43 resultados para Asia Pacific Studies
Includes Bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Document prepared on the occasion of the visit of President Barack Obama to Brazil, Chile and El Salvador in March 2011
Includes bibliography.
Prefacio de Alicia Bárcena
Incluye bibliografía
Incluye bibliografía
Incluye bibliografía
Traducción libre de Adriana Aguilera de: Population and Development: Frameworks for Research and Planning, Asian Population Studies Series n. 82, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ECLACs International Trade and Integration Division (DCII) will launch the book titled Information Technology for Development of Small and Medium-sized Exporters in Latin America and East Asia in the end of September 2005. The report provides an overview of the present condition of Information Technology (IT) and its use to promote international trade. It focuses on the experiences of IT usage by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Latin American and Asian-Pacific regions, with a special focus on SME exporters in the 13 researched countries, that were selected from the Forum for East Asia - Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC) member countries. This issue of the FAL bulletin is produced based on the executive summary of the book.
This guideline jointly published by The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT), in partnership with the Urban Design Lab of the Earth Institute, Columbia University, provides practical tools for city planners and decision makers to reform urban planning and infrastructure design according to the principles of eco-efficiency and social inclusiveness. It includes case studies from the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Japan and Sri Lanka.