222 resultados para rectangular aquarium

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Neste experimento, utilizaram-se cinco aquários cilíndricos com relevo no fundo (em forma de anel) e cinco retangulares com fundo liso para estudo da influência do formato do aquário na sobrevivência e no desenvolvimento de larvas de matrinxã Brycon cephalus. Observou-se melhor eficiência dos aquários retangulares, confirmada pela maior sobrevivência e biomassa. Os valores de temperatura, pH, condutividade e oxigênio dissolvido foram similares entre os tipos de aquários, sugerindo que esses parâmetros não influenciaram os resultados. O relevo no fundo dos aquários cilíndricos afetou negativamente o cultivo de larvas de matrinxã, pela criação de zonas com pequena capacidade da água em suspender partículas, o que resultou em acúmulo de dejetos, predadores, competidores e alimento. Aquários retangulares com fundo liso são mais adequados ao cultivo de larvas de matrinxã, por promover melhor circulação da água.


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In this work, a boundary element formulation to analyse plates reinforced by rectangular beams, with columns defined in the domain is proposed. The model is based on Kirchhoff hypothesis and the beams are not required to be displayed over the plate surface, therefore eccentricity effects are taken into account. The presented boundary element method formulation is derived by applying the reciprocity theorem to zoned plates, where beams are treated as thin sub-regions with larger rigidities. The integral representations derived for this complex structural element consider the bending and stretching effects of both structural elements working together. The standard equilibrium and compatibility conditions along interface are naturally imposed, being the bending tractions eliminated along interfaces. The in-plane tractions and the bending and in-plane displacements are approximated along the beam width, reducing the number of degrees of freedom. The columns are introduced into the formulation by considering domain points where tractions can be prescribed. Some examples are then shown to illustrate the accuracy of the formulation, comparing the obtained results with other numerical solutions.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of patients with mandibular angle fractures treated by intraoral access and a rectangular grid miniplate with 4 holes and stabilized with monocortical screws.Patients and Methods: This study included 45 patients with mandibular angle fractures from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery São Paulo State University, Araraquara, Brazil, and from the Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. The 45 fractures of the mandibular angle were treated with a rectangular grid miniplate of a 2.0-mm system by an intraoral approach with monocortical screws. Clinical evaluations were postoperatively performed at 15 and 30 days and 3 and 6 months, and the complications encountered were recorded and treated.Results: The infection rate was 4.44% (2 patients), and in 1 patient it was necessary to replace hardware. This patient also had a fracture of the left mandibular body; 3 patients (6.66%) had minor occlusal changes that have been resolved with small occlusal adjustments. Before surgery, 15 patients (33.33%) presented with hypoesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve; 4 (8.88%) had this change until the last clinical control, at 6 months.Conclusions: The rectangular grid miniplate used in this study was stable for the treatment of simple mandibular angle fractures through intraoral access, with low complication rates, easy handling, and easy adjustment, with a low cost. Concomitant mandibular fracture may increase the rate of complications. This plate should be indicated in fractures with sufficient interfragmentaty contact. (C) 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:1436-1441, 2011


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In this paper, we discuss the tunneling time of a quantum particle through a rectangular barrier. The reflection and transmission times associated with the wave packets representing the particle are discussed. By using an initial Gaussian momentum distribution, we carry out a comparative analysis of the stationary phases of the incident, reflected, and transmitted wave packets leading to the reflection and transmission times at, and Delta t(T), respectively. In the present treatment of this old and very known problem we take into account the deformations of the reflected and transmitted momentum distributions. These deformations produce a dependence of the reflection and transmission times on the location of the initial wave packet. In a parallel calculation, by numerically monitoring the time evolution of the system, we characterize a reflection and a transmission time. Such times agree with the ones obtained via the stationary phase method. [S1050-2947(98)07912-8].


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In this work, a numerical model to perform non-linear analysis of building floor structures is proposed. The presented model is derived from the Kirchhoff-s plate bending formulation of the boundary element method (BENI) for zoned domains, in which the plate stiffness is modified by the presence of membrane effects. In this model, no approximation of the generalized forces along the interface is required and the compatibility and equilibrium conditions along interfaces are imposed at the integral equation level. In order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom, the Navier Bernoulli hypothesis is assumed to simplify the strain field for the thin sub-regions (rectangular beams). The non-linear formulation is obtained from the linear formulation by incorporating initial internal force fields, which are approximated by using the well-known cell sub-division. Then, the non-linear solution of algebraic equations is obtained by using the concept of the consistent tangent operator. The Von Mises criterion is adopted to govern the elasto-plastic material behaviour checked at points along the plate thickness and along the rectangular beam element axes. The numerical representations are accurately obtained by either computing analytically the element integrals or performing the numerical integration accurately using an appropriate sub-elementation scheme. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, the plate bending formulation of the boundary element method (BEM), based on the Reissner's hypothesis, is extended to the analysis of plates reinforced by rectangular beams. This composed structure is modelled by a zoned plate, being the beams represented by narrow sub-regions with larger thickness. The integral equations are derived by applying the weighted residual method to each sub-region, and summing them to get the equation for the whole plate. Equilibrium and compatibility conditions are automatically imposed by the integral equations, which treat this composed structure as a single body. In order to decrease the number of degrees of freedom, some approximations are considered for both displacements and tractions along the beam width. The accuracy of the proposed model is illustrated by simple examples whose exact solution are known as well as by more complex examples whose numerical results are compared with a well-known finite element code.


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The objective of this paper is to present a generalized analytical-numerical model of the internal flow in heat pipes. The model formulation is based on two-dimensional formulation of the energy and momentum equations in the vapour and liquid regions and also in the metallic tube. The numerical solution of the model is obtained by using the descretization scheme LOAD and the SIMPLE numerical code. The flow fields, as well as the pressure fields, for different geometries were obtained and discussed. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The transient process of solidification of laminar liquid flow (water) submitted to super-cooling was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. In this study an alternative analytical formulation and numerical approach were adopted resulting in the unsteady model with temperature dependent thermophysical properties in the solid region. The proposed model is based upon the fundamental equations of energy balance in the solid and liquid regions as well as across the solidification front. The basic equations and the associated boundary and initial conditions were made dimensionless by using the Landau transformation to immobilize the moving front and render the problem to a fixed plane type problem. A laminar velocity profile is admitted in the liquid domain and the resulting equations were discretized using the finite difference approach. The numerical predictions obtained were compared with the available results based on other models and concepts such as Neumann analytical model, the apparent thermal capacity model due to Bonacina and the conventional fixed grid energy model due to Goodrich. To obtain further comparisons and more validation of the model and the numerical solution, an experimental rig was constructed and instrumented permitting very well controlled experimental measurements. The numerical predictions were compared with the experimental results and the agreement was found satisfactory.


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In this work, the analysis of electroosmotic pumping mechanisms in microchannels is performed through the solution of Poisson-Boltzmann and Navier Stokes equations by the Finite Element Method. This approach is combined with a Newton-Raphson iterative scheme, allowing a full treatment of the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann source term which is normally approximated by linearizations in other methods.


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This paper presents models that can be used in the design of microstrip antennas for mobile communications. The antennas can be triangular or rectangular. The presented models are compared with deterministic and empirical models based on artificial neural networks (ANN) presented in the literature. The models are based on Perceptron Multilayer (PML) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) ANN. RBF based models presented the best results. Also, the models can be embedded in CAD systems, in order to design microstrip antennas for mobile communications.


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This paper uses artificial neural networks (ANN) to compute the resonance frequencies of rectangular microstrip antennas (MSA), used in mobile communications. Perceptron Multi-layers (PML) networks were used, with the Quasi-Newton method proposed by Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb and Shanno (BFGS). Due to the nature of the problem, two hundred and fifty networks were trained, and the resonance frequency for each test antenna was calculated by statistical methods. The estimate resonance frequencies for six test antennas were compared with others results obtained by deterministic and ANN based empirical models from the literature, and presented a better agreement with the experimental values.


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We consider a N - S box system consisting of a rectangular conductor coupled to a superconductor. The Green functions are constructed by solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations at each side of the interface, with the pairing potential described by a step-like function. Taking into account the mismatch in the Fermi wave number and the effective masses of the normal metal - superconductor and the tunnel barrier at the interface, we use the quantum section method in order to find the exact energy Green function yielding accurate computed eigenvalues and the density of states. Furthermore, this procedure allow us to analyze in detail the nontrivial semiclassical limit and examine the range of applicability of the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization method.


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Ornamental fish may be severely affected by a stressful environment. Stressors impair the immune response, reproduction and growth rate; thus, the identification of possible stressors will aid to improve the overall quality of ornamental fish. The aim of this study was to determine whole-body cortisol of adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, following visual or direct contact with a predator species. Zebrafish were distributed in three groups: the first group, which consisted of zebrafish reared completely isolated of the predator, was considered the negative control; the second group, in which the predator, Parachromis managuensis was stocked together with zebrafish, was considered the positive control; the third group consisted of zebrafish stocked in a glass aquarium, with direct visual contact with the predator. The mean whole-body cortisol concentration in zebrafish from the negative control was 6.78 +/- 1.12 ng g(-1), a concentration statistically lower than that found in zebrafish having visual contact with the predator (9.26 +/- 0.88 ng g(-1)) which, in turn, was statistically lower than the mean whole-body cortisol of the positive control group (12.35 +/- 1.59 ng g(-1)). The higher whole-body cortisol concentration found in fish from the positive control can be attributed to the detection, by the zebrafish, of relevant risk situations that may involve a combination of chemical, olfactory and visual cues. One of the functions of elevated cortisol is to mobilize energy from body resources to cope with stress. The elevation of whole-body cortisol in fish subjected to visual contact with the predator involves only the visual cue in the recognition of predation risk. We hypothesized that the zebrafish could recognize predator characteristics in P managuensis, such as length, shape, color and behavior. Nonetheless, the elevation of whole-body cortisol in zebrafish suggested that the visual contact of the predator may elicit a stress response in prey fish. This assertion has a strong practical application concerning the species distribution in ornamental fish markets in which prey species should not be allowed to see predator species. Minimizing visual contact between prey and predator fish may improve the quality, viability and welfare of small fish in ornamental fish markets. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Avaliou-se a digestibilidade aparente do milho, amido de milho, milho extrusado, germe de milho, sorgo, farelo de trigo, farelo de arroz, glúten 21, glúten 60, farelo de soja, farelo de canola, farelo de algodão, farinha de peixe, farinha de carne, farinha de vísceras de aves, farinha de sangue e farinha de penas. Confeccionaram-se 18 rações, marcadas com 0,10% de óxido de crômio III, uma delas, basal purificada, e as demais, contendo os ingredientes. Os peixes, 100 juvenis com 100±10 g, foram alojados em cinco tanques-rede para facilitar o manejo de alimentação e a coleta de fezes e permaneceram, durante o dia, em cinco aquários (250 L) de alimentação, recebendo refeições à vontade das 8 às 17h30. Após, foram transferidos para cinco aquários (300 L) de coleta de fezes, onde permaneceram até a manhã do dia subseqüente. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente dos ingredientes foi calculado com base no teor de óxido crômio da ração e das fezes. Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que, entre os ingredientes energéticos, o milho apresentou o melhor coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente, seguindo-se o milho extrusado, o farelo de trigo e o farelo de arroz; dos ingredientes protéicos - vegetal, o glúten 60 e o glúten 21, seguidos do farelo de canola, apresentou os melhores coeficientes e dos protéicos - animal, destacou-se a farinha de vísceras de aves, seguida da farinha de peixes, enquanto os piores coeficientes foram proporcionados pela farinha de penas e farinha de sangue.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)