Development thinking and policies: the way ahead / Gert Rosenthal. -- Macroeconomic policies for growth / Ricardo Ffrench-Davis. -- Capital flows: lessons from the Chilean experience / Eduardo Aninat, Christian Lorrain. -- Changes In the industrial development of Latin America / José Miguel Benavente, Gustavo Crespi, Jorge Katz, Giovanni Stumpo. -- Pension system reforms in Latin America: the position of the International organizations / Carmelo Mesa-Lago. -- The contributions of applied anthropology to peasant development / John Durston. -- Biodiversity prospecting: a new panacea for development? / Julie M. Feinsilver. -- Foreign Investment and competitive development In Latin America and the Caribbean / Alejandro C. Vera-Vassallo. -- The Mexican peso crisis / Stephany Grijfìth-Jones.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
The International Meeting on Gender Statistics and Indicators for Measuring the Incidence of and Trends in Violence against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean met from 21 to 23 November 2001 in La Paz, Bolivia. The meeting was attended by statisticians and specialists in gender studies on violence against women from various countries of the region, specialists of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations as well as international cooperation agencies. Once the group work sessions had concluded, the specialists adopted a series of political and technical recommendations addressed to national statistical institutes, national Women's offices, victim services, Women's organizations and international cooperation agencies.
For the countries of the Caribbean, the international trade and transport of goods are more important than for many others in the region (see FAL Bulletin No. 136 Maritime transport in the Caribbean), and the subregion is strongly affected by structural changes in maritime transport (see FAL Bulletin No. 142 The impact of structural changes in liner shipping on Caribbean ports).For these reasons ECLAC's Transport Unit and the Commissions' sub-headquarters in the Caribbean, jointly organized a Meeting of Experts which took place in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, from 14 to 15 September 2000. Twenty-six participants took part, representing different academic, intergovernmental, financial and industrial institutions and organizations.This edition of the FAL Bulletin presents some of the results of this meeting.
An international seminar-workshop entitled "Facilitation of trade and transport in Latin America: situation and outlook" was held at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on 29 and 30 November 2005, organized jointly by the ECLAC Division of International Trade and Integration and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The event was attended by about 50 persons involved in customs modernization and/or the implementation of single window systems for foreign trade in 20 Ibero-American countries.The main purpose of the seminar-workshop was to exchange ideas, opinions and proposals concerning the efficient implementation of trade facilitation instruments. The conclusions reached at this event point to the need to seek convergence among the existing trade agreements associated with trade facilitation in Latin America. Customs modernization requires the re-design of processes and procedures in order to achieve interoperability among the systems, and single window systems for foreign trade can only be implemented successfully if clear political leadership is established with broad participation from both public and private organizations.