195 resultados para plan of action
Esta es la versión de la propuesta del Plan de Acción eLAC2015 acordada en la reunión preparatoria de la tercera Conferencia Ministerial sobre la Sociedad de la Información de América Latina y el Caribe, celebrada en Montevideo, los días 23 y 24 de septiembre de 2010, con los cambios editoriales introducidos por la CEPAL.
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
In Part XV (Implementation Monitoring and Review);, of the Programme of Action of Small Island Developing States (SIDS POA);, which was adopted at the United Nations Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (UNGCSIDS);, 26 April- 6 May 1994, in its paragraph 117, it is provided that the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD); should, inter alia: Carry out an initial review of the progress achieved and steps taken to implement the Programme of Action, to be undertaken by the Commission on Sustainable Development in 1996 in accordance with its Multi-Year Thematic Programme of Work. Furthermore, in 1997, when the Commission will carry out the overall review of Agenda 21 with a view to preparing for the 1997 special session of the General Assembly, the Commission should recommend specific modalities for the full review of the Programme of Action in 1999. That full review would include the question of the convening of a second global conference in accordance with chapter 17, Section G of Agenda 21. At the twenty-second special session which convened on 27-28 September 1999 to undertake a "review and appraisal of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States", it was recommended, inter alia, that: "Although periodic reviews of certain aspects of the Programme of Action are envisaged within the context of the work of the Commission on Sustainable Development, a full and comprehensive review of these decisions and the implementation of the Programme of Action would be useful and required in 2004." In the Plan of Implementation adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD);, which convened in Johannesburg, South Africa, over the period, 26 August-4 Septemeber 2002, the relevant recommendation was as follows: "Undertake a full and comprehensive review of the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States in 2004, in accordance with the provisions set forth in General Assembly resolution S-22/2, and in this context requests the General Assembly at its fifty-seventh session to consider convening an international meeting for the sustainable development of small island developing States."
Avanzando con la implementación del Plan de Acción de ALC sobre la Sociedad de la Información eLAC2007. Avances de Grupos de Trabajo eLAC2007. Indicadores Clave para medir las TIC para el desarrollo La falta de información sobre la Sociedad de la Información en ALC y soluciones en construcción. Seminario en el Caribe sobre Políticas Públicas de TIC. CEPAL y Comisión Europea firman memorando en materias de cohesión social e integración regional El gobierno electrónico y la interoperabilidad ¿Cómo impactan las TIC en la economía? ¿Cuáles son las temáticas más relevantes de eLAC2007? Enfocarse en el Caribe: mucho está pasando y mucho falta por pasar en políticas públicas …y ahora la solución ¿es TV Digital Terrestre y Convergencia Tecnológica en América Latina y el Caribe? Sin monitoreo del eLAC2007 no se constatan los avances. Últimas publicaciones. Preparando la II Conferencia Ministerial sobre la Sociedad de la Información eLAC2007.
Lecciones aprendidas del Plan de Acción Regional. Presidente de El Salvador destaca el desafío de reducir la brecha digital. II Foro de Gobernanza de Internet, una visión desde la perspectiva de los gobiernos de Argentina y Brasil. Reportes de los Grupos de Trabajo eLAC2007. Monitoreo del eLAC2007 @LIS: lecciones aprendidas de cuatro años de colaboración Europa-América Latina para la Sociedad de la Información Jefes de estado y de gobierno resaltan la importancia de las TIC y el eLAC2007 para el desarrollo regional. Experiencias y planes para la inclusión digital en América Latina y el Caribe. La inversión en TIC es importante para el desarrollo económico de América Latina y el Caribe Delphi de Prioridades de Políticas eLAC: el diseño participativo de políticas para el desarrollo de sociedades de la información en América Latina y el Caribe. El Fondo de la Solidaridad Digital, ha otorgado financiamiento para dos proyectos de la región. Últimas publicaciones. Avances regionales en la generación de indicadores de acceso y uso de TIC.
Hacia un nuevo Plan de Acción Regional eLAC2010. Haití desarrolla primer laboratorio de realidad virtual en la región. Los desafíos para la tercera fase de OSILAC. Opinan expertos sobre importancia de cooperación regional y el eLAC. Temas destacados del Segundo Foro de Gobernanza de Internet 2007. Gestión del conocimiento, TIC, e innovación en América Latina y el Caribe. Noticias breves. Últimas publicaciones. Entrevistas: ¿Qué significa el nuevo eLAC para su institución?
Presentando el nuevo Plan de Acción Regional eLAC2010. Cuadro con metas cuantificables del eLAC2010. Seminario UN DESA GAID lanza nueva red regional. Gobiernos: ¿Cuáles metas son más importantes para su país? Sector privado: Telefónica y HP comentan el nuevo eLAC2010. Ericsson promueve enfoque multistakeholder para América Latina. Buscando la paridad de género en sociedades de la información. Noticias breves del mundo de las TIC. Últimas publicaciones.
The report is a summary based on information received by ECLAC from the eight English-speaking Caribbean countries of Barbados, Belize, the Cayman Islands, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Jamaica, Suriname, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago in response to the questionnaire to governments on the Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) and the Outcome of the Twenty-Third Special Session of the General Assembly (2000). The report is therefore set in the context of the regional review and appraisals of the fifteenth anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 2010. This Executive Summary highlights the achievements and the challenges for the Caribbean subregion in the progress towards implementation of the Beijing Platform of Action.
The secretariat is hereby circulating the present document, prepared by the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), to members of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), as input to the meeting of the Committee on South-South Cooperation to be held in the framework of the thirty-sixth session of the Commission.
The region of Latin America and the Caribbean can boast a successful track record in the process of eradicating hunger: it is the only region in the world that has halved both the proportion of people who suffer from hunger (the target set in the Millennium Development Goals) and their absolute number (the target set at the World Food Summit of 1996). This publication aims to provide the region’s countries with up-todate and timely information on the status of food and nutrition security; on the role in eradicating hunger played by the different areas such as agriculture, agrifood trade and natural resources management; and on the possibility of successfully addressing the twin burden of malnutrition, in a context where the effects of climate change could threaten the progress achieved in Latin America and the Caribbean thus far. The CELAC Plan for Food and Nutrition Security and the Eradication of Hunger 2025 is a cross-cutting tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; and it thus encourages the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to redouble their efforts to identify key policy areas that will make it possible to speed up and consolidate the process of eradicating hunger and tackle the twin burden of malnutrition in the region, in which overweight and obesity are increasingly adding to that scourge.