185 resultados para subjetiva

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) é determinada de forma não invasiva e utilizada juntamente com a resposta lactacidêmica como indicadores de intensidade durante teste incremental. em campo, especialmente na natação, há dificuldades nas coletas sanguíneas; por isso, utilizam-se protocolos alternativos para estimar o limiar anaeróbio. Assim, os objetivos do estudo foram: prescrever um teste incremental baseado na PSE (Borg 6-20) visando estimar os limiares metabólicos determinados por métodos lactacidêmicos [ajuste bi-segmentado (V LL), concentração fixa-3,5mM (V3,5mM) e distância máxima (V Dmáx)]; relacionar a PSE atribuída em cada estágio com a freqüência cardíaca (FC) e com parâmetros mecânicos de nado [freqüência (FB) e amplitude de braçada (AB)], analisar a utilização da escala 6-20 na regularidade do incremento das velocidades no teste e correlacionar os limiares metabólicos com a velocidade crítica (VC). Para isso, 12 nadadores (16,4 ± 1,3 anos) realizaram dois esforços máximos (200 e 400m); os dados foram utilizados para determinar a VC, velocidade de 400m (V400m) e a freqüência crítica de braçada (FCb); e um teste incremental com intensidade inicial baseada na PSE, respectivamente, 9, 11, 13, 15 e 17; sendo monitorados em todos os estágios a FC, lactacidêmia e os tempos de quatro ciclos de braçadas e das distâncias de 20m (parte central da piscina) e 50m. Posteriormente, foram calculadas as velocidades dos estágios, FB, AB, V LL, V3,5mM e V Dmáx. Utilizaram-se ANOVA e correlação de Pearson para análise dos resultados. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre VC, V Dmáx e V LL, porém a V3,5mM foi inferior às demais velocidades (P < 0,05). Correlações significativas (P < 0,05) foram observadas entre VC versus V400m, V Dmáx e V3,5mM; V400m versus V3,5mM e V Dmáx; V Dmáx versus V LL; e no teste incremental entre PSE versus velocidade, [Lac], FC, FB e AB (P < 0,05). Concluímos que a PSE é uma ferramenta confiável no controle da velocidade dos estágios durante teste incremental na natação.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar o perfil facial em fotografias de jovens brasileiros leucodermas com oclusão normal. METODOLOGIA: 58 fotografias de perfil de 23 jovens do gênero masculino e 35 do feminino, com idade média de 16,03 ± 2,04 anos, que apresentavam 4 das 6 chaves de oclusão de Andrews. As fotografias foram julgadas por 21 alunos e 2 professores de pós-graduação. Também foi feita fotogrametria dos integrantes da amostra. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: verificou-se que a oclusão normal natural não foi indicativa de beleza do perfil facial, visto que 28% dos perfis avaliados foram classificados como desagradáveis. Dentre as medidas pesquisadas para os grupos de perfis agradáveis, aceitáveis e desagradáveis, verificou-se que poucas foram as que se apresentaram estatisticamente diferentes, chamando a atenção para o fato que, isoladamente, as medidas fotogramétricas do perfil facial não poderiam indicar beleza do perfil.


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Cet article expose les résultats d une recherche scientifique ayant d abord conçu la manière dont les coopératives de travail, géerées par une Économie Solidaire, pourraient se présenter comme un espace d expression de subjectivité du travailleur associé. À partir de la précision des objetifs, on y a poursuivi à la recherche d une coopéerative étant réglée d après les principes de l Économie Solidaire. Après avoir examiné de diverses coopératives, il a été conçu que CooperSol s est au fur et à mesure constituée un partenaire avantageux et s est également montrée grâce aux observations et témoignages étant un espace d expression de la subjectivité du travailleur coopéré concernant l autogestion, le temps de travail et la création d une culture solidaire. L aspect présenté dans cet article se rapporte au temps de travail qui, chez CooperSol, gagne dans sa dimension subjective, qualitative, en tenant compte de certains éléments oubliés, comme l aspect cyclique et hétérogène du temps, ou bien, le temps vécu, guidé par le rythme habituel de la vie, en comptant sur plusieurs dimensions du quotidien.


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A reconstrução cirúrgica do ligamento cruzado posterior (L.C.P.) do joelho ainda permanece como um grande desafio terapêutico. Neste trabalho avaliamos 30 pacientes submetidos à reconstrução cirúrgica do L.C.P. com a técnica de fixação do enxerto tendíneo no leito tibial por abordagem direta (INLAY). 28 pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 2 do feminino, com idade média de 31,10 anos. O tempo médio de lesão foi de 34,24 meses em 67% dos casos a lesão foi secundária a acidente motociclístico. As lesões condrais e do ligamento cruzado anterior (L.C.A.) do joelho estavam presentes em 67% e 33% dos casos, respectivamente. Os pacientes foram avaliados objetivamente (teste de gaveta posterior) e subjetivamente (Escala de Lysholm). O seguimento pós-operatório médio foi de 21,7 meses. Cerca de 66% dos casos foram classificados como bom e excelente na avaliação subjetiva e objetiva. A análise estatística apresentou comportamento semelhante para as duas avaliações.Os resultados clínicos pós-operatórios obtidos neste trabalho têm nos encorajado a seguir com esta técnica cirúrgica.


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This quali-quantitative study aimed to verify subjective exercise experiences of older women before and after exercise sessions in actual and virtual conditions, as well as, the preferred exercise condition. The sample was composed by 20 older women (71.1±6.5 years-old) who practiced dance sessions in actual and virtual conditions, and answered the Subjective Exercise Experiences Scale (SEES) before and after the activity. In virtual condition it was used the virtual game Just Dance I from the Nintendo Wii® console. In actual condition participants reproduced the same game movements, as demonstrated by the researcher. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests were used for data analyses (p<0.05). Significant decrease was observed in the psychological distress score of SEES after both conditions. Increase in positive well being score was found only in the virtual condition. Most of the older women chose the actual condition as the preferred.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the competitive judo, the form as a trainer organizes the process of his/her athlete's training is a very important task for a good acting and a better use of the technical procedures. There is great importance in determining the exercise intensity for the judocas training due to the interest for the high income in several competitions, and few studies returned for this research area, involving those athletes' different physiologic conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to improve protocols of physical evaluation for this modality, increasing his/her applicability. The present study aimed at to verify the validity of a protocol of specific aerobic test of the judo (technique ipon-seoi-nague), no exhausting, adapted of the method of CHASSAIN (1986), using deltas of variations of the lactacidemia and of the Scale of Perception of Effort of Borg, in athletes well. The test adapted to the judo constituted of four exercise series with two efforts similar (double) of 180 seconds with one interval of 90 seconds among them. The series of exercises were accomplished in consecutive days. The intensities of the double tests were of 85%, 95%, 105% and 115% of the minimum lactato for each participant. This work used the technique ipon-seoi-nague, obeying the reasons effort-pause individualized for each athlete, that you/they correspond to the intensities of exercises proposed by the protocol of CHASSAIN (1986). In that way, the athletes applied a blow (maximum speed) and they rested some seconds, depending on the regime effort-pause of the session. At the end of each collection collection of blood (25NL) of each participant's earlobe was accomplished, seeking to measure the concentration of sanguine lactato. The collections were accomplished at the end of the first and of the second efforts, in each one of the series. For the analysis of the Perception of the athletes' Effort, the Scale of Perception... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Apesar de inúmeros estudos e pesquisas relatarem os benefícios da atividade física na qualidade do sono, pode-se observar que quando tratamos do esporte, principalmente o esporte de alto rendimento, seus praticantes nem sempre apresentam a mesma qualidade. Aspectos como estresse, medo, excesso de cargas de treinamento e, principalmente, a ansiedade podem alterar os padrões do ciclo sono-vigília e diminuir a qualidade do sono, podendo provocar grandes prejuízos na performance durante provas e competições. A presença de torcida, pais ou amigos em competições ou jogos, a participação de peneiras ou o simples fato de ser ou não convocado para o jogo, até a obrigação da vitória, a pressão exercida por técnicos e patrocinadores, entre outras características do esporte de rendimento, são contribuintes da aparição do sentimento ansioso. Alguns autores discutem a possibilidade de que esse sentimento apresenta-se com graus diferenciados entre atletas de modalidades individuais e coletivas. Nos esportes individuais, os atletas não compartilham responsabilidades, expondo-se sozinhos a uma avaliação direta dos expectadores, gerando uma pressão desproporcional à demonstração de excelência na performance. A partir disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a presença de alterações no sono de atletas, considerando a modalidade em que estão inseridos (individual ou coletiva) e suas possíveis diferenças. A pesquisa compreendeu um estudo de campo em adotamos os procedimentos das pesquisas qualitativas. Foi utilizado um questionário avaliando a percepção subjetiva da qualidade do sono de atletas das modalidades: handebol masculino, atletismo masculino, voleibol feminino e ginástica artística feminina. Os resultados encontrados levam à especulação de que existem alterações na qualidade do sono dos atletas principalmente nas noites que antecedem competições ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This paper discusses aspects of Budapest, by Chico Buarque, published in 2003. In the novel, a contingency takes the protagonist, a Brazilian, to Hungary. There, involved within a culture quite distinct from his, he has experiences in a strange language, which “even the devil respects”, and with an interesting woman, who teaches him the language. Both, language and woman, turns into mirrors that refract and put his subjective experience, as babelic as the Hungarian, up side down. Considering contingency as a category from the Real (Lacan) and translation as mechanism of subjective search of a blot origin (Derrida), at the same time transcreation (Haroldo de Campos), we will pinpoint some ways to the novel reading.


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The modal distinctions proposed by Hengeveld (2004), reexamined by Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008) within the Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG), consider the existence of five types of modality: facultative, deontic, volitive, epistemic and evidential. Taking into special account the deontic modality, there are evidences that it can be subdivided into objective and subjective, as analyzed by Olbertz and Gasparini-Bastos (2013) in auxiliary constructions of spoken Spanish. This wok aims to investigate the contextual elements that favor the interpretation of these two values when they are expressed by the modal auxiliary verb “dever” (must) in spoken Portuguese data.


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The aim of this study was to verify the use of exertion subjective perception to control warm-up intensity performed by continuous running in children. Twenty-one children (11,4 ± 0,8 years, 45 ± 9,8 kg e 153,6 ± 9,6 cm), performed warm-up by continuous running in randomic order in three conditions with diferent intensities using rate of perceived exertion (RPE). The intensities were chosen according to RPE Borg CR-10 and the arbitrary units used were three (B3), Five (B5) and nine (B9). The heart rate (HR) and mean velocity of the run (VEL) were evaluated to analyse the intensity of the three warm-up conditions. Statistical analysis was done by annova one-way followed by post-hoc tukey test, considering significant level of 5%. There were significant increase in HR (B3= 112 ± 10, B5 = 140 ± 18 e B9 = 176 ± 21 bpm) and VEL (B3 = 4,01 ± 0,5, B5 = 7,09 ± 1,22 e B9 = 10,97 ± 1,70 km/h) between B5 and B9 condition compared to B3. Moreover, in both parameters B9 presented significantly higher results compared to the condition B5. It´s possible to control warm-up intensity performed by continuous running in children using RPE Borg CR-10.


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Article presents the concept of subjectivity in the theory of Jean Laplanche from his questioning of metapsychology´s drive theory which led to the proposal of the theory of generalized seduction. The objective is to show how in this conception otherness is presented in a traumatic way in the primary constitution of subjectivity, endorsing certain positions in the psychoanalytic literature that advocate symbolic violence as a fundamental aspect of the subject of psychoanalysis.


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This study was qualitative in nature and aimed to investigate the possible interference of spiritual experiences with the subjective perception of quality of life. The perspectives of civil servants in education and health services were compared. The study was developed through bibliographic and exploratory research, and the instrument used for data collection for the exploratory research was the WHOQOL-bref, which was applied in two stages: before and after experiences with spiritual activities. The purposive sample used in this study was composed of civil servants working in health and education administrative sectors of the Brazilian Unified Health System and a State University, respectively, with the intention of broadening the understanding about the perception of quality of life in civil servants from different sectors. The exploratory research of the study was carried out in three stages. The first was a two-phase data collection, before and after experiences with spiritual activities offered to civil servants who worked in the health care field, as well as the analysis of the results of this step. The second stage was the collection of data before and after experiences with spiritual activities offered to civil servants who worked in the administrative sector of education in a public university, besides the analysis of the results of this step. The third stage consisted of a comparison of the results obtained in the preceding two steps. The data resulting from the use of the research instrument for both samples were analyzed via Thematic Content Analysis. A questionnaire containing 26 questions based on four main themes was used. The first two questions were related to perceived quality of life and health satisfaction and they were not part of the specific domains. The other 24 questions were divided between the four themes: physical domain, psychological domain, domain of social relations, and environmental domain. The results...