327 resultados para Regional economic integration
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Includes Bibliography
The current issue of the Bulletin is based on a document prepared by the ECLAC Transport Unit, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division, on maritime and port security in South America: implementation of measures, general status as of mid-2004 (in Spanish only). This is a joint activity of the Technical Coordination Committee of the presidential initiative for Regional Infrastructure Integration in South America (IIRSA) and ECLAC. This document served as an input for a meeting on this subject held by representatives of the authorities of South American countries in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 22 June 2004. In this issue the results are presented of two recent surveys conducted by the users, operators and governmental authorities of the region on the new maritime and port security measures of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). An effort was made, on the one hand, to ascertain the existing level of awareness of the measures and the perceptions of impact, the potential costs and responsibility for the cost of the measures, and on the other hand to ascertain the degree of progress in their implementation, for which the deadline was 1 July 2004.
El estudio recientemente publicado por la División de Comercio Internacional e Integración de la CEPAL, estima que el 2005 será un buen año para el comercio de los países de la región. A pesar del contexto internacional favorable, persisten severos problemas de competitividad. Es preciso aumentar la productividad, impulsar la innovación tecnológica y participar pro-activamente en las redes internacionales.Entre las conclusiones del Estudio, se plantea la necesidad de actualizar la integración; reflexionar en forma estratégica sobre el vínculo a construir con China y los países del Pacífico; administrar los tratados de libre comercio para aumentar y diversificar las exportaciones; intensificar el ritmo de trabajo y coordinación con países en desarrollo sobre la ronda de Doha, e incorporar gradualmente las exigencias de seguridad en las políticas de competitividad, velando porque las mismas no se transformen en barreras proteccionistas (trazabilidad, inocuidad alimentaria y seguridad portuaria y de transporte marítimo).
This issue of the Bulletin deals with road safety, which has become an urgent worldwide problem. Given the fact that road accidents are increasing, that they affect the planet's most vulnerable population (namely the lowest income groups in developing countries) and that this is becoming a genuine public health crisis, the United Nations has decided that it is urgent to address the matter. The World Health Organization (WHO) has therefore dedicated the World Health Day 2004 to road safety.Given the urgent need for action, the Chiefs of Transport of the five Regional Economic Commissions of the United Nations held a meeting in Geneva (September 2004), where they agreed to reinforce the studies and projects carried out in this area.Below is a summary of various information sources and initiatives adopted to assess and tackle this modern epidemic and offers a pessimistic outlook for 2020, when road traffic crashes will constitute the third cause of death unless serious action is taken from today.
The content of this article is the natural continuation of both FAL Bulletin No. 167 and FAL Bulletin No. 171. FAL Bulletin No. 167 advanced conceptually in the definition of the term trade facilitation and a general explanation of how some international bodies and the FTAA process itself deal with this issue. This month's article expands on the information regarding trade facilitation within the FTAA, which brings together the sizeable number of 34 countries from the Western Hemisphere.Similarly, taking into account that FAL Bulletin No. 171 reported on some progress toward trade facilitation regulations within the framework of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), the current article takes a complementary approach, reporting on developments favourable to trade facilitation in another agreement for economic integration, which basically proposes the creation of a free trade area.
This edition of the Bulletin is based on a document prepared by ECLAC and the Technical Coordination Committee of the presidential initiative for Regional Infrastructure Integration in South America (IIRSA), which is composed of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Andean Development Corporation (ADC) and the Financial Fund for the Development of the River Plate Basin (FONPLATA). The document was prepared as a joint activity on maritime and port security in South America in the context of the IIRSA sectoral integration process in relation to operational systems for maritime transport. It served as an input for the meeting on that subject held by representatives of the authorities of the South American countries in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 22 June 2004.This edition presents the results of the implementation cost assessment for the new compulsory regulations for maritime and port security of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and also considers the costs of the voluntary measures.
The study recently published by the Division of International Trade and Integration of ECLAC considers that 2005 will be a good year for trade in the countries of the region. Despite a favourable international context, there are still serious problems of competitiveness. The region needs to increase productivity, promote technological innovation and take a proactive part in worldwide networks. The conclusions of the study include the need to update integration; to take a strategic view of the links to be constructed with China and the countries of the Pacific; to manage free-trade agreements so as to increase and diversify exports; to step up the pace of work and improve coordination with the developing countries on the Doha Round, and to gradually incorporate the demands of security into competitiveness policies, ensuring that they do not become protectionist barriers (traceability, food safety and maritime and port security).
The contents of this article complement those of the recently published FAL Bulletin No. 201, which referred to the rules of origin included in economic integration agreements signed by members of the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA). On this occasion the relationship between rules of origin and facilitation of international trade in goods is examined. The contents of both this issue and of FAL Bulletin No. 201 have been taken from a more extensive document written by the same author, which is publication No. 28 of the ECLAC Comercio Internacional Series, Normas de origen y procedimientos para su administración en América Latina, of May 2003.
Inversión extranjera directa y desarrollo: la experiencia del Mercosur / Daniel Chudnovsky y Andrés López. -- Desarrollo de ventajas competitivas: pymes exportadoras exitosas en Argentina, Chile y Colombia / Dario Milesi, Virginia Moori, Verónica Robert y Gabriel Yoguel. -- Efectos de la capacitación en la competitividad de la industria manufacturer / Ramón Padilla y Miriam Juárez. -- La inserción laboral de los jóvenes: características, tensiones y desafíos / Jürgen Weller. -- La globalización de la atención de la salud: oportunidades para el Caribe / Richard L. Bernal. -- La protección social en el Caribe de habla inglesa / Oliver Paddison. -- Reforzando un pilar fiscal: el impuesto a la renta dual a la uruguaya / Alberto Barreix y Jerónimo Roca. -- Migraciones internacionales y desarrollo: el impacto socioeconómico de las remesas en Colombia / David Khoudour-Castéras. -- Agentes extrasectoriales y transformaciones recientes en el agro argentine / Clara Craviotti. -- Jueces de la Revista de la CEPAL 2005-2006. -- Orientaciones para los colaboradores de la Revista de la CEPAL. -- La Revista de la CEPAL en Internet . -- Publicaciones recientes de la CEPAL.
Foreign direct investment and development: the MERCOSUR experience / Daniel Chudnovsky and Andrés López. -- Developing competitive advantages: successful export SMES in Argentina, Chile and Colombia / Dario Milesi, Virginia Moori, Verónica Robert and Gabriel Yoguel. -- Effects of training on competitiveness in the manufacturing sector / Ramón Padilla and Miriam Juárez. -- Youth employment: characteristics, tensions and challenges / Jürgen Weller. -- The globalization of the health-care industry: opportunities for the Caribbean / Richard L. Bernal. -- Social protection in the English-speaking Caribbean / Oliver Paddison. -- Strengthening a fiscal pillar: the Uruguayan dual income tax / Alberto Barreix and Jerónimo Roca. -- International migration and development: the socioeconomic impact of remittances in Colombia / David Khoudour-Castéras. -- Non-sectoral agents and recent changes in Argentina’s agricultural sector / Clara Craviotti. -- Referees for CEPAL Review 2005-2006. -- Guidelines for contributors to the CEPAL Review. -- CEPAL Review on the Internet. -- Recent ECLAC publications.