3 resultados para wind farms

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Wind power is a type of energy that is still not too explored in Brazil and, because of the lack of experience in projects of this size, there are still some problems during the stages of planning and execution of wind farms projects. One of these problems is related with the parts’ transportation logistics, since these parts are difficult to transport, because of their length, weight or shape. Furthermore, another aggravating factor is the lack of options regarding to the transportation modals that are available to do the route between the manufacture place and the project site. To help in the decision-making process about the ideal transportation configuration, aiming to reduce the dependence of the logistics’ coordinator, it was chosen to use he AHP method to compare some criteria that have influence in the modal’s choice process. The criteria, determined by the members of the company’s logistics’ department, are: transportation costs, transportation time and the risk of causing damages to the cargo. The results shown by this model, using theoretical background, that standardize the processes related to the modal’s choice


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In the wake of current global image involving environmental impacts, the use of wind power has had a remarkable growth in recent years as a technique for generating electricity. In fact, it is a source featuring strong dissemination of technology which provides decrease in costs and a greater access to low-income electricity. PROINFA (Incentive Program for Alternative Energy Sources) promotes a greater diffusion of new technologies for power generation, in particular wind-produced. Due to such a scenario on the exploitation of such energy source, current analysis discusses strategies for the development of domestic wind technology and the implications for electricity-lacking rural areas. Analysis shows a similar behavior between rural populations lacking electricity and the amount of potential energy available in the region. It is expected that this assay will contribute towards the establishment of public policies for wind-energy parks on rural farms in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil.