111 resultados para semiologia psicanalítica
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste estudo foi mostrar a contribuição da monitorização vídeo-EEG prolongada (MVEP) no diagnóstico de crises não epilépticas (CNE) e estimar sua prevalência em um centro terciário de atendimento à Epilepsia (EP). Foram observados 47 pacientes com diagnóstico de CNE com crises espontâneas ou provocadas. Foram instituídos protocolos direcionados à história clínica e à semiologia das crises. A análise estatística baseou-se no teste de Fisher e na análise de cluster. Os resultados evidenciaram prevalência de 10% de CNE. Houve predominância do sexo feminino (63,8%); em 57% dos pacientes as crises foram espontâneas. A média de idade foi 32,5 ± 11anos. O sinal semiológico mais freqüente foi o sono aparente (87,2%). em 9% dos pacientes observaram-se tanto EP como CNE. Três agrupamentos resultaram da análise de cluster: CNE hipermotora das extremidades com alteração de tônus; CNE com automatismos e CNE axial com movimentos oculares. em conclusão, o estudo da semiologia clínica das CNE durante a MVEP contribui para o diagnóstico desta entidade nosológica e para o diagnóstico diferencial com EP; o teste provocativo auxilia na obtenção das crises.
Trata-se de uma síntese das principais idéias de René Passeron a propósito da fundamentação de uma análise lingüístico-semiótica das obras pictóricas. em que medida um quadro pode ser considerado um texto? Quais seriam os elementos básicos de uma pintura? Podemos falar em articulações de unidades no campo visual definido por uma obra dessa natureza? E quais os repertórios e as regras combinatórias? O artigo propõe a discussão destes problemas a partir das rigorosas e oportunas colocações do importante teórico, crítico e historiador da arte, infelizmente quase desconhecido entre nós.
This study aims to compare a psychological evaluation test to classical psychoanalysis in infertile women. Two hundred women were submitted to the Psychological Evaluation Test (PET). The sum of the scores for the responses ranged from 15 to 60 points, with scores ≥ 30 points being defined as psycho-emotional maladjustment (cut-off point: median + 25%). For comparison, a psychologist submitted the patients to a psychological examination simultaneously, who was unaware of the PET results. From the 200 patients, 66 (33%) presented a test with ≥ 30 points (psycho-emotional maladjustment) and 134 (67%) a test with < 30 points (normal). Upon psychological examination, 105 (52.5%) presented an abnormal evaluation and 95 (47.5%) a normal evaluation. For the PET, statistical analysis showed 82% efficiency, 62% sensitivity, 98% positive predictive value, 99% specificity, 70% negative predictive value, likelihood ratio for a positive test result 62, and likelihood ratio for negative test result 0.38. The PET proved to be a useful clinical instrument, being of help for the selection of patients with psychological needs induced by infertility.
Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
This article is based on the author's clinical practice in the area of public health, and discusses depression as it is known today. Essentially, the author questions the practice of labeling depression as a psychopathological condition. The author also questions today’s trend of seeing a subject’s suffering as a "malaise," or a “disorder.” The possibility is brought up of understanding it as a "demand for analysis." Finally, the article is meant as a contribution to the ethics of psychoanalysis focused on the subject and the possibilities of psychoanalysis in subjectivating this "malaise."
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Although the use of countertransference is a controversial topic and the debate on the participation of the analyst’s mind may go back to the old conception of aptness for the analytical task based on personality or psychological makeup, the fact is that the psychoanalyst’s education involves the elaboration of his unconscious conflicts, turning conscious the pathways of his desire and his symptoms through a process of personal analysis and a long theoretical and technical training in the field of psychoanalysis. This study is a literature review based on studies about the maternal function, which aims at showing the path of recovery of countertransference in psychoanalytic theory and technique and the implication of the analyst’s abilities in the analytical process. This development is tributary of the appreciation of maternal function as a model for interpersonal and therapeutic relationship in Psychoanalysis, due to the paradigm of object relations in the British psychoanalytic tradition, being Donald W. Winnicott and Wilfred R. Bion two of its main authors.
To Freud the group of the psychic activity has for purpose the search of pleasure and escape to the displeasure, and of that drift that the aspects associated to memories of unpleasant experiences have for tendency the removal of level of conscience. The unconscious repeats in subject, in way of being and through where he sees the world. That repetition also shows in practice of game. This study leaned on in analysis of Freudian work to play. Because, independent of sphere in that it is acting, the activity of the game is accomplished, predominantly, under an atmosphere predominantly pleased. The game can propitiate situation so that it happens the sublimation of drive forces, making possible occurrence, in an acceptable way socially, contributing to accomplishment of satisfaction. Like this, this study had as objective contemplates, starting from the reading of passages of Freudian work, on desire and the pleasure to play. For the elaboration of that text pertinent bibliographical revision was accomplished to the game, in relationship with psychoanalysis starting from Freud and other authors.