90 resultados para Brazil-China trade


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Although Chinese corporations were relatively unknown in Latin America until a few years ago, their direct investments in the region have averaged about US$10 billion per year since 2010. Their presence and economic leverage have become very significant in many industries and countries of the region, but their motivation, strategy and procedures are not always well understood by Latin America’s governments, businesses and civil society. Similarly, Chinese companies still need to gain a better understanding of Latin America’s business environment and opportunities. This working document is an input for discussing the future of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in Latin America at the China - Latin America cross-council taskforce at the Summit on the Global Agenda, to be held under the auspices of the World Economic Forum (WEF), in Abu Dhabi on 18-20 November 2013. It was prepared jointly by Taotao Chen, Professor of Finance of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University in China and member of the WEF Global Agenda Council on China, and by Miguel Pérez Ludeña, Economic Affairs Officer at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), under the supervision of Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC and Vice-Chair of the WEF Global Agenda Council on Latin America.


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Includes bibliography.


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La República Popular China ha cobrado un enorme y creciente protagonismo internacional, no sólo en los ámbitos del comercio y la inversión, sino que también en el financiero, tecnológico y cultural, por lo que es relevante que los países de la subregión centroamericana analicen sus relaciones con este país. Actualmente China se ha convertido en el segundo socio comercial de la región latinoamericana y en una fuente relevante de la inversión extranjera directa (IED). En este contexto el presente documento analiza las relaciones de Guatemala con China, particularmente en el ámbito del comercio y la inversión, con el objetivo de presentar criterios y aspectos relevantes a considerar para una estrategia de Guatemala en el corto, mediano y largo plazo. El documento también analiza las principales características del comercio y las inversiones de China en la subregión centroamericana. Se busca contribuir a un diálogo interno sobre la temática en Guatemala, así como a la posibilidad de un futuro encuentro entre ambos países. Del análisis se desprenden 25 propuestas que reflejan la importancia de una dedicada preparación para diseñar una estrategia desde el plano nacional y subregional, para el relacionamiento con China, con especial énfasis en aspectos como la atracción de IED y la participación en el comercio con ese país.


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China has become a major player in world trade. Although it has not signed any trade agreements with the countries of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), China has been gaining ground as a supplier of goods, making vigorous inroads into this area. One of the dominant trends in economic integration has been the development of intra-industry trade, which has flourished in the nafta signatory countries. This paper focuses on the analysis of intra-industry trade in the context of this free trade area, where the production structure of the countries involved has changed significantly since trade liberalization, revealing the internationalization of production chains. Lastly, changes in the trade structure induced by the growing presence of China in the nafta region are captured. Trade within this area works like a radiated wheel, with the United States acting as the axis, while China, Canada and Mexico operate as the spokes.


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United States Trade Developments 2013-2014, is an annual report prepared by the ECLAC Washington Office. It provides an overview of the most relevant trade developments in the United States trade relations with Latin America and the Caribbean and the measures that inhibit the free flow of goods among countries in the Western Hemisphere. The report presents trade figures and trends over the last few years to illustrate the nature of the U.S. engagement through trade with the world and with the Latin America and Caribbean region. Special emphasis was given to trade among the U.S., Canada, and Mexico on the 20th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement, and to trade with Brazil, the second U.S .trade partner in the region, after Mexico.


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Words can make a difference sometimes.Brazil is – together with the other ´BRIC´- a large economy, with an increasingly high profile in the international scenario. Large domestic market makes it more likely to obtain ‘growth-led exports’ rather than ‘export-led growth’, which implies a pro-active role in international relations. The option for intensifying regional trade links is a reasonable one and perhaps even inevitable, taking into account the experience elsewhere, but the actual regional conditions raise a number of questions that have to do both with further empirical assessment and to more specific identification of expectations with regard to probable achievements. This article has shown that the road to reach significant progress in this direction is not flat and requires more clear signalling to economic agents, strong political will and a good deal of specific measures. But it has also suggested that it might provide positive results.


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Foreword by Alicia Bárcena


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The automotive sector is one of the sectors in which trade between mercosur countries has grown most strongly. This article examines the possibility that trade diversion occurred in that sector during the period 1991-2010, assuming that product costs fell as a result of market expansion. The analysis is based on the concepts of “cost reduction” and “trade suppression” coined by Corden (1972), which capture the effects of economies of scale. Indices of regional orientation and revealed comparative advantages are used in combination to assess whether the trade bloc is evolving in line with comparative advantages. The results suggest efficiency gains for automotive-sector products, exports of which from Brazil to mercosur grew more vigorously because the expanded and relatively protected market made it possible to exploit the economies of scale that are characteristic of the automotive industry.


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With external conditions sluggish and highly uncertain as the global economy still struggles to shake off the effects of the economic crisis of 2008-2009, the Latin American and Caribbean region is not isolated from these effects and is projected to record a small drop in gross domestic product (GDP) in 2015, followed by a weak recovery in 2016. Against this backdrop, 2015 will be the third consecutive year of increasing declines in regional export values; a state of affairs not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s. This poor performance reflects the end of the commodity price boom, the slowdown of the Chinese economy, the weak recovery of the eurozone and the lacklustre economic activity in the region, particularly in South America.


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La edición 2016 de Perspectivas económicas de América Latina explora los lazos cambiantes entre la región y China. A lo largo de la última década, China se ha posicionado como uno de sus socios comerciales más importantes. Esta relación está adquiriendo hoy una nueva dimensión, y ofrece a América Latina la oportunidad de construir una asociación mutuamente benéfica. En la medida en que China se transforme gradualmente de una economía basada en las exportaciones y la inversión hacia una basada en el consumo y los servicios, entre otros factores, América Latina tiene mucho que ganar participando más allá de un simple rol de proveedor de materias primas. Basados en el análisis de diferentes canales a través de los cuales el nuevo modelo de China impactará la región, incluyendo el comercio, el financiamiento y la estrategia de competencias, el informe identifica respuestas de política de largo plazo para contribuir a que América Latina fortalezca su asociación con China. El reporte destaca experiencias valiosas y mejores prácticas en estas áreas y propone estrategias para permitir a la región consolidar un crecimiento de largo plazo mientras asegura continuidad en su agenda social.


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The role of the People’s Republic of China in the world economy has grown substantially in recent decades, turning it into a strategic foreign trading partner for much of Latin America. Bilateral trade between the region and China totalled US$ 120 billion in 2009. This study analyses the income elasticity of the region’s exports to the country. The findings show that, assuming real gross domestic product (gdp) growth in China of about 7% a year, the value of Latin American exports to China (at 2005 prices) can be expected to increase by an average of about 10% a year between 2014 and 2019. In a more conservative scenario of 4.5% average annual growth in the Chinese economy over the period, exports would rise by about 7% a year.


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The Latin American Economic Outlook analyses issues related to Latin America’s economic and social development. Ever since the first edition was launched at the 17th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government in November 2007 in Santiago (Chile), the report has offered a comparison of Latin American performance with that of other countries and regions in the world, sharing experiences and good practices with the region’s public officials.