9 resultados para university teachers
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Na pesquisa investigou-se como docentes universitários em Educação Física conceituam didática. Realizou-se revisão da literatura abordando história e conceituações da didática. Utilizando-se a técnica de entrevista e análise qualitativa, coletou-se e analisou-se depoimentos de treze docentes universitários oriundos do mestrado em Educação Física. Com o método de abordagem histórico constatou-se que a didática esteve articulada às tendências pedagógicas: tradicional, escola nova, tecnicista e progressista e é conceituada como disciplina, área de estudos e técnica de ensino. Como técnica pode ser entendida no sentido amplo, referindo-se a procedimentos de levar alguém a aprender algo e no sentido pedagógico apresenta os procedimentos atrelados à questões sócio-morais. Os depoimentos coletados revelaram que os docentes universitários entendem a didática no sentido amplo. Conclui-se que na formação destes docentes universitários a didática foi abordada apenas como técnica de ensino, apesar de sua trajetória histórica e a prática pedagógica estarem diretamente ligadas aos rumos da educação.
Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a formação de professores da universidade que atuam em licenciaturas de Física, Biologia e Matemática, procurando compreendê-la a partir de sua participação em um projeto de formação continuada de professores da rede pública de ensino. O referencial teórico, apoiado em Pierre Bourdieu e Paulo Freire, possibilitou a constituição de instrumentos para caracterizar o processo de formação como construção coletiva de uma estrutura formativa. Para isso, foi necessário considerar tanto a interação de professores da universidade entre si como aquela entre eles e os professores da escola. Os resultados revelaram que o envolvimento dos professores da universidade no projeto possibilitou-lhes a produção de conhecimento em um domínio para o qual normalmente não são chamados a fazê-lo, na prática da vida universitária, a saber: a docência.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The way one conceives disabled people seems to influence the actions directed toward them. Occupational therapists constitute a part of health professionals that direct their actions based on a comprehensive view of disability. The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the conception of disability from the standpoint of occupational therapists. Fifteen university teachers of Occupational Therapy undergraduate courses participated in this study: seven from public universities and eight from private institutions, located in mid-sized municipalities in the state of São Paulo. The data were collected by means of a scale denominated “Escala de Avaliação da Concepção de Deficiência” (Rating Scale for Conception of Disability). The results show that the subjects tend to follow interactional, social conceptions of disability. This study yields contributions to understand the conception of disability held by teachers of Occupational Therapy. This conception certainly guides their teaching performance and affects the training of future professionals.
The issue about the vocational training of university teachers points the needing for further studies and reflections on the importance of the formative processes of teachers who currently work also in higher education. The present work intended to study the vocational training processes of some teachers of Geography Course at the University Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho Rio Claro campus proposing methodological theoretical referrals about doing teaching in Geography area. Therefore, we made semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with teachers who fallowed us with the teaching activities. The purpose was trying to prepare a methodological referral from the challenges challenges and dilemmas of the practice of teaching identified during research, contributing for the qualifications of qualifications of higher teaching
Considering the importance that the discussion of concepts related to genetics has on the society and the necessity to approach science as a dynamic and historical activity, it will be discussed an essential concept to the understanding of biological inheritance: the concept of gene. This way, the article aims to discuss the differents concepts of genes in the history of biology and the relevance of addressing in teaching context this concept in a systemic perception of phenomena. Also, the paper have an analyses of the ideas about the concept of the gene from teachers from two university. The results indicate the presence of different definitions of the gene in the discourse of university teachers, with the predominance of gene concept as a structural, functional and/or informational unit.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This research deals with the discussion about Physics teachers’ undergraduate education and professional performance related to the knowledge acquired during this initial education. More specifically, we try to answer questions like: How do future teachers evaluate the knowledge acquired during their initial education as in terms of specific knowledge as pedagogical knowledge? What are their formative needs and future expectatives about professional performance and the school teaching environment? Data was constituted from a sample of 26 future high school physics teachers, one semester long, that were taking the supervised curricular training in a undergraduate Physics education program (called Licenciatura in Brazil), in São Paulo State public university. Besides the final report of this training, future teachers were asked to answer a questionnaire aiming to take their conceptions about their initial education program, their formative needs, future professional expectatives and high school teaching environment. According to the future teachers, the program they were about to finish was satisfactory in terms of Physics specific contents; however, about the pedagogical content knowledge and the pedagogical practice, they showed to be unsatisfied and insecure. The majority of the questionnaire responses demonstrated that they feel lack of teaching experience. Moreover, teachers emphasize other factors related to the future professional performance: possible difficulties to deal with students’ indiscipline, schools’ bad physical structure, limited number of Physics classes in high school level, lack of didactical laboratories and also they seem to be frightened that the expertise teachers do not be collaborative with the new ones. In this sense, the research outcomes shows the necessity of discussions about questions involving teachers knowledge, related to either, the Physics conceptual domain and the pedagogical one, since it matters directly to future teachers professional performance. Discussions in this sense can also help evaluation and restructuration of programs designed to initial and continuous teachers’ education.