28 resultados para quality control of wines
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The existence of organic and inorganic contaminants present in both fossil and biomass fuels and the fact that they can provide undesirable effects (environmental problems, corrosion processes, lead to storage instability, and others) implies a rigorous quality control of these fuels, although these contaminants make up a small part of the final fuel composition. Considering the rising importance of fuel ethanol in the worldwide panorama, this review aims at reporting the use of successful alternative analytical methods in the monitoring of organic and inorganic contaminants at trace levels, used to determine and to quantify these substances in fuel ethanol and also presenting all official norms for quality control of fuel ethanol employed by ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms), ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), and ECS (European Committee for Standardization).
Isotope screening is a simple and cheap test for determining the photosynthetic pathway used by plants. The scope of this work was to classify the photosynthetic type of Melissa officinalis L. and Cymbopogon citratus [DC.] Stapf, through studies of the carbon isotope composition (δ13 C), and we are proposing the use of carbon isotope composition results as a tool to control the quality of medicinal plants. For studies of δ 13C (13 C% = [R (sample)/R (standard) - 1] × 10 -3), dried, powdered leaves were analyzed in a mass spectrometer coupled with an elemental analyzer for determining the ratio R (R = 13CO2/12CO2). As results, M. officinalis presented a C3 photosynthetic type, and C. citratus presented a C4 photosynthetic type. The carbon isotope composition from this study can be used as quality control of M. officinalis adulterants.
Euphorbia tirucalli Lineu (Aveloz) belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and is used in the treatment of cancer and warts. Some studies have reported that phorbol esters are the active principles responsible for the antitumor activity of Aveloz. The production of these molecules occurs in greater quantity in May, during the morning. This study aimed to evaluate whether the physico-chemical parameters of Aveloz homeopathic aqueous solutions such as pH, electrical conductivity and refractive index change due to storage time. Such parameters were measured regularly for 180 days. All solutions were prepared according to the method of grinding with lactose and subsequent dissolution in aqueous medium, as described in the Brazilian Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, using as starting point the Aveloz latex collected in May. Homeopathic aqueous solutions containing only lactose were also prepared and evaluated as a control group. The potencies that were analyzed for electrical conductivity, pH and refractive index were: 4cH, 7cH, 9cH, 12cH, 14cH, 15cH, 29cH, 30cH. As a result, we found out that there was only statistical difference (p=0.035) in electrical conductivity between the homeopathic solutions containing Aveloz and the homeopathic solutions without Aveloz, when 15cH potency was compared. We also observed that the electrical conductivity increased with the aging of the solutions but is not directly related to the pH or the refractive index of the solutions, indicating that the aging process may alter the electrical conductivity of the homeopathic medicines. The presence of gas inside the glass that stores these solutions may affect the electrical conductivity measurements. Finally, no statistically significant difference was observed (p> 0.05) in the pH and refractive index.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the quality of Cotesia flavipes from different bio-factories as biological control agents. We evaluated biological characteristics of the parasitoids throughout their lifespan, and measured the body length and width, abdomen width, thorax width and width and length of the right forewing of female and male parasitoids. Our results showed that the number of males and pupal viability were similar among the bio-factories; the number of emerged females was greater in bio-factories I and II; the egg-pupa period and the pupal period were shorter in bio-factory IV; and a greater longevity was found in bio-factories II and III. Sex ratio (at approximately 60% females) was satisfactory (in terms of suitability for release) across all bio-factories. For morphometric measurements, the body, abdomen and wing widths were similar in males; however, thorax width was greater in the males from bio-factory I; bio-factory III produced females with the highest body length; bio-factory I produced females with the greatest abdomen width; bio-factories III and IV produced females with the greatest wing length. Among the bio-factories studied, bio-factory IV produced the best quality C. flavipes, with respect to the greatest number of parasitoids per pupal mass (a mean of 57% more parasitoids) in a satisfactory sex ratio, and with the shortest developmental time, which facilitates faster rearing in the laboratory. Studies such as this, which assess the quality of a mass-produced C. flavipes, are crucial for the continued use of this parasitoid in controlling Diatraea saccharalis in the field. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The use of medicinal plants occurs since the Antiquity, but has become more popular in the present time. In the United States, 50% of the population uses the phytotherapy. Calendula officinalis and Melampodium divaricatum have components called flavonoids. Matricaria chamomila Linn and Acchilea millefolium, popularly known as camomila and mil folhas, respectively, have sesquiterpenic components called azulens. These substances present many effects; some of them offer benefits to the human health. Thus, these plants had their extract incorporated in cosmetic-dermatological formulations. This study aimed to prove the presence of the active substances, sesquiterpenes and flavonoids, in cosmetic creams with Matricaria chamomila Linn, Acchilea millefolium, Calendula officinalis and Melampodium divaricatum extracts. Also, aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of the products. Flavonoids and sesquiterpernes were detected in the emulsions and the microbiological quality was verified. Thus, the products are safe to the users in relation to the microbiological aspects and should present beneficial effects due to the presence of flavonoids and sesquiterpenes.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Isotope screening is a simple test for determining the photosynthetic pathway used by plants. The scope of this work was to classify the photosynthetic type of some herbs and medicinal plants through studies of the carbon isotope composition (δ13C). Also, we propose the use of carbon isotope composition as a tool to control the quality of herbs and medicinal plants. For studies of δ13C, δ 13C‰ = [R (sample)/R (standard) - 1] × 10-3, dry leaves powdered in cryogenic mill were analyzed in a mass spectrometer coupled with an elemental analyzer for determining the ratio R = 13CO2/12CO2. In investigation of δ13C of 55 species, 23 botanical families, and 44 species possessed a C3 photosynthetic type. Six species found among the botanical families Euphorbiaceae and Poaceae were C4 plants, and 5 species found among the botanical families Agavaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Liliaceae possessed CAM-type photosynthesis. Carbon isotope composition of plants can be used as quality control of herbs and medicinal plants, allowing the identification of frauds or contaminations. Also, the information about the photosynthetic type found for these plants can help in introducing and cultivating exotic and wild herbs and medicinal plants.
Latin-American Society of Forensic Genetics (SLAGF) Interlaboratory Quality Control Exercise (2010-2011) included the analysis of three bloodstain samples in FTA Classic Card (three persons, biologically unrelated) and one theoretical exercise. There were 56 participating laboratories from 13 Latin-American countries that belong to society, were reported 70 STRs, including autosomal and sex chromosome markers with consensus in 53 STRs with a rate in reporting errors of 2.3%. Fifty-six laboratories reported results in theoretical exercise with mistakes in calculation of IP for each marker. It is necessary to hold meetings to discuss the results of this exercise to reach conclusions and recommendations on all aspects of DNA forensics analysis and paternity test, to improve results and quality in the results of each laboratory. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.