62 resultados para sterically hindered organotellurium

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The synthesis, characterization and ethylene polymerization behavior of a set of Tp'MCl3 complexes (4, M = Ti, Tp' HB(3-neopentyl-pyrazolyl)(3)(-) (Tp(NP)); 5, M = Ti, Tp'= HB(3-tert-butyl-pyrazolyl)(3)(-) (Tp(tBu)); 6, M = Ti, Tp' = HB(3-phenyl-pyrazolyl)(3)(-) (Tp(Ph)); 7, M = Zr, Tp' = HB(3-phenyl-pyrazolyl)(3)(-) (Tp(ph)); 8, M = Zr, Tp' = HB(3-tert-butyl-pyrazolyl)(3)(-) (Tp(tBu))) is described. Treatment of these tris(pyrazolyl)borate Group IV compounds with methylalumoxane (MAO) generates active catalysts for ethylene polymerization. For the polymerization reactions performed in toluene at 60 degreesC and 3 atm of ethylene pressure, the activities varied between 1.3 and 5.1 X 10(3) g of PE/mol[M](.)h. The highest activity is reached using more sterically open catalyst precursor 4. The viscosity-average molecular weights ((M-v) over bar) of the PE's produced with these catalyst precursors varying from 3.57 to 20.23 x 10(5) gmol(-1) with melting temperatures in the range of 127-134 degreesC. Further polymerization studies employing 7 varying Al/Zr molar ratio and temperature of polymerization showed that the activity as well as the polymer properties are dependent on these parameters. In that case, higher activity was attained at 60 degreesC. The viscosity-average molecular weights of the polyethylene's decreases with increasing AI/Zr molar ratio. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reaction of TlTp' (Tp' = HB(3-mesitylpyrazolyl)(3)(-) (Tp(Ms)), HB(3-mesitylpyrazolyl)(2)(5-mesitylpyrazolyl)(-) (Tp(Ms)*)) with NiCl(2).6H(2)O affords Tp(Ms)NiCl (1) and Tp(Ms)*NiCl (2) in good yield. The compound 2 undergoes an isomerization process to form [{Tp(Ms)**}NiCl](2) (3) (Tp(Ms)** = HB(5-mesitylpyrazolyl)(2)(3-mesitylpyrazolyl)(-)) in 68% yield. Treatment of the tris(pyrazolyl)-borate nickel compounds 1 and 2 with alkylaluminum cocatalysts such as methylalumoxane (MAO) and trimethylaluminum (TMA) in toluene generates active catalysts for ethylene oligomerization. The compound 1 shows turnover frequencies in the range of (2.2-43.1) x 10(3) h(-1). Oligomerization reaction conditions can be adjusted that lead to selectivities as high as 81% for butene-1.


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Manganese(III) complexes of tetra-anionic and tetra-cationic porphyrins have been immobilised on counter-charged, surface-modified silica supports and on organic ion-exchange resins. The reactions of these supported manganese(III) porphyrin systems and analogous uncharged homogeneous systems have been examined using cyclooctene and (E)- and (Z)-4- methylpent-2-ene epoxidations, with iodosylbenzene (PhIO) as the oxygen donor.Comparisons using the manganese porphyrin systems as catalysts for the epoxidation of cyclooctene in acetonitrile reveal that, in low turnover reactions (maximum 136 turnovers), they all give an essentially quantitative yield of epoxide although the heterogeneous reactions are significantly slower than the homogeneous analogues. In large scale repeat-use experiments, however, the supported catalysts are clearly superior, giving markedly better yields.The epoxidations of (E)- and (Z)-4- methylpent-2-ene with all the catalysts show a very high stereoretention, with the (Z)-alkene reacting faster than the (E)-isomer. The sterically hindered manganese(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2,6-dichloro-3-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin (MnTDCSPP) shows the highest selectivity for the (Z)-isomer; by contrast the supported manganese(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis[2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-4-(trimethylammonio)phenyl]porphyrin on Dowex (MnTF(4)TMAPP-Dowex) reacts with the two alkenes at effectively the same rate.The mechanism of the epoxidations and the influence of the porphyrin ligand and support on the substrate selectivity are discussed.


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O isolamento e a manutenção de fungos basidiomicetos simbiontes de formigas da tribo Attini tem sido dificultado pela baixa velocidade de crescimento desses fungos, bem como pela presença de muitos microrganismos que vivem na superfície do material que as formigas mantêm no interior nos ninhos como substrato para o crescimento dos seus fungos simbiontes. No presente trabalho nós descrevemos um método que aumenta em mais de sete vezes a eficiência de isolamento desses fungos, quando comparada àquela obtida por procedimentos tradicionais. Ninhos subterrâneos de formigas atíneas dos gêneros Atta, Acromyrmex, Trachymyrmex e Mycetarotes foram localizados e deles foram coletadas amostras contendo fungos simbiontes e formigas, que foram transportadas para o laboratório, onde as formigas foram capazes de limpar a cultura do fungo e estimular o seu crescimento. em seguida, porções dos micélios foram assepticamente coletadas e transferidas para meio Yeast Nitrogen Base contendo glicose e cloranfenicol. Para facilitar a manutenção dos isolados em culturas de laboratório, diferentes nutrientes foram analisados para a elaboração de um meio de cultivo complexo, que possibilitou aumentar a velocidade de crescimento dos fungos e estocá-los por longos períodos. O método foi aplicado com sucesso para os fungos simbiontes de todos os gêneros de formigas estudados, gerando, assim, um procedimento extremamente útil para a formação e manutenção de uma coleção representativa de diferentes fungos simbiontes de formigas da tribo Attini.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos morfológicos da exposição crônica à inalação de fumaça do tabaco e o do consumo de álcool nos pulmões e no crescimento de ratos. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos Wistar machos foram distribuídos em quatro grupos: controle, tabaco, álcool e tabaco + álcool, e acompanhados por um período de 260 dias. No final do periodo foi realizada análise morfológica dos pulmões por microscopia óptica e eletrônica. O crescimento dos ratos foi investigado através da medição do comprimento focinho-ânus, peso corporal e índice de massa corporal. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos expostos às drogas apresentaram peso e comprimento significativamente menores que os do grupo controle. As percentagens de bronquiolite e alveolite, e o diâmetro alveolar médio foram maiores nos grupos expostos à fumaça do tabaco, mas sem significancia estatística quando comparadas ao grupo controle. A microscopia eletrônica revelou apoptose mais intensa e lesões degenerativas no grupo de fumantes, enquanto lesões degenerativas nos corpos lamelares foram mais intensas com a associação de ambas as drogas. CONCLUSÕES: Este modelo experimental mostrou alterações morfológicas observadas por microscopia eletrônica, principalmente devido à exposição ao tabaco. Tanto o alcool como o tabaco prejudicaram o crescimento dos animais, o tabaco mostrando um efeito maior sobre o comprimento e o álcool sobre o peso corporal.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the influence of estrogen deficiency on autogenous bone block grafts in aged variectomized rats. Materials and Methods: Fifty 12-month-old female Wistar rats were used in the study. They were divided into 2 groups, an ovariectomized group and a sham-operated group. After 30 days the animals received autogenous block bone grafts on the angle of the mandible, harvested from the calvaria. The animals were euthanized at 7, 14, or 28 days postoperatively. Results: Histologic analysis showed that at 7 days postsurgery, the interface between graft and recipient site in the sham-operated group appeared filled by a granulation tissue with angiogenic activity, whereas the ovariectomized group still exhibited a blood clot and a granulation tissue in organization. on the 14th postoperative day, the interface in the shamoperated group was partially filled by newly formed bone establishing a union between the graft and the recipient site. The interface in the ovariectomized group was typically filled by granulation tissue with discrete osteogenic activity in most specimens. on the 28th postoperative day, the graft in the sham-operated group appeared histologically integrated to the mandible. However, the interface in the ovariectomized group appeared partially filled by newly formed bone, with areas of interposed connective tissue. The statistical analysis revealed that bone neoformation was significantly greater in the sham-operated group (57.41% at 14 days and 68.35 at 28 days) in comparison with the ovariectomized group (40.82% at 14 days and 53.09 at 28 days) at the 5% level. Conclusion: The estrogen depletion caused by the ovariectomy hindered the healing process of autogenous block bone grafts placed in the mandibles of aged rats.


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The distribution of 5-methylcytosine (5-MeC) was investigated in fish chromosomes by indirect immunofluorescence using a highly specific 5-MeC monoclonal antibody. Diploid and artificially produced triploid specimens of the pacu fish, Piaractus mesopotamicus, were analyzed. The strong immunofluorescent signals were coincident with the heterochromatic regions of both diploids and triploids in a pattern that matched the C-banding pattern. In the euchromatin, heterogeneous labeling was observed along the chromatids. The weakness of this labeling hindered comparison of the fluorescence labeling of homologous chromosomes from diploid and triploid individuals. However, no striking differences were observed. The possibility that the euchromatin labeling by the 5-MeC antibody is related to the occurrence of mildly repetitive sequences in the genome of Piaractus is discussed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Pantanal wetland is located in a tectonically active interior sedimentary basin in west-central Brazil. The south-flowing Paraguay River is the trunk-river of an alluvial constructional landform comprising several large alluvial fans, the largest one of which is the Taquari megafan. The Taquari River flows in two distinct geomorphologic zones within the megafan. Entrenched on sediments of Pleistocene fan lobes, the Taquari River flows in a 3 to 5 km wide meander belt in the upper fan, where avulsion is hindered by entrenchment. Downstream of the intersection point, stream discharge progressively decreases and the Taquari River becomes narrow and shallow toward the Paraguay River plain. Within the distributary fan lobe, the channel-levee sandy complex is topographically higher than the adjacent floodplains and avulsion is a natural consequence of crevasses in the natural levees. Many channel avulsions have occurred during the last decades and documented cases show that significant channel changes may take place in a few years. Beginning with crevassing in 1988 and ending with the abandonment of the former channel in 1998, the river completely changed course in the lower fan. Presently, a major avulsion is occurring in the upper portion of the growing fan lobe, where many crevasses have appeared in the natural levees with associated splays onto the floodbasin. New anastomosed channels have formed north of the Taquari River, but downstream of them the flow is unconfined and the water spreads into natural floodbasins. This avulsion is still in process and allows observation of channel evolution, the geomorphic features produced, the sedimentary processes involved, and resulting effects. If the new channels do not rejoin the main channel, the river mouth may abandon its present master channel and shift to a position a hundred kilometers north from its present position. A large volume of sediment has been transferred to the floodbasin, with progradation of crevasse splay deposits over fine overbank sediments. Many geomorphic features, recognizable in satellite and radar images, clearly show that avulsion has occurred many limes before in the Taquari River. Avulsion belt deposits and former diverted channels testify to ancient avulsion events within the fan lobe and show that progradation of splays onto the floodbasin is the most important infilling process within the Taquari distributary fan lobe. The avulsion process in the lower Taquari River has accelerated in the last 30 years, along with the magnitude of flooding. Pasture and intensive agriculture in the catchment area has increased the sediment supply to the wetland, but larger floods are also a consequence of higher rainfall since 1973. Avulsion and floods have been a cause of great concern among the local population and landowners. Before human intervention in attempting to control floods, however, a better understanding of the avulsive river system is needed, especially because a major navigation project including the channelization of the Paraguay River was recently proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)