31 resultados para transient stability

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability (first oscillation) of electric energy systems, using a neural network based on ART architecture (adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network for real time applications. The security margin is used as a stability analysis criterion, considering three-phase short circuit faults with a transmission line outage. The neural network operation consists of two fundamental phases: the training and the analysis. The training phase needs a great quantity of processing for the realization, while the analysis phase is effectuated almost without computation effort. This is, therefore the principal purpose to use neural networks for solving complex problems that need fast solutions, as the applications in real time. The ART neural networks have as primordial characteristics the plasticity and the stability, which are essential qualities to the training execution and to an efficient analysis. The fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network is proposed seeking a superior performance, in terms of precision and speed, when compared to conventional ARTMAP, and much more when compared to the neural networks that use the training by backpropagation algorithm, which is a benchmark in neural network area. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work presents a procedure for transient stability analysis and preventive control of electric power systems, which is formulated by a multilayer feedforward neural network. The neural network training is realized by using the back-propagation algorithm with fuzzy controller and adaptation of the inclination and translation parameters of the nonlinear function. These procedures provide a faster convergence and more precise results, if compared to the traditional back-propagation algorithm. The adaptation of the training rate is effectuated by using the information of the global error and global error variation. After finishing the training, the neural network is capable of estimating the security margin and the sensitivity analysis. Considering this information, it is possible to develop a method for the realization of the security correction (preventive control) for levels considered appropriate to the system, based on generation reallocation and load shedding. An application for a multimachine power system is presented to illustrate the proposed methodology. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper presents a method for security control of electric power systems effected by generation reallocation, determined by sensitivity analysis and optimisation. The model is developed considering the dynamic aspects of the network (transient stability). Security control methodology is developed using sensitivity analysis of the security margin in relation to the mechanical power of synchronous machines in the system. The power reallocated to each machine is determined by means of linear programming. To illustrate the proposed methodology, an example is presented which considers a multimachine system composed of 10 synchronous machines, 45 buses, and 72 transmission lines, based on the configuration of a southern Brazilian system.


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This work presents a methodology to analyze electric power systems transient stability for first swing using a neural network based on adaptive resonance theory (ART) architecture, called Euclidean ARTMAP neural network. The ART architectures present plasticity and stability characteristics, which are very important for the training and to execute the analysis in a fast way. The Euclidean ARTMAP version provides more accurate and faster solutions, when compared to the fuzzy ARTMAP configuration. Three steps are necessary for the network working, training, analysis and continuous training. The training step requires much effort (processing) while the analysis is effectuated almost without computational effort. The proposed network allows approaching several topologies of the electric system at the same time; therefore it is an alternative for real time transient stability of electric power systems. To illustrate the proposed neural network an application is presented for a multi-machine electric power systems composed of 10 synchronous machines, 45 buses and 73 transmission lines. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper deals with hybrid method for transient stability analysis combining time domain simulation and a direct method. Nowadays, the step-by-step simulation is the best available tool for allowing the uses of detailed models and for providing reliable results. The main limitation of this approach involves the large time of computational simulations and the absence of stability margin. On the other hand, direct methods, that demand less CPU time, did not show ample reliability and applicability yet. The best way seems to be using hybrid solutions, in which a direct method is incorporated in a time domain simulation tool. This work has studied a direct method using the transient potential and kinetic energy of the critical machine only. In this paper the critical machine is identified by a fast and efficient method, and the proposal is new for using to get stability margins from hybrid approaches. Results from systems, like 16-machine, show stability indices to dynamic security assessment. © 2001 IEEE.


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This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability for electric energy systems using artificial neural networks based on fuzzy ARTMAP architecture. This architecture seeks exploring similarity with computational concepts on fuzzy set theory and ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural network. The ART architectures show plasticity and stability characteristics, which are essential qualities to provide the training and to execute the analysis. Therefore, it is used a very fast training, when compared to the conventional backpropagation algorithm formulation. Consequently, the analysis becomes more competitive, compared to the principal methods found in the specialized literature. Results considering a system composed of 45 buses, 72 transmission lines and 10 synchronous machines are presented. © 2003 IEEE.


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This paper deals with transient stability analysis based on time domain simulation on vector processing. This approach requires the solution of a set of differential equations in conjunction of another set of algebraic equations. The solution of the algebraic equations has presented a scalar as sequential set of tasks, and the solution of these equations, on vector computers, has required much more investigations to speedup the simulations. Therefore, the main objective of this paper has been to present methods to solve the algebraic equations using vector processing. The results, using a GRAY computer, have shown that on-line transient stability assessment is feasible.


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The power system stability analysis is approached taking into explicit account the dynamic performance of generators internal voltages and control devices. The proposed method is not a direct method in the usual sense since conclusion for stability or instability is not exclusively based on energy function considerations but it is automatic since the conclusion is achieved without an analyst intervention. The stability test accounts for the nonconservative nature of the system with control devices such as the automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and automatic generation control (AGC) in contrast with the well-known direct methods. An energy function is derived for the system with machines forth-order model, AVR and AGC and it is used to start the analysis procedure and to point out criticalities. The conclusive analysis itself is made by means of a method based on the definition of a region surrounding the equilibrium point where the system net torque is equilibrium restorative. This region is named positive synchronization region (PSR). Since the definition of the PSR boundaries have no dependence on modelling approximation, the PSR test conduces to reliable results. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A model for preventive control in electrical systems is presented, taking into account the dynamic aspects of the network. Among these aspects, the effects provoked by perturbations which cause oscillations in synchronous machine angles (transient stability), such as electric equipment outages and short circuits, are presented. The energy function is used to measure the stability of the system using a procedure defined as the security margin. The control actions employed are load shedding and generation reallocation. An application of the methodology to a system located in southern Brazil, which is composed of 10 synchronous machines, 45 busses, and 72 transmission lines. The results confirm the theoretical studies.


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Indices that report how much a contingency is stable or unstable in an electrical power system have been the object of several studies in the last decades. In some approaches, indices are obtained from time-domain simulation; others explore the calculation of the stability margin from the so-called direct methods, or even by neural networks.The goal is always to obtain a fast and reliable way of analysing large disturbance that might occur on the power systems. A fast classification in stable and unstable, as a function of transient stability is crucial for a dynamic security analysis. All good propositions as how to analyse contingencies must present some important features: classification of contingencies; precision and reliability; and efficiency computation. Indices obtained from time-domain simulations have been used to classify the contingencies as stable or unstable. These indices are based on the concepts of coherence, transient energy conversion between kinetic energy and potential energy, and three dot products of state variable. The classification of the contingencies using the indices individually is not reliable, since the performance of these indices varies with each simulated condition. However, collapsing these indices into a single one can improve the analysis significantly. In this paper, it is presented the results of an approach to filter the contingencies, by a simple classification of them into stable, unstable or marginal. This classification is performed from the composite indices obtained from step by step simulation with a time period of the clearing time plus 0.5 second. The contingencies originally classified as stable or unstable do not require this extra simulation. The methodology requires an initial effort to obtain the values of the intervals for classification, and the weights. This is performed once for each power system and can be used in different operating conditions and for different contingencies. No misplaced classification o- - ccurred in any of the tests, i.e., we detected no stable case classified as unstable or otherwise. The methodology is thus well fitted for it allows for a rapid conclusion about the stability of th system, for the majority of the contingencies (Stable or Unstable Cases). The tests, results and discussions are presented using two power systems: (1) the IEEE17 system, composed of 17 generators, 162 buses and 284 transmission lines; and (2) a South Brazilian system configuration, with 10 generators, 45 buses and 71 lines.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)