21 resultados para spare

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This paper presents a proposal of a model to measure the efficiency of outsourced companies in the aeronautical industry applying the methods DEA and AHP. It also proposes an evaluation in the relation between the variables of the process and the value obtained for the effiiency. The criteria of Quality, Time and Cost were considered the outputs of the process, and those criteria were quantified by AHP for DEA matrix.The number of technical documents received by those outsorced companies were considered the input of the process. The other purpose is to separate the companies in groups considered able to receive an investment to improve their process. Copyright © 2008 SAE International.


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Condition monitoring is used to increase machinery availability and machinery performance, reducing consequential damage, increasing machine life, reducing spare parts inventories, and reducing breakdown maintenance. An efficient real time vibration measurement and analysis instruments is capable of providing warning and predicting faults at early stages. In this paper, a new methodology for the implementation of vibration measurement and analysis instruments in real time based on circuit architecture mapped from a MATLAB/Simulink model is presented. In this study, signal processing applications such as FIR filters and fast Fourier transform are treated as systems, which are implemented in hardware using a system generator toolbox, which translates a Simulink model in a hardware description language - HDL for FPGA implementations.


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Os autores apresentam revisão geral da distribuição e metabolização da glicose, com ênfase para os distúrbios que ocorrem no trauma crânio-encefálico, como a hiperglicemia que ocorre na fase aguda. Finalizando, são feitos comentários sobre as possíveis conseqüências desses conhecimentos sobre os procedimentos atuais, que aconselham a restrição na oferta de glicose a pacientes com catabolismo acentuado e que necessitam poupar o contingente de proteína corporal.


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Objetivou-se, com este estudo, verificar as diferenças nas características da carcaça, assim como nos parâmetros qualitativos da carne de novilhos jovens alimentados com dietas contendo silagem de grão úmido de milho ou sorgo. Foram utilizados dois tratamentos experimentais, nos quais a dieta total possuía como ingrediente energético principal a silagem de grão úmido de milho (TMU) ou a silagem de grão úmido de sorgo (TSU). Trinta e seis novilhos inteiros F1 Red Angus ´ Nelore com 8 meses de idade e peso médio inicial de 240 kg foram alimentados durante 172 dias e abatidos em seguida. O experimento foi conduzido em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Houve similaridade para o ganho de peso diário, ganho de peso total e peso final de abate. Não foi verificada diferença para o rendimento de carcaça, assim como para os rendimentos de dianteiro, traseiro e ponta de agulha. Os tratamentos TMU e TSU não afetaram os escores para cor, conformação e acabamento de gordura da carcaça. Marmorização, área de olho-de-lombo, espessura de gordura subcutânea e gordura perirenal, assim como as avaliações químicas da carne (proteína bruta e lipídios totais), também não diferiram entre os tratamentos. As dietas experimentais não afetaram a maciez da carne, assim como as perdas físicas no processo de cozimento (gotejamento e evaporação). Concluiu-se que a substituição integral da silagem de grão úmido de milho pela silagem de grão úmido de sorgo não alterou as características qualitativas e quantitativas da carcaça de bovinos jovens em confinamento.


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Avaliaram-se as características de carcaça de búfalos Murrah castrados terminados em confinamento. Foram utilizados 20 bubalinos Murrah (15 meses de idade e peso inicial de 207 kg), castrados e descornados, divididos em quatro grupos homogêneos e abatidos aos 75, 100, 125, 150 dias de confinamento, após período de adaptação. Ao abate, as carcaças foram identificadas, resfriadas por 24 horas para pesagem e cálculo dos rendimentos das meias-carcaças, dos cortes dianteiro, ponta-de-agulha, traseiro total e serrote. Não houve diferença estatística para o rendimento de carcaça. Os pesos de traseiro total, serrote e dianteiro apresentaram aumento linear, porém, observou-se efeito cúbico do período de confinamento sobre os rendimentos de traseiro total e dianteiro. Verificou-se ainda aumento linear dos pesos de filé-mignon, contrafilé, fraldinha, coxão mole, coxão duro, lagarto, sebo, porção comestível e ossos. O período de confinamento promoveu efeito linear decrescente sobre os rendimentos de patinho, músculo traseiro e maminha + alcatra e linear crescente para fraldinha e sebo.


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To verify the potential of lipids and carbohydrates to spare dietary protein and to understand the intermediary metabolism of interaction of these nutrients in pacu juveniles, an experiment was carried out to evaluate pacu physiological and performance parameters. The experimental design was completely randomized with 12 treatments in a 2 x 2 x 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of diets containing two digestible protein levels (200 and 230 g kg(-1) PD), two lipid levels (40 and 80 g kg(-1)) and three carbohydrate levels (410, 460 and 500 g kg(-1)). Fish-fed 230 g kg(-1) digestable protein (DP) showed increased glycaemia, decreased hepatic glycogen, as well as a smaller intake index and better feed conversion ratio. The higher dietary lipid level (80 g kg(-1)) reduced protein intake and serum protein concentration, increased liver and body fat content, but did not affect growth. At a lipid level of 80 g kg(-1), the increase in dietary carbohydrate levels promoted greater weight gain (WG), crude protein intake (CPI) and better feed conversion ratio (FCR). For fish fed diets containing 40 g kg(-1) lipid, the best energy-productive values (EPV) were obtained at 460 g kg(-1) carbohydrate. Increased levels of the main nutrients in the diets reduced the levels of serum triglycerides, while the increase in energy concentration increased the hepatosomatic (HSI) and glycaemia index values. Pacu used lipids as effectively as carbohydrates in the maximization of protein usage, as long as dietary protein was at a level of 230 g kg(-1) DP. The physiological parameters indicated that the best balance between the DP, dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels within the ranged this trial was obtained at 230, 40 and 460 g kg(-1), respectively, without lower growth.


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Free amino acids (FAA) are used principally as substrate in protein synthesis and the source of energy in aerobic catabolism. In marine fish, embryo and larvae FAA are used to maintain body fluid osmolality during fish early development. However, there is essentially no information about FAA concentrations in early ontogeny of freshwater neotropical species in comparison to marine fishes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the FAA concentrations in pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, eggs and larvae. Broodstock fish were induced to spawn and ovulated females were stripped of their eggs and immediately sampled for analysis. Larvae were sampled right after hatching (HL) and after the completion of the yolk-sac absorption (YSA). The wet weight of the HL and YSA larvae amounted to 0.5±0.1mg and 1.1±0.3mg, respectively. HL larvae showed higher levels of most of the indispensable amino acids (IAA) in comparison to eggs and YSA larvae. Exceptions were observed with His and Trp that showed higher or similar levels, respectively, in YSA larvae. The FAA Orn, Tau, Glu, Gln, Gly, and Tyr increased concentrations in both larval stages while that of Tau was found in higher concentration in all analyzed stages. Also, the concentrations of Asn, Ala, Pro, Ser, and Asp were higher in HL larvae. Both larval stages displayed a rise in total free IAA/total free DAA (dispensable amino acids) ratio. The authors conclude that the highest level of FAA in HL pacu larvae is indicative of active proteolysis of yolk reserves and a probable catabolism regulation of some FAA through spare-effect. In addition, Tau is one of the major FAA occurring during pacu ontogeny and may be performing regulation on body fluid osmolality regulation. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2013.


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The scope of this study was to investigate the grieving experiences of women who terminated pregnancies under judicial authorization, due to life-incompatible fetal malformation. Ten women attended in the Fetal Medicine Department of Botucatu Clinical Hospital participated in the study. Data collection was conducted by means of semi-structured interviews forty days after termination. The interviews were recorded and transcribed in full, with the data analyzed from the thematic content analysis perspective. The results revealed that the mothers sought explanations and meanings for the loss, with religious responses and self-blame being very frequent. The reports were marked by feelings of sadness, longing and sensations of emptiness due to the loss of the child, revealing the need of the mothers to dwell on the issue. The mothers were and continued to be linked to their children; the termination of the pregnancy, although being a choice to minimize the pain of an inevitable loss, did not spare the women from experiences of great suffering. The study includes input for the discussion and planning of health approaches and care for women who terminate their pregnancy due to lethal fetal malformation, by means of judicial authorization.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)