948 resultados para America latina
¡Bienvenidos!Con entusiasmo iniciamos la publicación del boletín Desafíos, convencidos de la necesidad de disponer de una ventana abierta a un público amplio y diverso con quien compartir nuestras reflexiones y conocimientos sobre el avance de los objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio para la población infantil y adolescente en América Latina y el Caribe.
Welcome! It is with great enthusiasm that we publish this first issue of Challenges bulletin, in the conviction that we need to reach out to a broad and diverse readership and share what we know and think about progress towards the Millennium Development Goals for children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Infant mortality has unquestionably declined throughout Latin America over the last decade, even under conditions of low and unstable economic growth and a meagre overall reduction of poverty in the region. The declines in infant mortality vary from one country to another. The persistence of high infant mortality rates is related to low income, teenage pregnancy and lack of access to basic services, as well as to the lack of appropriate health care infrastructure. At the same time, both the rural population as a whole, and the indigenous and Afro-descendent population in particular, has fallen markedly behind, with overall infant mortality rates much higher than among the rest of the population. Moreover, the cause and incidence of death in this age group have been changing according with the changes in neonatal and post-neonatal deaths. Our editorial line-up has created space for opinions from adolescents and youth, as well as from policy experts on the problem, its causes, and approaches to dealing with infant mortality. We also offer succinct information on a broad range of programmes—utilizing various interventions—in different countries of the region regarding maternal and infant care, in an attempt to bring about a reduction in mortality.
Un tema particularmente sensible.En el marco de los objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio, consagramos esta segunda edición de Desafíos a la situación de la desnutrición infantil en América Latina y el Caribe.Por su parte, la Presidenta de Chile, Michelle Bachelet, en su condición de Jefa de Estado y médico pediatra, presenta argumentos para movilizar a los gobiernos y a la ciudadanía en torno al derecho a la nutrición de la población infantil.
Child labour has a gender bias related to the dominant stereotypes regarding gender roles. While out-of-home paid work is carried out predominantly by boys, girls bear the greater burden in unpaid domestic tasks, whether in their own homes or the homes of others. Boys are more exposed to the risks of being out on the street and find it more difficult to combine work and education. For girls it may be easier to reconcile the spheres of work and education, but they suffer costs that remain hidden and that reinforce their disadvantages throughout the life cycle. On the one hand, they are marked by the assumption that the burden of the care economy is entirely their responsibility, which determines future labour prospects. Indeed, even when girls show greater educational achievement, their occupational options are more limited. On the other hand, girls are exposed to risk within the household, where overexploitation, maltreatment and abuse are as frequent as they are unpunished.