22 resultados para transport impact assessment

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Brazilian environmental impact assessment (EIA) had a relatively late birth and is still far from being operative by international standards. Currently, geological, economic, and social considerations are more highly valued. Nevertheless, EIA has become important in shaping governmental environmental policy. The state of São Paulo is responsible for 40% of all EIAs produced in Brazil, and the number of EIAs produced is proportional to state population density.


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Pipelines are linear construction that intersect several environments, requiring integration of environmental and technical aspects in its various elaboration steps. Environmental impact assessment if made to integrate the environmental information to enable environmental characterization, possibility identify previously fragilities of environment what contributes to the safety forecast of the significant impacts. These studies shall consider superimpose of the elements and the worsening of critical situations that already exists. In this way, meet and analyse informations about the environmental impact assessment, constructive aspects related to pipelines transport and get environmental impact studies of the case studies, providing the student a critical vision for the discussion of the apropiate balance between description and analysis, methodological rigour and the interface between construction and the environmente with inserts. Performing the critical analysis of methodologies and applied criteria for the environmental diagnosis and impact identification, search improve the methodologies for elaboration of environmental impact studies for linear construction, particulary pipelines, minin conflicts and giving security for the license process. Await provide subsidy to direction data collection, for choosing environmental indicator and for the prognosis and indentification of impacts.


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This study analyzes the environmental performance of the Municipal Solid Waste Management System (MSWMS) of Piedade, São Paulo, from a systemic perspective. A life cycle assessment (LCA) technique was applied according to an attributional approach to evaluate both the current operational situation and different prospective scenarios, which were devised based on the application of targets for recycling dry and wet waste suggested by the pre-draft version of the Brazilian Plan for Solid Waste. The life cycle impact assessment method EcoIndicator 99, in association with normalization and weighting procedures, was used to conduct the analysis. It was observed that the adoption of goals of 30%, 50% and 70% for recovering of the recyclable dry waste, resulted in improvement of the environmental performance of the waste management system under analysis, respectively of 10%, 15% and 20%. It was also possible to detect an evolution in the order of 54% in reducing impacts resulting from the adoption of targets for composting. LCA proved to be effective for the evaluation of the environmental performance of MSWMS-Piedade. However, for future evaluations, the attributional approach should be replaced by the methodological practice of substitution to enable the avoided burdens to be considered in estimations of the environmental performance municipal solid waste management systems.


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A Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente tem como objetivo a conciliação do desenvolvimento econômico e social com a qualidade ambiental, e dispõe de vários instrumentos que procuram contemplara capacidade de suporte do meio. Assim, a discussão sobre a localização das atividades é uma etapa importante para a avaliação da viabilidade ambiental de um determinado empreendimento, notadamente em processos de licenciamento ambiental. O trabalho apresenta uma abordagem metodológica para integração de critérios técnicos, ambientais e sociais em estudos de alternativas de localização de aterros sanitários, com especial atenção à interação entre os aspectos ambientais e os elementos fundamentais de um projeto (a saber, requisitos locacionais e concepção tecnológica), aplicado em um estudo de caso em São Carlos (SP). Como resultados principais, destacam-se o maior foco nos impactos significativos e a possibilidade de envolvimento de segmentos importantes da sociedade previamente à elaboração dos estudos ambientais.


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Instrumento de política pública ligado ao licenciamento ambiental prévio de projetos de empreendimentos potencialmente degradadores do ambiente, a Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA), atualmente, apresenta algumas inconsistências. Dentre elas, autores registram a disparidade no que se refere à indicação e à efetiva implantação das medidas de controle ambiental estabelecidas nos EIA/RIMAs. Diante disso, o presente trabalho analisa a implantação das medidas mitigadoras estabelecidas para empreendimentos minerais licenciados pela Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente (FEAM) do Estado de Minas Gerais, para a região do Quadrilátero Ferrífero. No estudo, constata-se que intervenções ambientais são hoje partes integrantes dos projetos minerais; porém, como na mineração a operação impõe certo dinamismo ao empreendimento, verifica-se que parte das medidas mitigadoras apontadas no EIA acaba não sendo executada, como o previsto e o aprovado na fase da Licença Prévia (LP), enquanto outras apenas ficam listadas como propostas de mitigação de impactos, deixando de ser efetivamente executadas.


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The significance of recruitment systems for community structure of epigaeic ants in a tropical upland forest in southern Brazil was evaluated by examining patterns of spatial occurrence at fixed points. Normal exploratory activity was evaluated with pitfall traps, while the effect of recruitment and diet was evaluated by using honey and sardine baits at the same points. Through techniques developed for environmental impact assessment, the significance of recruitment was evaluated following perturbation, or the placement of bait. Of the 46 species encountered, 15 were sufficiently frequent to study. Of these, only 6 showed significant spatial frequency changes at baits when compared with pitfall trap collections. In one analysis, monthly differences were important for a few smaller species, suggesting thermic limitations, while bait types either increased or decreased spatial point usage. The magnitude of spatial point variation is an index for the strength of recruitment in community organization. Bait types suggest nutritional possibilities of each species. Both recruitment and diet are probably functions of the species composition of the ant community.


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This work was developed aiming to evaluate the environmental impacts of the public use in natural touristic attractive at Altinópolis city (SP), using the Visitor Impact Management method (VTM). In each analyzed natural resource a specific questionnaire was elaborated in accordance with the appropriate pointers that allowed to determinate environmental quality of each point. The results indicated that only two tourist areas need special attention for their preservation. Minimization methods, monitoring and educational practices are proposals in order to tourist practices be made with environmental responsibility.


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In Brazil, the degradation of soil and landscape by urban and agricultural frontiers expansion leads to the need for comprehensive studies and consider the diverse biological activities generated from different interventions in the landscape, becoming an instrument for assessing the impacts and the decision for its environmental management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different forms of occupation of the landscape, considering ecological elements and their interactions. The work was carried out on the Instituto Agronômico in the county of Jundiai, in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The area under study has been subjected to different use and occupancy for a period of about 40 years. During this period the landscape has been transformed, with the current scenario can be classified as a degraded area mining; grassy area; Araucaria forest and pasture. These areas were evaluated by means of a transect, from which ten sampling sites were selected for the description of diverse biological activities, which included: evaluation and description of ground cover, identifying the presence of fungus and insect species. Furthermore, we evaluated in these points the pH, fertility and porosity of the topsoil (0-0.10 m). The results showed a variation of the elements analyzed and a relationship between the use and occupation of land in the different scenarios of the current landscape. The biological activity was more diverse in the Araucaria forest, reflected by the abundance of litter, higher content of organic matter and soil nutrients, demonstrating the effectiveness of the technique for assessing the level of degradation of the landscape used, which is expeditious and inexpensive.


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Agriculture is an activity in which there is the possibility of using lower quality water and reuse appears as an alternative for irrigation. However, the negative environmental effects of reuse must be understood. The objective of the present work was to verify the potential of groundwater contamination by nitrogen duo to drip irrigation with effluent from domestic wastewater treatment. Three crop cycles of lettuce cv. Raider were conducted, the first between October and November 2009, the second in April and May 2010 and the third one in June and July 2010. The use of effluents was compared with potable water at accumulated water depths of 98.8 mm for the first, 98.4 mm for the second and 119 mm for the third cycle. Soil percolate concentrations of nitrate, nitrite and ammonia were studied at 0.25 m and 0.50 m depths in a completely randomized design. Percolate concentrations of nitrite and ammonia in soil irrigated with effluents showed no groundwater contamination risk. Nitrate however, caused concern, albeit with similar concentrations for both effluent and potable water.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS