68 resultados para strontium 90
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The purpose was to evaluate the effectiveness of beta-radiation with strontium-90 as single modality treatment of canine third eyelid squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Nine dogs diagnosed with third eyelid SCC were treated with strontium-90. Radiation therapy was administered in four fractions of 100cGy per site every four days and at a depth of 0.2cm (Strontium-90 build' up) in each fraction. Radiation with beta therapy was well tolerated in all animals with no occurrence of radiation induced cataracts. In all cases, there were increased signs of conjunctival inflammation around the mass, which subsided with topical anti-inflammatory. Two dogs required surgical treatment for local tumor recurrence at 150 days and 352 days. In the remaining seven cases, disease free interval ranged from 1239 days to 2555 days. Beta therapy using 90Sr may be a valid alternative for the treatment of third eyelid SCC in dogs
Betatherapy is a special medical technique using a radioactive source of strontium-90 for the treatment of superficial lesions, especially in dermatology and ophthalmology. Strontium-90 sources emit β radiation, which possesses high ionization power, but a very short distance propagation into matter. This work presents a method of dosimetric analysis of betatherapy using strontium- 90-based instrumentation, commonly used against superficial diseases, such as keloid and pterygium, aiming the description of the dosimetry analysis procedures, which can be easily implemented on tradiotherapy services that offers the betatherapy treatment. IBF-MEDIX radiographic films (conventional films) were exposed to betatherapy applicators during different time intervals according to the activity of the source, and afterwards the optical densities (O. D.) of the radiographic images were measured using an optical densitometer MACBETH. Therefore, the parameters used to make the dosimetric analysis in betatherapy were standardized, as the exposure time depended on the geometry and size of the source, providing an efficient and fast method of dosimetric analysis of the betatherapy equipment of the services, the majority of which do not have the scientific structure to perform this study
The sources of betatherapy for clinical use in Brazil are, the vast majority of strontium-90, radioactive element that is not produced in the country, and therefore requires importation of international laboratories accredited by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).The use of these resources is always limited the crediting of characteristic values supplied by the manufacturer tables that provide the nominal value of activity and dose distribution to determine the irradiation time of the injury. The Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (IPEN / CNEN-SP) has recently researching the emission profile of these types of radiation sources, and some jobs are being developed with ionization chambers extrapolation for the purpose of standardizing a systematic calibration sources betatherapy. Other studies using parallel measures dosimeters (TLD's) and simulations with the Monte Carlo method. Radiological films have also been used in studies of applicators dosimetric analysis of strontium-90. This paper seeks to analyze the different methods for calibration of applicators betatherapy, already consolidated in studies by examining the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure
Efficient artificial activation is indispensable for the success of cloning programs. Strontium has been shown to effectively activate mouse oocytes for nuclear transfer procedures, however, there is limited information on its use for bovine oocytes. The present study had as objectives: (1) to assess the ability of strontium to induce activation and parthenogenetic development in bovine oocytes of different maturational ages in comparison with ethanol; and (2) to verify whether the combination of both treatments improves activation and parthenogenetic development rates. Bovine oocytes were in vitro matured for 24, 26, 28, and 30 h, and treated with ethanol (E, 7% for 5 min) or strontium chloride (S, 10 mM SrCl2 for 5 h) alone or in combination: ethanol + strontium (ES) and strontium + ethanol (SE). Activated oocytes were cultured in vitro in synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) medium and assessed for pronuclear formation (15-16 h), cleavage (46-48 h) and development to the blastocyst stage (M). Treatment with ethanol and strontium promoted similar results regarding pronuclear formation (E, 20-66.7%; S, 26.7-53.3%; P > 0.05) and cleavage (E, 12.8-40.6%; S, 16.1-41.9%; P > 0.05), regardless of oocyte age. The actions of both strontium and ethanol were influenced by oocyte age: ethanol induced greater activation rates after 28 and 30 h of maturation (48.4 and 66.7% versus 20.0 and 23.3% for 24 and 26 It, respectively; P < 0.05) and strontium after 30 It (53.3%) was superior to 24 and 26h (26.7% for both). Blastocyst development rates were minimal in all treatments (0.0-6.3%; P > 0.05), however, when the mean (+/-S.D.) cell number in blastocysts at the same maturational period was compared, strontium treatment was superior to ethanol for activation rates (82 +/- 5.7 and 89.5 +/- 7.8 versus 54 and 61, at 28 and 30 h, respectively). Improved results were obtained by combined treatments. The combination of ethanol and strontium resulted in similar pronuclear formation (ES, 36.7-83.9%; SE, 53.1-90.3%) and cleavage rates (ES, 31.3-81.3%; SE, 65.6-80.7%). Regarding embryo development, there was no difference (P > 0.05) between treatments, and blastocysts were only obtained in treatment SE at 24 and 26 h (6.5% for both). It is concluded that, SrCl2 induces activation and parthenogenetic development in bovine oocytes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In vitro-matured (IVM) bovine oocytes were activated with single and combined treatments of strontium (S), ionomycin (1) and 6-DMAP (D). Using oocytes IVM for 26 h, we observed that activation altered cell cycle kinetics (faster progression, MIII arrest, or direct transition from MII to pronuclear stage) when compared to in vitro fertilization. The effect of oocyte age on early parthenogenesis was assessed in oocytes IVM for 22, 26 and 30 h. Better results in pronuclear development were obtained in treatments ISD (81.7%) at 22 h; D (66.7%), IS (63.3%), ID (73.3%) and ISD (76.7%) at 26 h; and D (86.7%), IS (85.0%) and ID (78.3%) at 30 h. Higher cleavage occurred on ISD (80.0%) at 22 h; ID (83.3%) and ISD (91.7%) at 26 h; and 1 (86.7%), IS (90.0%), ID (85.0%) and ISD (95.0%) at 30 h. More blastocysts were achieved in ID (25.0%) and ISD (18.3%) at 22h; and in ID at 26h (45.0%) and 30h (50.0%). We also observed that IS allowed higher haploid (77.4%) embryonic development, whilst ID was better for diploid (89.1%) development. It was concluded that association of S and D without I was not effective for blastocyst development; treatments using S were less influenced by oocyte age, but when S was associated with D there was a detrimental effect on aged oocytes; treatment ISD promoted higher activation and cleavage rates in young oocytes and ID protocol was the best for producing blastocysts.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as taxas de ativação e de clivagem de oócitos bovinos tratados com estrôncio (10mm de SrCl2), após maturação in vitro por 27-28 horas. No experimento 1, os tratamentos foram: S4 - ativação pelo estrôncio por 4 horas; S12 - ativação pelo estrôncio por 12 horas; S30 - ativação pelo estrôncio por 30 horas; e P - ativação por pulso elétrico (3 pulsos de 1,0kv/cm). No experimento 2 os tratamentos foram: PS4 - ativação combinada pelo pulso elétrico e pelo estrôncio por 4 horas; S4P - ativação pelo estrôncio por 4 horas e pelo pulso elétrico; e PS30 - ativação pelo pulso elétrico e pelo estrôncio por 30 horas. No experimento 1, todos os tratamentos apresentaram taxas similares de ativação (83-90%; P>0,05). Para clivagem, P foi melhor (53%; P<0,05) do que todos os tratamentos com estrôncio (6 a 28%). No experimento 2, o tratamento S4P apresentou melhor taxa de ativação (88%; P<0,05) do que PS4 e PS30 (60 e 68%, respectivamente). Para clivagem, observou-se o mesmo padrão, S4P (65%; P<0,05) e PS4 e PS30 (37% e 44%, respectivamente). Conclui-se que o estrôncio é capaz de ativar oócitos bovinos e sua combinação com pulso elétrico não melhora a ativação. Este é o primeiro relato demonstrando que o estrôncio ativa oócitos bovinos.
Analisou-se o perfil da pecuária de corte brasileira diante das mudanças ocorridas no sistema de produção/comercialização, observando-se especificamente os índices zootécnicos e produtivos e os volumes de carne produzidos, consumidos e exportados a partir de 1990. Foram analisados dados de trabalhos científicos e de artigos técnicos publicados em jornais e revistas, além de informações veiculadas pela internet. Considerando os resultados obtidos, pode-se inferir que o país apresenta significativo potencial de expansão das exportações de carne bovina, o que exige ajustes internos, que envolvem aspectos sanitários, políticas setoriais e visão mais sistêmica de cadeia produtiva. Destaca-se que esses aspectos ganharam maior importância após a consolidação do Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul), quando as relações comerciais se intensificaram e as reações da produção nacional impediram inflexões na estrutura comercial de carne bovina nos mercados interno e externo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses de cloreto de mepiquat aplicadas parceladamente no algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. CNPA-ITA 90, dois experimentos foram conduzidos durante os anos agrícolas de 1993/94 e 1994/95, na Fazenda Itamarati, Ponta Porã, MS. As doses estudadas foram: 1) 0,0; 2) 12,5+12,5+25,0 (50,0); 3) 25,0+25,0+25,0 (75,0); 4) 0,0+ 50,0+50,0 (100,0) e 5) 12,5+62,5+50,0 (125,0) g ha-1 de cloreto de mepiquat. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. As aplicações foram efetuadas aos 34, 47 e 62 dias após a emergência (DAE), em 1993/94, e aos 42, 60 e 73 DAE no ano de 1994/95, quando as plantas apresentavam altura média de 51, 84 e 93 cm e 61, 79 e 97 cm, respectivamente. Com o aumento da dose de cloreto de mepiquat, verificou-se redução da altura de plantas, da matéria seca foliar, do caule e do total da parte vegetativa, do número de nós, de ramos, do comprimento de ramos, do número de frutos danificados e do número de maçãs, e aumento do número de capulhos totalmente abertos.
Um experimento foi realizado visando avaliar o fornecimento de rações úmidas e de água de consumo e rações com edulcorante para leitões desmamados e seus efeitos sobre o desempenho até o 90kg de peso vivo. Foram utilizados 32 leitões Large White x Landrace, desmamados aos 21 dias, submetidos, durante a fase inicial I (21 a 42 dias de idade), a 8 tratamentos correspondentes à combinação dos fatores: forma de apresentação da ração (seca e úmida), tipo de ração (sem e com edulcorante) e água de consumo (sem e com edulcorante). Foram avaliados a ocorrência de diarréia até o 10º dia pós-desmame, o ganho diário de peso (GDP), o consumo diário de ração (CDR) e a conversão alimentar (CA) até os 90kg de peso vivo. O consumo diário de água (CDA) foi avaliado na fase inicial I. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com arranjo fatorial 2³, com quatro repetições, sendo as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey e a incidência de diarréia pelo teste de qui-quadrado. Foram observadas diferenças (P<0,05), na fase inicial I, para o CDA para os grupos tratados com ração seca e para o CDR para os animais que receberam água com edulcorante. A ocorrência de diarréia foi maior (P<0,05) para os animais tratados com ração seca. O desempenho até os 90 kg de peso vivo foi semelhante entre os fatores (P>0,05). O experimento demonstrou que os tratamentos dirigidos na fase pós-desmame são insuficientes para melhorar os resultados até os 90kg de peso vivo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)