay from 1989 to 1997: consumption bubble and financial crisis / Stephane Straub. -- The strategies pursued by Mexican firms in their efforts to become global players / Alejandra Salas-Porras. -- Regulating the private provision of drinking water and sanitation services / Terence R, Lee and Andrei S. Jouravlev. -- Quality management promotion to improve competitiveness / Hessel Schuurman.


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Este documento forma parte de la "Trilogía de la Igualdad"


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In today's complex and changing global context, the Latin American and Caribbean region must persevere, more than ever, in three directions: structural change to underpin progress towards more knowledge-intensive sectors, convergence to reduce internal and external gaps in income and productivity, and equality of rights. This is the integrated approach proposed by ECLAC as a route towards the development the region needs. This implies tackling three major challenges: to achieve high and sustained rates of growth so as to close structural gaps and generate quality jobs; to change consumption and production patterns in the context of a genuine technological revolution with environmental sustainability; and to guarantee equality on the basis of greater convergence in the production structure, with universal social protection and capacity-building. Such an endeavour requires the return of politics and of the State's role in promoting investment and growth, redistribution and regulation with a view to structural change for equality, through industrial, macroeconomic, social and labour policies. These are some of the key proposals of Structural Change for Equality: An Integrated Approach to Development, which ECLAC will present to its member States at the thirty-fourth session of the Commission (San Salvador, August 2012). The proposals in that document, which is summarized here, deepen and broaden the ideas set forth in Time for equality: closing gaps, opening trails, aiming towards sustainable development with equality and taking into account the diverse national conditions across the region.


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Este estudio aborda las discusiones conceptuales y las oportunidades y desafíos institucionales para la construcción de una política integrada de cuidados en El Salvador, realizando un diagnóstico sociodemográfico de las necesidades de cuidado para las distintas poblaciones destinatarias y planteando recomendaciones para contribuir al debate interinstitucional, actualmente en marcha, sobre esta política en El Salvador.


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El presente estudio proporciona un análisis de los procesos desarrollados en Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panamá y el Perú entre 2013 y 2014 para establecer diálogos y construir acuerdos en torno a la autonomía económica de las mujeres, y ofrece una reflexión sobre algunos elementos comunes entre las cuatro experiencias. El análisis busca identificar, de manera preliminar, las condiciones necesarias para el establecimiento e implementación de acuerdos y pactos que pueden tener resultados concretos para alcanzar la autonomía de las mujeres, así como para garantizar sus derechos en la esfera económica.


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El presente estudio pretende contribuir al debate sobre políticas de cuidados enfocando la mirada en las ciudades latinoamericanas, en esta ocasión específicamente en Montevideo. A partir del diagnóstico cuantitativo de la situación socioeconómica de las y los habitantes de Montevideo, y del análisis de las competencias de la administración local en términos de oferta de servicios de cuidado para niños y niñas, personas adultas mayores y personas con alguna discapacidad, se proporcionan recomendaciones para la planificación, la formulación e implementación de políticas urbanas a corto y mediano plazo.