48 resultados para Kitchin, Rob (ed.) Mapping worlds: International perspectives on Social and Cultural Geographies.
Evalua y examina nuevas perspectivas en relacion al rol y programa de trabajo del CDCC.
Contiene organización de los trabajos, resumen de los debates y recomendaciones y conclusiones. Incluye además, definición de términos utilizados; criterios para definir las principales características y necesidades de las zonas altas de la Región Andina; lista de participantes y lista de documentos presentados en el Seminario.
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The International Meeting on Gender Statistics and Indicators for Measuring the Incidence of and Trends in Violence against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean met from 21 to 23 November 2001 in La Paz, Bolivia. The meeting was attended by statisticians and specialists in gender studies on violence against women from various countries of the region, specialists of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations as well as international cooperation agencies. Once the group work sessions had concluded, the specialists adopted a series of political and technical recommendations addressed to national statistical institutes, national Women's offices, victim services, Women's organizations and international cooperation agencies.
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The main objective of the meeting was to present recommendations to the Ad Hoc Committee established by the United Nations to consider proposals and elements for inclusion in an international convention aimed at protecting and promoting the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Attending the meeting were key stakeholders from the human rights and disabled community, public and private sector, the academic community, and members of the United Nations system.
Informa acerca de la Conferencia Internacional sobre Poblacion, 1984, y sus implicaciones para las actividades relacionadas con poblacion en el Caribe.
Publicacado también en español en: Integración Latinoamericana, No 115, agosto de 1986
Comenta aspectos principales sobre los cuales se centro el debate en la reunion.
Includes bibliography
This month's issue of the FAL Bulletin takes a panoramic view of the present World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations, soon to embark on the Sixth Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ). Reduced expectations on the outcomes of this meeting due to the scant progress on critical issues - such as the liberalization of the agricultural sector - increase the challenge to conclude the Doha Round by the end of 2006. The governments of the region have a role to play in the direction this process may take. Additional details on the progress of these objectives can be obtained in chapter II of Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy, 2004 Trends 2005.