82 resultados para Colombia - Relaciones exteriores - Nicaragua
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Prólogo de Alicia Bárcena
This report pursues three complementary aims. Firstly, it presents the first generation of country case studies on social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, published in the ECLAC Project Documents collection; and it provides justifications for developing such systems. Secondly, it sets out a classificatory approach to social protection system in the region, which aims to provide a comparative basis for interpreting national cases. Lastly, using standardized data and case studies, it identifies major trends in the changes the region is undergoing in terms of social protection.
This document analyzes the State’s role in social matters, in terms of social insurance and protection, social promotion and investment, and its distributive and redistributive role. It also describes changes and major trends in the region’s social investment and protection between the beginning of the twentieth century and the 1980s and outlines what is being termed “the reform of social reforms” in the twenty-first century, in the light of the challenges of the region’s social development. Three recent models of universalism are presented, as well as the debates on their potential and limitations. The paper concludes with a summary of the universalist social protection project emerging in the region.
This paper aims to contribute to developing the normative framework for rights-based social protection systems and discusses lessons learned in some emblematic programmes implemented in Latin America which have sought to advance a rights approach. The paper emphasizes the added value of the rights-based approach and describes the normative content of the right to social security. It then describes the basic elements of a rights-based approach and examines how it is operationalized in the design, implementation and evaluation of landmark social protection programmes in the region. The paper seeks to demonstrate that, despite the large gap that still exists between the rhetoric of a human rights approach and its implementation in specific policies, there have been significant achievements in some countries in Latin America. It argues that some of the good practices in the region can serve as policy examples to follow elsewhere. The paper concludes with a number of public policy recommendations with a view to consolidating the rights perspective in social protection programmes.
Este documento se propone realizar una estimación de los costos e impactos de extender la cobertura y mejorar la calidad en materia de transferencias monetarias a los adultos mayores y a las familias con hijos menores de edad para los países de América Latina y el Caribe.
En este documento se identifican y analizan los principales logros y obstáculos de las mujeres para ingresar y desarrollarse en el mercado de trabajo en igualdad con los hombres, por ser un componente fundamental para obtener ingresos propios y lograr su autonomía económica.
This paper seeks to estimate the costs and impacts of expanding the coverage and improving the quality of cash transfers to older people and to families with younge children in the countries of Latin America.
El objetivo del presente documento es presentar y analizar los primeros resultados respecto al uso que hace la población uruguaya de los subsidios establecidos en la nueva Ley de licencia por maternidad, paternidad y medio horario parental a partir de los datos proporcionados por el Banco de Previsión Social de Uruguay (BPS).
Incluye el texto de la nota enviada a los Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de los gobiernos miembros de la Comisión Económica para América Latina por el Comité ad hoc de donaciones para el edificio de las Naciones Unidas en Santiago de Chile (Referencia ECLA/30-55-9).