15 resultados para transdisciplinarity

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Procurou-se, neste trabalho, pensar o tempo no contexto das ciências da saúde, no qual se entrelaçam aspectos físicos, biológicos, psicológicos e sociológicos. Enquanto em nossa percepção do mundo e de nós mesmos o tempo se apresenta sob muitas facetas, na física clássica, conforme o modelo newtoniano, assumia-se a existência de um tempo absoluto, unilinear, homogêneo e independente do observador. Com a teoria da relatividade e o estudo dos sistemas complexos, um novo conceito de tempo apresenta-se na física: o tempo fractal, o qual possibilita maior compatibilidade com as abordagens psicológicas e sociológicas. Nesta perspectiva, a experiência de vida de uma pessoa, e seus respectivos processos de construção da saúde, envolveria uma multiplicidade de tempos, que coexistem e se organizam segundo um padrão coerente de auto-similaridade. Uma quebra desse padrão estaria correlacionada com a ocorrência da doença. Sugere-se que uma abordagem mais adequada do adoecimento deveria levar em conta, como referência para o profissional de saúde, o conceito de tempo fractal, possibilitando maior sintonia do paciente com a complexidade da natureza e, por conseguinte, consigo mesmo.


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A saúde como um estado dinâmico coerente e construtivo do ser vivo é o fundamento da proposta deste texto. Nessa ótica, uma visão sistêmica e integrativa do ser humano a ser cuidado na prática diária da saúde está sendo proposta com base nos conceitos de pesquisadores e educadores das últimas décadas. Conceitos de caos, complexidade, transdisciplinaridade e auto-organização são introduzidos e fazem mais sentido como temas orientadores dos procedimentos sugeridos. Maneiras de promover a saúde assim compreendida são discutidas em algumas situações práticas, incluindo o atual programa oficial da Estratégia da Saúde da Família.


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Parte-se de uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre as LER/DORT (Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos/Doenças Osteomusculares Relacionadas ao Trabalho), analisando os fatores etiológicos envolvidos e os modelos explicativos vigentes. Discute-se a proposta de uma abordagem integradora de fatores biopsicossociais envolvidos na gênese e evolução das LER/DORT. Considera-se que a transição do estudo dos fatores isolados para a consideração de formas dinâmicas de interação desses fatores possibilitará a evolução da atual abordagem multidisciplinar para um modelo transdisciplinar.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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In addition to the comments summarized herein, regarding the difficulties in understanding scientific phenomena by the human mind (epistemological obstacles), this paper presents and proposes a methodological framework for transdisciplinarity and reflectivity as an interactive method through critical reflection to be used as an antidote against prejudice and a lack of transparency of researcher that are often seen as impeding proper understanding of the true, specifically in the human processes that occur with people living in rural areas. Then, three examples of research are presented, which – in different time periods – a polyocular view was applied to conduct investigations outlined by guidelines in the framework related to the proposal summarized within this work.


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The art of dealing with the similar goes beyond simply contact a service provider to the recipient of the service , after the mouth is only part of the individual. The design PET - Saúde provides the academic experience of exploring the world beyond the walls of the college, which is simply phenomenal. This is the best way to form the dental professional with a humanist , critical and reflective view . Providing students the opportunity to encounter the reality of payphones and develop the general skills of the dentist , as communication with other professionals , experiencing multiprofessionality and transdisciplinarity , important in health promotion . During visits to municipalities were executed activities of health care with prevention and rehabilitation . Even against a background of lack of resources , lack of certain materials , common clinical presentation not prevented the carrying out of procedures and care . This experience is essential because it helps in decision making and establishment of costeffectiveness in their professional careers , based not only on scientific evidence , but also the needs of a given population . Therefore , the experience of participating in the PET allows the complete formation of the academic , also marked the Humanities and Social Sciences . Therefore, going beyond the walls of the college provides a comprehensive and humane view of the patient , which is no longer restricted to just one sick " part " , because it may have its context understood and integrated into the vision of each petiano .


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This article provides reflections and discussions about the importance of human interactions and methodological interrelations to substantiate the integrity in the transdisciplinary process in teams that operate in health area. Should be taken as reference the Complexity Theory of Edgar Morin, the logic transdisciplinary of Basarab Nicolescu and the formation groups principles based on the Socionomic Theory of Jacob Levy Moreno. It was concluded that the complexity of the methodologies in the field of workplace health, are influenced by factors that intersect between the scientific interaction and human interrelationships, which allow the transdisciplinary construction. However, the constructions requires the development of professionals in their areas and in their relationship with others as a way of supporting the perspective of transdisciplinarity, ie, interaction, in which different individuals are interrelated with the methodologies and providing articulations and coconstructions from which actualize the transformations.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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After crossing several generations and countries, broader functions are being incorporated to origami than simply making art objects: the fold initiates a series of new buildings within the design and creation. Under the new repre- sentations and performances that the art of paper folding keeps, this article aims to investigate how the origami is configured nowadays and how it behaves while contemporary language applied to projective processes of diverse natures. To better understand the actual origami, relations are used inside branch of math, conceptual and projectual. Relating theorists, artists, designers, etc., can point out the relevance of each of these areas in the configuration of cientific and projectual origami. The modularity, the collective, the conscious build, the contemporary and the inno- vation are relationships intrinsic to the praxis projectual that shape a landscape adjacent and subordinate to the main structure governing. It bets on the essence of origami as a tangible functionality for creative thinking.


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The Brazilian Federal Constitution promulgated in 1988 created the concept of Social Welfare, which is based on the triad: Health, Social Security and Social Assistance. The Unified Health System (SUS) was then instituted. SUS is a conquest of a society that seeks social justice, integrality, equalitarian and universal access to health services. In the present essay, I succinctly discourse on the various meanings of integrality. I present the theoretical basis of complexity and transdisciplinarity by opposing to reductionism, aiming at showing that, by means of transdisciplinarity and intersectoriality, integrality can be achievable.