Incluye Bibliografía
Documento de base para la V Conferencia de Ministros
Includes bibliography
On 12 September 2006, on the occasion of the launching of the report Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy, 2005-2006, the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, José Luis Machinea, presented a new version of the software program Module for the Analysis of Growth of International Commerce (MAGIC). The first version of MAGIC was created by ECLAC Subregional Headquarters in Mexico , to conduct ex post analysis of the competitiveness of countries' exports to the United States market. The new application architecture was made possible thanks to financial support from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Division of Production, Productivity and Management of ECLAC headquarters in Santiago , Chile . This issue of the FAL Bulletin reviews the progress of MAGIC in the ten years it has been functioning, and the evolution which has made it one of ECLAC's most popular, versatile, and technologically advanced applications.
A new methodology is proposed for evaluating the economic development opportunities associated with the different industries making up a country’s economic structure. To this end, neo-Schumpeterian concepts are used to reinterpret the tools afforded by the “product space” literature in an attempt to assess the technological pervasiveness and sophistication of different production sectors. The ultimate objective is to develop a description of today’s techno-productive paradigm and the differential role that the various sectors play in it. An analysis of export data from 113 countries and territories for 2005-2009 indicates that the key sectors in the world economy are: industrial machinery, scientific and medical instruments, and pharmaceuticals. The strong performance of sectors based on mature technologies suggests that key sectors originating in different stages in history can survive and overlap one another, much like geological strata, owing to the persistence of older technological systems.