30 resultados para Road freight transport


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Includes bibliography


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The previous edition of the FAL bulletin presented the price indices of maritime transport in three main market segments. This edition includes an analysis of the maritime cycle and trends in the transport capacity of the routes that in turn serve the routes of Latin America and the Caribbean.


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This edition of the FAL Bulletin provides an account of recent developments and trends in rail and urban transport and road maintenance in Latin America and the Caribbean.


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Includes bibliography


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For over a quarter of a century, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has been in the vanguard of the search for greater physical integration among South American countries, especially in the area of transport, including road, rail, river and multimodal transport.Its activities in this field have ranged from drafting agreements to the design and introduction of concrete measures and have been carried out, either individually, at the request of the Governments of member States, or in collaboration with other organizations, such as the Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean (INTAL), which is part of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).


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Concessions have become an important mechanism in Latin America for attracting financing and private management to the highway sector. Highways are one of the areas of transport infrastructure in which this concept in long-term investment in road conservation and management has been widely applied and the concession-holder's costs are recouped through tolls and other complementary mechanisms.After a brisk start in the 1990s, the pattern of road concessions has proved to be less dynamic in the current decade. Nevertheless, highway concessions have expanded significantly and now account for 1% of the total inter-city road network. The international seminar entitled "Concessions for the provision of transport infrastructure: challenges for Latin America" was organized jointly by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Agency for the Promotion of Private Investment of Peru (PROINVERSION) and held in Lima, Peru, on 13 and 14 November 2003.


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This issue of the Bulletin provides a brief overview of the maritime transport industry in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on the behaviour of freight rates and the costs associated with chartering and shipbuilding, all of which increased sharply in 2003. Three separate markets will be analysed: 1) the containerized general cargo market; 2) the dry bulk cargo market and 3) the liquid bulk (crude oil and oil products) market. This study has incorporated contributions made by professional experts in the field and institutions associated with ports and maritime transport in the region, received subsequent to the study prepared and disseminated in January 2004.


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This issue of the Bulletin deals with road safety, which has become an urgent worldwide problem. Given the fact that road accidents are increasing, that they affect the planet's most vulnerable population (namely the lowest income groups in developing countries) and that this is becoming a genuine public health crisis, the United Nations has decided that it is urgent to address the matter. The World Health Organization (WHO) has therefore dedicated the World Health Day 2004 to road safety.Given the urgent need for action, the Chiefs of Transport of the five Regional Economic Commissions of the United Nations held a meeting in Geneva (September 2004), where they agreed to reinforce the studies and projects carried out in this area.Below is a summary of various information sources and initiatives adopted to assess and tackle this modern epidemic and offers a pessimistic outlook for 2020, when road traffic crashes will constitute the third cause of death unless serious action is taken from today.


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The third ordinary meeting of the Conference of South American Ministers of Transport, Communications and Public Works was held from 6 to 8 November 1996 in Montevideo, Uruguay. Representatives of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela took part. Representatives of the following organizations were present as observers: the Latin American and Caribbean Federation of National Associations of Cargo Agents, the Latin American Railways Association, the Latin American Association for Automated Highway Transport, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Road Federation/German Agency for Technical Cooperation (IRF/GTZ); and other representatives from both the private and public sectors.


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The present and subsequent editions of the Bulletin will deal with the issue of road maintenance, its close connection with transport costs and its impact upon the international competitiveness of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. When roads are in poor condition, vehicle operating costs increase by 30 to 50% or even more. Autonomous, adequate and regular funding contributes to effective road maintenance and, consequently, to reducing vehicle operating costs.


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Electronic transactions are becoming increasingly commonplace in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, despite the collapse of many dotcom firms and the failure of e-commerce to make inroads in the region. In the transport sphere, the gradual incorporation of technology in support of processes and the exchange of money flows between players has brought greater versatility, security and flexibility. In public transport, such initiatives take the form of automatic ticket machines and prepaid card dispensing machines. In urban transit, electronic purses used for the supervision and payment of parking time, and in road pricing, electronic toll systems streamline the process of collecting money; this is especially the case with motorways and urban concessions. And in shipping, electronic transfers are increasingly being used for the payment of customs dues and port charges.In view of the importance of the topic and the interest expressed in it, the Transport Unit has begun a study of these issues, and recently published a paper entitled Sistemas de cobro electrónico de pasajes en el transporte público, ("Electronic systems for payment of tickets in public transport") LC/L.1752-P/E, July 2002, on which this issue of the Bulletin is based.


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Since the worldwide freight crisis that began in mid-2002, maritime transport prices have remained higher than pre-crisis levels and have proved to be fairly volatile. This edition of the Bulletin is the first one of the year to analyse maritime transport markets. It covers price trends in three maritime transport markets: containers, bulk carriers, and petroleum and refinery byproducts.


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One of the consequences of the opening of the worlds economies - an integral part of globalization - is increased focus on the efficiency and costs of transport services (on which competitiveness is largely dependent). Countries with inefficient and costly transport services lose out, in terms of economic activity and income, to those with more appropriate transport services. The issue is particularly important in Latin America, where exports mainly consist of bulk consignments of products with comparatively low value/quantity ratios and transport costs are a major determining factor of c.i.f. prices.The determination of competitiveness indices in the long term, however, also needs to include the costs of pollution, congestion and accidents, in addition to the transport costs usually considered as part of the price of freight. Competitiveness, efficiency and the global costs of transport were the main subjects of an international seminar organized in conjunction with the Chilean Institute of Engineers and held on 9 and 10 September 2004 at the Headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).