44 resultados para Leaving care, Youth transition, Welfare regime, Social inclusion
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Incluye Bibliografía
El trabajo compara dos programas de transferencias no contributivas a personas mayores (PTNCPM) en México: uno local (el Programa de la Pensión Alimentaria del Distrito Federal, creado en 2001) y otro nacional (el Programa 70 y Más, impulsado en 2007). Se documenta el proceso de envejecimiento de la población en los países de la Región Norte de América Latina y el Caribe; se revisan los principales instrumentos internacionales sobre los derechos de las personas mayores, así como los marcos jurídicos de ambos programas; se propone una guía para el análisis de los PTNCPM desde un enfoque de derechos, y se lleva a cabo una comparación sobre la base de diversas variables. Entre los hallazgos principales del trabajo se encontraron modificaciones de los criterios de elegibilidad: el programa nacional dejó de lado la universalidad para iniciar un proceso de focalización en 2012; la cobertura alcanzó el 100% en ambos casos y se redujo a casi 60% en el programa nacional y a 82% en el local; las prestaciones monetarias directas e indirectas en el caso local duplican las del nacional; en éste hay un sesgo de género favorable a los varones, mientras que en aquél es favorable a las mujeres; la sostenibilidad financiera está asegurada por ley sólo en el programa local; el presupuesto asignado como porcentaje del PIB es del doble en el caso local con respecto al nacional; y la capacitación de tomadores de decisiones, cuadros medios y personal operativo es fundamental para el mejoramiento y ampliación de los programas. Se concluye que el enfoque de derechos garantiza la institucionalidad y sostenibilidad de los programas, además de un ingreso mínimo universal que promueve la cohesión social.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography.
While children in general are overrepresented among those living in poverty, a long history of discrimination and exclusion has ensured that indigenous children in Latin America and the Caribbean are in an even worse position. In the general population 63% of children aged under 18 years live in poverty, as measured by privation of the basic rights to well-being; however, that figure is as high as 88% among indigenous children in the same age group. This is a violation of these children's rights —including their rights to survival and development— and entails high costs for society in terms of productive capacity and social inclusion. That is the thrust of the argument in the central article of this issue of Challenges, which focuses on poverty among indigenous children. The data show a pattern of inequality that is highly detrimental to indigenous children: they make up a disproportionate number of those living in extreme poverty and are three times more likely to lack access to education, safe drinking water and housing than other children. It is a matter of particular concern that in the countries of the Andean Community 5 of every 10 indigenous children under the age of 5 years suffer from chronic malnutrition.This edition includes brief testimonies by indigenous children as to what their life is like; an interview with Marta Maurás, Vice-Chairperson of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child, on the international mechanisms in place to safeguard the rights of indigenous children; and, lastly, an article on the Uantakua programme in Mexico, which uses information and communication technologies in bilingual schools with large indigenous populations.
Regional perspective Opinion: Latin America's enormous vulnerability Perception of threat and vulnerability increase Jobs more precarious The challenges of an ageing population Opportunities for child and adolescent welfare New social stratification in Latin America The drug problem Statistical appendix Recent titles Calendar
The Number of Poor People in Latin America Has Fallen by 13 Million Since 2003 First Round of "Experiences in Social Innovation" Competition Successfully Concludes Op-ed by ECLAC's Executive Secretary, José Luis Machinea. The Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and Challenges Highlights. Polluting Energy Consumption Pattern in Latin America and the Caribbean Cause for Concern Indicators The Information Society Offers the Chance to Grow with Equity and Social Inclusion Recent Titles Calendar of Events
La brecha digital exacerba desigualdades en el acceso a información y conocimiento, socialización con pares, visibilidad y manejo de herramientas básicas para desempeñarse en la sociedad. Reducir esta brecha permite sinergias virtuosas de inclusión social y cultural entre niños, niñas y adolescentes, con impactos positivos en el desarrollo de capacidades y generación de oportunidades para toda su vida. Si bien las nuevas generaciones están conectadas y sus miembros son nativos digitales, persisten desigualdades entre grupos socioeconómicos, aun cuando se han reducido gracias a los programas de conectividad en las escuelas públicas de la región. El artículo central de esta edición de Desafíos aborda –con información actualizada– las brechas y los avances en esta materia. El acceso es solo un primer paso; luego, es necesario proteger a niños y adolescentes contra los riesgos de la conectividad y potenciar los aprendizajes pertinentes y plenos de sentido, promoviendo usos más articulados con el currículo educativo. Por último, el artículo plantea que hay que vincular las políticas de conectividad con el cumplimiento de los derechos de la infancia en el marco de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño. Junto al artículo central, y como es habitual, se informa de encuentros y conferencias en la región durante el año y de publicaciones recientes en la materia. También se presentan buenas prácticas en el Perú para reducir brechas de género y una iniciativa conjunta de los operadores móviles y el UNICEF para proteger a la infancia en la era digital. En Puntos de vista se incluye la opinión de especialistas acerca de la potencialidad de las TIC como una herramienta a tener en cuenta para el ejercicio o vulneración de los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes.
As predicted in the first bulletin, produced jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), the impact of the economic crisis continued to be felt in Latin America and the Caribbean during the second quarter of 2009. Regional exports of goods and services contracted in response to sluggish demand on international markets, while remittances and foreign direct investment flows continued to fall, credit lost its buoyancy and the total wage bill diminished, owing mainly to job losses. As a result, the growth forecasts of many countries had to be adjusted downwards. Since the end of 2008, the countries of the region had started to implement countercyclical policies —albeit with significant differences— in an effort to use public spending to counter flagging investment and consumer-spending levels and boost aggregate demand. In this second bulletin, ECLAC and ILO show how the impact of the crisis has deepened in labour markets in the region in the first half of the year and examine existing options and the outcome of public-infrastructure and emergency employment programmes designed to mitigate the impact of the crisis on the labour market. The unemployment rate has risen in practically all countries compared with the previous year and this situation worsened further in the second quarter, when urban unemployment exceeded the rate of the corresponding period in 2008 by 1 percentage point (to stand at 8.5%, up from 7.5%), while in the first quarter, the variation was 0.6 of a percentage point. Labour indicators also point to an increase in informality, a decline in employment with social protection and a decrease in full-time employment. Labour-market trends observed in the first half-year, together with the forecast for a 1.9% decline in regional GDP in 2009, suggest that the average annual rate of urban unemployment in the region will be close to 8.5%. This forecast is slightly less pessimistic than the estimate given in the first bulletin; this is attributable to the fall in the participation rate in the first half-year to levels that are expected to remain low for the rest of the year. Without this reduction in the labour supply, due largely to the “discouragement effect”, the annual average urban unemployment rate would stand at between 8.8% and 8.9%. Thus, the open urban unemployment figure would increase by 2.5 million and if the “discouraged job-seekers” are included, then the number of additional persons not finding a niche in the urban labour market would climb to 3.2 million. In the region, as in the rest of the world, there are signs that the crisis may have reached bottom in the middle of the year. In many countries, production levels have ceased their decline and there are indications of an incipient recovery leading to cautious optimism that there may be a moderate upturn in labour markets in the fourth quarter. The pace of recovery will vary from one country to the next and is expected to be gradual at best. Even with the return to a growth path, there should be no illusion that the labour problems will immediately disappear. First, the recovery in employment is expected to lag behind the upturn in economic activity. Second, since economic growth is likely to remain moderate in the short term and well below the rates recorded between late 2003 and mid-2008, demand for labour and consequently the generation of good-quality jobs will continue to be weak. Thus, countries should not relax their efforts to defend and create decent jobs, but rather should take steps to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of available instruments. In this way, the region will be in a better position not only to confront the challenges of economic recovery, but also to strengthen the foundations for social inclusion and for advancing under more favourable conditions towards fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals.
“We must be fully aware that while the developed countries became rich before they became old, the developing countries will become old before they become rich”. This statement made by Gro Harlem Brundtland, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, at the World Assembly on Ageing in 2002 in Madrid, reflects the challenges that the developing world is facing in the twentieth century. Population ageing is a global phenomenon, which is having and will have major implications on all aspects of human life in every society. This process is enduring and irreversible, as observed from differing patterns and distinct paces in various regions and countries all over the world. The United Nations has undertaken various efforts to repeatedly draw governments’ attention to the growing demand for answers to these encompassing and profound demographic changes. Various initiatives on the global as well as on the regional and subregional level have been undertaken to highlight the pressing need for concerted action. Of importance in this regard are the numerous agreements reached at the global conferences on social development, population and women orchestrated by the United Nations in the 1990s, which all refer to ageing as an issue of particular concern. The year 1999 was proclaimed by the General Assembly1 of the United Nations as the Year of Older Persons to recognize ageing as one of the major achievements but, at the same time, as one of the major challenges all populations have to cope with in the twentieth century. This continuous call for action culminated in the Second World Assembly on Ageing, which was held in Madrid 2002, where governments agreed to the implementation of a global action plan. This new Plan of Action focuses both on political priorities such as improvements in living conditions of older persons, combating poverty, social inclusion, individual self-fulfilment, human rights and gender equality. To an increasing degree attention is also devoted to such holistic and overarching themes as intergenerational solidarity, employment, social security, health and well-being. Mandated by the Second World Assembly on Ageing, the Population Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC/CELADE) has convened the Regional Intergovernmental Conference on Ageing in November 2003 in Santiago, where a regional strategy for the implementation (ECLAC, 2003b) of the commitments reached in Madrid has been adopted. Further, a background document (ECLAC 2003a) on the situation of the elderly in the Latin American and Caribbean region, of which this document is a substantive part, has been presented to the meeting. Participating government officials formally committed themselves to work on a national follow-up strategy and to report on the progress made in the implementation of their commitments to the Ad hoc Committee on Population and Development to be convened in 2004.
The world is living a change of era. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals represent the international community’s response to the economic, distributive and environmental imbalances built up under the prevailing development pattern. This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-sixth session, provides an analytical complement to the 2030 Agenda from a structuralist perspective and from the point of view of the Latin American and Caribbean countries. The proposals made here stem from the need to achieve progressive structural change in order to incorporate more knowledge into production, ensure social inclusion and combat the negative impacts of climate change. The reflections and proposals for advancing towards a new development pattern are geared to achieving equality and environmental sustainability. In these proposals, the creation of global and regional public goods and the corresponding domestic policies form the core for expanding the structuralist tradition towards a global Keynesianism and a development strategy centred around an environmental big push.
The world is living a change of era. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals represent the international community’s response to the economic, distributive and environmental imbalances built up under the prevailing development pattern. This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-sixth session, provides an analytical complement to the 2030 Agenda from a structuralist perspective and from the point of view of the Latin American and Caribbean countries. The proposals made here stem from the need to achieve progressive structural change in order to incorporate more knowledge into production, ensure social inclusion and combat the negative impacts of climate change. The reflections and proposals for advancing towards a new development pattern are geared to achieving equality and environmental sustainability. In these proposals, the creation of global and regional public goods and the corresponding domestic policies form the core for expanding the structuralist tradition towards a global Keynesianism and a development strategy centred around an environmental big push.
An on-line survey of experts was conducted to solicit their views on policy priorities in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the Caribbean. The experts considered the goal to “promote teacher training in the use of ICTs in the classroom” to be the highest priority, followed by goals to “reduce the cost of broadband services” and “promote the use of ICT in emergency and disaster prevention, preparedness and response.” Goals in the areas of cybercrime, e-commerce, egovernment, universal service funds, consumer protection, and on-line privacy rounded out the top 10. Some of the lowest ranked goals were those related to coordinating the management of infrastructure changes. These included the switchover for digital terrestrial television (DTT) and digital FM radio, cloud computing for government ICT, the introduction of satellite-based internet services, and the installation of content distribution networks (CDNs). Initiatives aimed at using ICT to promote specific industries, or specific means of promoting the digital economy, tended toward the centre of the rankings. Thus, a general pattern emerged which elevated the importance of focusing on how ICT is integrated into the broader society, with economic issues a lower priority, and concerns about coordination on infrastructure issues lower still.