101 resultados para Information society -- Catalonia
La tecnología NFC: progresos, obstáculos y proyecciones, reportaje. El auge en la descarga de música y libros, reportaje. Ley de promoción de la banda ancha en Perú, entrevista a Roberto Ortiz , Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones del Perú. “Lo que Río ha hecho es verdaderamente revolucionario”, entrevista a Guruduth Banavar, IBM. “Buscamos que las personas que tienen un dispositivo, pero no Internet, puedan conectarse a la red de manera segura y gratuita”, entrevista a Oliver Flögel, Desarrollo digital de Chile. “Con el advenimiento del big data, la infraestructura de comunicaciones se vuelve aun más importante”, entrevista a José Miguel Piquer, INRIA Chile. Breves.
eLAC2015: una visión hacia el futuro. Tarifas de la banda ancha en la región se redujeron 63% en dos años. “Hay que consolidar la institucionalidad del eLAC”, entrevista a José Clastornik. El balance de los grupos de trabajo. “CEPAL @LIS2 es una historia de éxito que facilitó el avance de la sociedad de la información”columna de Alicia Bárcena. “El principal logro del proyecto CEPAL @LIS2 es haber puesto el tema digital en la agenda de la política pública de los países” entrevista a Mario Cimoli. Breves.
Information and communications technologies: essential tools for achieving gender equality. By UN-WOMEN, Andean Sub-Regional Office. -- “Training telecentre operators as technology leaders in their social environment is an ongoing task”, interview with Olga Paz Martínez. -- For an information society with gender equity. By Dafne Sabanes Plou. -- “Including women in ICT can make a big difference in narrowing the digital divide”, interview with Zoraida Franco. -- “We see the potential of ICT for rearranging family communication networks”, interview with Juan Eduardo Rojas .-- “ICT might be the most tangible tool we have right now to fight gender discrimination”, interview with Martin Hilbert.
Broadband and the Knowledge Society: Interconnecting South America Jorge Atton Palma .-- Broadband deployment and digital integration Sergio Scarabino .-- “Broadband rates could fall by over 50%”, interview with Cezar Alvarez .-- Interregional cooperation to promote broadband School for Policymakers and Regional Dialogue .-- “It is important for comparisons to be made based on quantifiable and comparable aspects”, interview with Omar de León .-- “ORBA has helped generate cooperation mechanisms between countries”, interview with Fernando Rojas .-- “Ideally, the region should harmonize the use of the spectrum”, interview with René Bustillo .-- Mobile broadband will spur a new wave of innovation in Latin America Sebastián Cabello.
The “Implementation of the National Data Centre” project, Augusto Espín, Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Information Society, Ecuador .-- Cloud computing and public policy in Brazil, Rafael Henrique Rodrigues Moreira, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil .-- “The cloud is being taken up more quickly in Latin America than in the rest of the world”, interview to Lalo Steinmann, Microsoft .-- The impact of education and research networks on the development of cloud computing Eduardo Vera, University of Chile .-- “The cloud helps to narrow divides by providing access to technology resources that used to be unaffordable”, interview to Luis Urzúa, Movistar Chile .-- “Cloud computing will be a strategic sector of the economy in the coming years”, interview to Jean-Bernard Gramunt, France’s digital strategy .-- “If take-up in Latin America is as strong as predicted, it will be a good opportunity to create and export technology”, interview to Flavio Junqueira, Yahoo! Labs.
NFC technology: progress, obstacles and forecasts, report .-- Downloads of records and books are increasing, report .-- Broadband promotion law in Peru, interview to Roberto Ortiz , Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru .-- “What Rio has done is truly ground-breaking”, interview to Guruduth Banavar, IBM .-- “The idea is to enable people who have a device but no Internet to connect securely and free of charge” interview to Oliver Flögel, Digital Development Chile .-- “The advent of big data makes communications infrastructure even more important”, interview to José Miguel Piquer, INRIA Chile.
Attendance and organization of work .-- Agenda .-- Summary of proceedings .-- Resolutions adopted at the Thirty-Fifth Session of the Commission: 676(XXXV) ECLAC calendar of conferences for the period 2015-2016 .-- 677(XXXV) Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 678(XXXV) Statistical Conference of the Americas of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 679(XXXV) Support for the work of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning .-- 680(XXXV) Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee .-- 681(XXXV) Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 682(XXXV) Establishment of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 683(XXXV) Admission of Sint Maarten as an associate member of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 684(XXXV) Programme of Work and priorities of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean for the 2016-2017 biennium .-- 685(XXXV) Activities of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean in relation to follow-up to the Millennium Development Goals and implementation of the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields .-- 686(XXXV) Application of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean .-- 687(XXXV) The regional dimension of the post-2015 development agenda .-- 688(XXXV) South-South Cooperation .-- 689(XXXV) Place of the next session .-- 690(XXXV) Lima Resolution .-- 691(XXXV) Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Includes resolutions adopted at the thirty-fifth session of the Commission, held in 2014.
Este informe de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe consta de tres secciones. La primera de ellas está dedicada a los asuntos que requieren la adopción de medidas del Consejo Económico y Social o que se señalan a su atención; la segunda corresponde al informe de actividades de la Comisión desde enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2013, y la tercera contiene el informe del trigésimo quinto período de sesiones de la Comisión, celebrado en Lima, del 5 al 9 de mayo de 2014.
eLAC 2018 will coordinate the implementation of programmes to support the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) in achieving social and economic development goals for Latin America in the Caribbean during the 2015-2018 timeframe. The conceptual framework for this programme of work is described by the eLAC 2018 Digital Agenda, which is anticipated to be ratified by the fifth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, to be held in August 2015 in Mexico City. There is a need for broader input from Caribbean countries to the eLAC 2018 Digital Agenda. Accordingly, this working paper reviews the document’s current draft, considering each of its objectives in the context of Caribbean development needs. Amendments are recommended to 12 of the objectives. Two additional objectives are also proposed, in the areas of regional coordination on universal service funds, and the establishment of a spatial data infrastructure to support the use of geographic information systems. Representatives of Caribbean countries are invited to use the contents of this document as an input to the development of their own proposed amendments for inclusion in the final version of the eLAC 2018 Digital Agenda.
This study analyses digital inclusion in secondary education in the Tarija School District in the Plurinational State of Bolivia for the 2012-2013 school year, using the indicators in the Plan of Action for the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean (Plan of Action elac). This is an exploratory and descriptive analysis based on a sample of 311 students, 108 teachers and 15 school principals. According to the findings, teenagers use the Internet to look for information and entertainment; the expansion of mobile technology among them offers numerous educational opportunities; and insufficient training for teachers on how to integrate information and communications technologies (icts) into the learning process is a top challenge. The existence of icts in schools has been confirmed, but not their use. Local and national efforts are helping to reduce the digital divide and promote equality of opportunity for young people.