482 resultados para worm

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A enguia mirongo-mirim Myrophis punctatus vive em agrupamentos de alta densidade populacional e comumente se enterra ou permanece sob o substrato. Esses comportamentos podem levar a marcas químicas no subtrato e podem, portanto, modular o uso do espaço nessa espécie. Neste estudo, testamos a hipótese de que a preferência espacial da enguia mirongo-mirim é influenciada pela presença de odor do animal coespecífico no subtrato. Mostramos que as enguias evitam a área que contém tal odor, indicando que as decisões de ocupação espacial podem ser influenciadas por pistas químicas de coespecíficos. As enguias claramente detectaram o odor de um animal coespecífico e essa percepção poderia ser um indicativo da presença de um coespecífico enterrado no substrato. Visto que elas evitam uma área contendo tal odor, sugerimos que isso poderia ser uma resposta para evitar invadir o território de um animal residente.


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Dioctophyme renale larvae have been found in cysts in the gastric wall of 5.17% (3/58) Chaunus ictericus specimens from Sao Cristovao district, Tres Barras municipality, Santa Catarina state, Brazil. However, larvae of this nematode were not found in sympatric Chaunus schneideri. The larvae caused a mild granulomatous reaction. This is the first report of paratenic hosts for D. renale in Brazil, and probably is also the first in the Neotropical region. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The screw-worm Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), whose larvae develop in wild and domestic animals as well as in man, is one of the major causes of myiasis in Brazil. Sheep raising is expanding in the state of São Paulo, where information about the infestation of screw-worm is necessary for appropriate control measures. The present data were obtained from questionnaires sent to all sheep breeders belonging to 'Associação Paulista de Criadores de Ovinos' - ASPACO (São Paulo State Association of Sheep Breeders). Response reliability was tested by random visits paid to 10.6% of the respondents. The results show that screw-worm is the most frequent ectoparasite in the flocks and is responsible for the greatest economic losses. Its occurrence is strongly associated with flock size, reaching 100% in hocks consisting of more than 500 animals. Infestation is higher in spring and summer and lowest in the fall. The number of cases increases in the presence of some management practices such as tail amputation. Furthermore, several other associations between the indicators surveyed were also found to be significant. The data obtained will permit the elaboration of strategies for the control of this parasitosis.


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The effects of natural infection with Haemonchus contortus were compared in 15 Corriedale lambs and 18 Crioula Lanada lambs kept in the grazing conditions after weaning. The following parameters were assessed weekly for 9 consecutive weeks: number of eggs per gram of feces (EPG), packed cell volume (PCV), total serum proteins (TSP) and albumin (ALB). At 10 weeks, the animals were slaughtered and autopsied to evaluate to the worm burden and eosinophil, mast cell and globule leukocyte counts in histological sections of the abomasum. EPG counts and worm burden were significantly lower in Crioula lambs, which also showed higher levels of PCV, TSP and ALB, as well as higher eosinophil and globule leukocyte counts. Mast cell counts were similar for the two breeds. These results indicate that, under intensive pasture conditions, the Crioula Lanada breed shows a better response to natural infection with H. contortus, suggesting greater resistance to parasitism. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The luciferases of the railroad worm Phrixotrix (Coleoptera: Phengodidae) are the only beetle luciferases that naturally produce true red bioluminescence. Previously, we cloned the green- (PxGR) and red-emitting (PxRE) luciferases of railroad worms Phrixotrix viviani and P. hirtus[OLE1]. These luciferases were expressed and purified, and their active-site properties were determined. The red-emitting PxRE luciferase displays flash-like kinetics, whereas PxGR luciferase displays slow-type kinetics. The substrate affinities and catalytic efficiency of PxRE luciferase are also higher than those of PxGR luciferase. Fluorescence studies with 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid and 6-p-toluidino-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid showed that the PxRE luciferase luciferin-binding site is more polar than that of PxGR luciferase, and it is sensitive to guanidine. Alutagenesis and modelling studies suggest that several invariant residues in the putative luciferin-binding site of PxRE luciferase cannot interact with excited oxyluciferin. These results suggest that one portion of the luciferin-binding site of the red-emitting luciferase is tighter than that of PxGR luciferase, whereas the other portion could be more open and polar.


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An experiment was conducted to examine the influence of dietary protein and immunisation on parasite establishment and pathogenesis of Haemonchus placei in calves. Four groups of 4-6-month-old worm-free calves (n=4) were given a low protein diet (LP) containing 213 g crude protein (CP) per head per day or a high-protein diet (HP) containing 469 g per head per day CP. Five weeks later, calves in one of the two groups of each dietary treatment were given 50 000 H. placei infective larvae (L(3)). Twenty-five days later, infection in these groups was terminated by dosing with oxfendazole, This immunisation process was repeated 4 days later. Four days after termination of the second immunisation all calves were challenged with 100 000 L(3). Five weeks later, all calves were slaughtered for abomasal worm counts. Worm establishment was lower in the immunised groups; however, only the HP-I group showed a significant reduction (P < 0.05). All calves gained weight during the first 13 week period, and after challenge the non-immunised groups lost weight, independent of the level of protein in the diet (P < 0.05), Packed cell volume values for all treatments only dropped after challenge (P < 0.05) and the HP-immunised group presented values significantly higher when compared with the other treatments, All calves were hypoproteinaemic and hypoalbuminaemic at the end of the experiment, regardless of the treatment. Immunised calves showed a normocytic normochromic anaemia, while the non-immunised groups presented a microcytic normochromic anaemia.


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The Pleistocene Chui Formation at Osorio (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) consists of coastal marine and eolian sands, the former containing abundant and well-preserved Ophiomorpha nodosa burrow systems. Detailed ichnological study has revealed interesting features associated with them. Small-sized Ophiomorpha, here assigned to a new ichnospecies, O. puerilis, are interpreted as possible burrows of juvenile thalassinidean crustaceans probably belonging to the same species as the producers of larger O. nodosa. Additionally, helicoidal burrows with thick, concentrically laminated linings are associated with the walls of O. nodosa. They are assigned to the new ichnospecies Cylindrichnus helix, and they are interpreted as dwellings of commensal annelid worms. The association of these three icbnospecies constitutes a fossil example of the role of thalassinideans as ecosystem engineers able to modify their environment and to create new space and resources usable by other organisms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To find the regions having a major influence on the bioluminescence spectra of railroad worm luciferases, we constructed new chimeric luciferases switching the fragments from residues 1-219 and from 220-545 between Phrixotrix viviani (PxvGR; λmax = 548 nm) green light-emitting luciferase and Phrixothrix hirtus (PxhRE; λmax = 623 nm) red light-emitting luciferases. The emission spectrum (λmax = 571 nm) and KM for luciferin in the chimera PxRE220GR (1-219, PxhRE; 220-545, PxvGR) suggested that the region above residue 220 of PxvGR had a major effect on the active site. However, switching the sequence between the residues 226-344 from PxvGR luciferase into PxhRE (PxREGRRE) luciferase resulted in red light emission (λmax = 603 nm), indicating that the region 220-344 by itself does not determine the emission spectrum. Furthermore, the sequence before residue 220 of the green-emitting luciferase is incompatible for light emission with the sequence above residue 220 of PxhRE. These results suggest that the fragments before and after residue 220, which correspond to distinct subdomains, may fold differently in the green- and red-emitting luciferases, affecting the active site conformation.


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Traditional Monte Carlo simulations of QCD in the presence of a baryon chemical potential are plagued by the complex phase problem and new numerical approaches are necessary for studying the phase diagram of the theory. In this work we consider a ℤ3 Polyakov loop model for the deconfining phase transition in QCD and discuss how a flux representation of the model in terms of dimer and monomer variable solves the complex action problem. We present results of numerical simulations using a worm algorithm for the specific heat and two-point correlation function of Polyakov loops. Evidences of a first order deconfinement phase transition are discussed. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A high prevalence of nematodes, especially Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis, that exhibit multiple anthelmintics resistance has been reported in sheep in several South American countries. For this reason, the development of strategies that are less dependent on anthelmintic treatments is imperative for the prophylaxis of gastrointestinal nematode infections in small ruminants. Integrated grazing using cattle and sheep can be used for pasture decontamination with considerable reduction of H. contortus and T. colubnformis infective larvae after cattle grazing. Several breeds of sheep exhibit genetically related resistance against nematode infections, as is the case of crioulo, native or naturalised breeds of sheep. These breeds descend from livestock introduced by Portuguese and Spanish settlers and have been submitted to a long process of natural selection in various environmental conditions. In the South, the Crioula Lanada breed is more resistant to H. contortus than are Corriedale sheep. In tropical areas, where the minimum temperatures are usually higher than 20 degrees C, hair sheep flourish, especially the Santa Ines breed, which also display a higher level of resistance to nematode infections compared with certain breeds of European origin. However, Santa Ines sheep have inferior carcass quality compared with other commercial breeds. Recent studies showed that the crossbreeding of Santa Ines ewes with sires of breeds with high potential for growth and meat production, results in crossbred animals with high productivity and a satisfactory degree of resistance against nematode infections. Several studies have indicated that improvement in nutrition has a beneficial effect on the development of resistance in lambs that were naturally or artificially infected with nematodes. Therefore, supplementary feeding and breeding strategies to improve resistance to nematodes are feasible options in the effort to reduce dependence on anthelmintic drugs to control worm infections in sheep. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Among all predictive maintenance techniques the oil analysis and vibration analysis are the most important for monitoring some mechanical systems. The integration of these techniques has potential to improve industrial maintenance practices and provide a better economic gain for industries. To study the integration of these two techniques, a test rig was set up to obtain an extreme working condition for the worm reducer used in this paper. The test rig was composed by a motor connected to a reducer through a flexible coupling and with an unbalanced load. The analysis of the results carried out by using a sample of the oil recommended by the manufacturer in extreme conditions, and using liquid contaminant is presented. From the results it was observed that if there is an abnormal instantaneous load in a system, the subsequent vibration analysis may not perceive what occurred if there was no permanent damage, which is not the case with the lubricant analysis.