125 resultados para protein bcl x

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This paper intend to review recent advances in our understanding of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, and discuss implications of these basic science advances in the development of causes and potential treatments of a variety of diseases of the head and neck. Conclusions: apoptosis is now understood to be important in the normal development and survival of all multicellular organism. Deregulation of this normally tighly controlled process underlies a variety of disease states, including neoplasia, autoimmune disease, and disorders of the central nervous system. A better understanding of this process and regulation may help otolaryngologists better understand diseases relevant to this specialty and will lead to improved therapeutic interventions.


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The potential for malignant transformation of oral lichen planus is still controversial. The expression of proteins related to cell proliferation and apoptosis in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia was analyzed to evaluate the true potential for malignant transformation of this disease. Twenty-four cases of each lesion were subjected to the streptoavidin-biotin technique for identifying the immunohistochemical expression of PCNA, p53, bax, and bcl-2 proteins. Of the 24 cases of oral lichen planus, 14 (58.33%) were positive for PCNA, 10 (41.67%) for p53, 4 (16.67%) for bcl-2 and 12 (50%) for bax, whereas of the 24 cases of epithelial dysplasia, 20 (83.33%) were positive for PCNA, 10 (41.67%) for p53, 6 (25%) for bcl-2, and 20 (83.33%) for bax. Chi-squared test showed no statistically significant differences between the expression of p53 and bcl-2 in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia, regardless of the grade (P > 0.05). However, the expression of PCNA and bax was significantly increased in epithelial dysplasia (P < 0.05). The results of this study showed that alterations in expression of these proteins are observed in oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia, suggesting the potential for malignant transformation in both lesions.


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Objectives: To evaluate the Bcl-2, Bax, Bad and Bak immunoexpression in tumor and nontumorous tissue of 130 patients with colorectal carcinoma submitted to surgery at São Paulo Hospital, EPM/ UNIFESP, from 2002 to 2005, and to correlate the immunoexpression data with the apoptotic index (AI, obtained by anti-cleaved caspase 3 and M30 labeling), cell proliferation score (CPS, obtained by Ki-67), immunoexpression of p53 and patient’s clinical prognosis. Results: Positive correlation was verified between Bcl-2 protein family in tumor and nontumor tissue. Only Bcl-2 protein correlated with IA and CPS in the tumor. Positive correlation was observed between pro- -apoptotic proteins and Bcl-2 protein. In the adjacent mucosa, Bcl-2 correlated with Ki-67 and p53, but not with IA. Carcinomas exhibited higher immunoexpression of CPS and IA markers. No correlation occurred between immunoexpression data and patient survival. Conclusion: Positive correlation was observed between the pro-apoptotic proteins of the Bcl-2 family and the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. In the adjacent nontumor mucosa, Bcl-2 correlated with Ki-67 and p53, but not with AI. Carcinomas presented greater immunoexpression for CPS and AI markers; however immunoexpression of these markers was not correlated with patient survival.


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The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of dietary macronutrient ratio on energy metabolism and on skeletal muscle mRNA expression of avian uncoupling protein (UCP), thought to be implicated in thermogenesis in birds. Broiler chickens from 2 to 6 weeks of age received one of three isoenergetic diets containing different macronutrient ratios (low-lipid (LL) 30 v. 77 g lipid/kg-, low-protein (LP) 125 v. 197 g crude protein (N X 6.25)/kg; low-carbohydrate (LC) 440 v. 520 g carbohydrate/kg). LP chickens were characterised by significantly lower body weights and food intakes compared with LL and LC chickens (-47 and -38% respectively) but similar heat production/kg metabolic body weight, as measured by indirect calorimetry, in the three groups. However, heat production/g food ingested was higher in animals receiving the LP diet (+41%, P<0.05). These chickens also deposited 57% less energy as protein (P<0.05) and 33% more as fat. No significant differences in energy and N balances were detected between LL and LC chickens. The diets with the higher fat contents (i.e. The LP and LC diets) induced slightly but significantly higher relative expressions of avian UCP mRNA in gastrocnemius muscle, measured by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, than the LL diet (88 and 90 v. 78% glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase respectively, P<0.05). Our present results are consistent with the recent view that UCP homologues could be involved in the regulation of lipid utilisation as fuel substrate and provide evidence that the macronutrient content of the diet regulates energy metabolism and especially protein and fat deposition.


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O objetivo nesta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito de dois ingredientes protéicos da dieta (farelo de soja e de algodão) e de dois processamentos físicos do concentrado (farelado e extrusado) na terminação de 16 bovinos machos não-castrados da raça Canchim. Avaliaram-se ainda a excreção de nutrientes nos dejetos e o potencial de produção de biogás. Os animais tinham 12 meses de idade e 315 kg PC, em média, e foram confinados em baias individuais durante 147 dias (os primeiros 35 dias foram de adaptação). Como volumoso utilizou-se silagem de milho, em uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 50:50, com base na MS. Os resultados foram analisados em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 × 2 (fonte protéica × processamento físico). A fonte protéica influenciou o ganho de peso corporal (1,50 e 1,35 kg/dia para o farelo de soja e de algodão, respectivamente), a conversão alimentar (4,73 e 5,31 kg MS ingerida/kg de ganho de peso, respectivamente) e a eficiência protéica (1,78 e 1,59 kg de ganho de peso/kg PB ingerida, respectivamente). O tratamento físico do concentrado e a fonte protéica não influenciaram a ingestão de MS, a área de olho-de-lombo e a espessura de gordura, estimadas por ultra-som. O balanço de nutrientes foi semelhante entre tratamentos para MS, FDN e FDA, mas a fonte protéica determinou diferenças no balanço de PB. Entre os macro e microminerais quantificados nas fezes, os teores de P e Mg diferiram entre as fontes protéicas e a extrusão aumentou o conteúdo de Ca, com médias de 0,39 e 0,43 g/100 g de MS de dejetos, respectivamente, para os concentrados farelado e extrusado. Os dejetos produziram biogás de maneira efetiva entre o 70º e o 200º dia.


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Foi conduzido um experimento para avaliar a utilização de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas para frangos de corte, formuladas com base na proteína bruta ou proteína ideal. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2x2+1, com duas fontes de proteína de origem animal (farinha de vísceras de aves e farinha de sangue bovino), dois conceitos de formulação (proteína bruta e proteína ideal) e uma dieta testemunha à base de milho e farelo de soja, com quatro repetições. As características avaliadas foram ganho de peso, consumo de ração e conversão alimentar. Houve efeito significativo das interações entre fontes de proteína de origem animal e conceitos de formulação para consumo de ração e ganho de peso. Quanto à conversão alimentar, não houve diferença significativa na interação e os melhores valores de conversão alimentar foram encontrados quando se incorporou a farinha de vísceras às dietas. Os melhores ganhos de peso foram obtidos com as dietas com farinha de sangue formuladas com base na proteína bruta e com farinha de vísceras de aves com base na proteína ideal.


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Both human and bovine prothrombin fragment 2 (the second kringle) have been cocrystallized separately with human PPACK (D-Phe-Pro-Arg)-thrombin, and the structures of these noncovalent complexes have been determined and refined (R = 0.155 and 0.157, respectively) at 3.3-Å resolution using X-ray crystallographic methods. The kringles interact with thrombin at a site that has previously been proposed to be the heparin binding region. The latter is a highly electropositive surface near the C-terminal helix of thrombin abundant in arginine and lysine residues. These form salt bridges with acidic side chains of kringle 2. Somewhat unexpectedly, the negative groups of the kringle correspond to an enlarged anionic center of the lysine binding site of lysine binding kringles such as plasminogens K1 and K4 and TPA K2. The anionic motif is DGDEE in prothrombin kringle 2. The corresponding cationic center of the lysine binding site region has an unfavorable Arg70Asp substitution, but Lys35 is conserved. However, the folding of fragment 2 is different from that of prothrombin kringle 1 and other kringles: the second outer loop possesses a distorted two-turn helix, and the hairpin β-turn of the second inner loop pivots at Val64 and Asp70 by 60°. Lys35 is located on a turn of the helix, which causes it to project into solvent space in the fragment 2-thrombin complex, thereby devastating any vestige of the cationic center of the lysine binding site. Since fragment 2 has not been reported to bind lysine, it most likely has a different inherent folding conformation for the second outer loop, as has also been observed to be the case with TPA K2 and the urokinase kringle. The movement of the Val64-Asp70 β-turn is most likely a conformational change accompanying complexation, which reveals a new heretofore unsuspected flexibility in kringles. The fragment 2-thrombin complex is only the second cassette module-catalytic domain structure to be determined for a multidomain blood protein and only the third domain-domain interaction to be described among such proteins, the others being factor Xa without a Gla domain and Ca2+ prothrombin fragment 1 with a Gla domain and a kringle. © 1993 American Chemical Society.


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Background: Glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase from Escherichia coli is an allosteric hexameric enzyme which catalyzes the reversible conversion of D-glucosamine 6-phosphate into D-fructose 6-phosphate and ammonium ion and is activated by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate. Mechanistically, it belongs to the group of aldose-ketose isomerases, but its reaction also accomplishes a simultaneous amination/deamination. The determination of the structure of this protein provides fundamental knowledge for understanding its mode of action and the nature of allosteric conformational changes that regulate its function. Results: The crystal structure of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase with bound phosphate ions is presented at 2.1 Å resolution together with the refined structures of the enzyme in complexes with its allosteric activator and with a competitive inhibitor. The protein fold can be described as a modified NAD-binding domain. Conclusions: From the similarities between the three presented structures, it is concluded that these represent the enzymatically active R state conformer. A mechanism for the deaminase reaction is proposed. It comprises steps to open the pyranose ring of the substrate and a sequence of general base-catalyzed reactions to bring about isomerization and deamination, with Asp72 playing a key role as a proton exchanger.


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Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is a neoplasm transmitted by the physical transfer of viable tumor cells by direct contact with injured skin and/or mucous tissue. These cells can transpose across histocompatibility barriers into unrelated hosts. This review focuses on the biology of apoptosis and the interaction of proteins involved in this process, as well as p53, p63 and the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2. As such, this disease offer unique opportunity to study the biology of transplantable tumours and the interaction of proteins involved in apoptosis process and the prognosis of CTVT.


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Ganoderma lucidum is an edible medicinal mushroom with immunomodulatory and antitumor properties, which are mainly attributed to polysaccharides and triterpenes that can be isolated from mycelia, fruiting bodies and spores. G. lucidum has been us d in a powdered form, as a medicinal beverage and a nutraceutical food (usually dried). In the present review we report some historical facts and the experimental evidence that polysaccharides and triterpenes obtained from this mushroom present potential antitumor activity. Direct effects on tumor cells include induction of apoptosis and interference in the cell cycle, whereas indirect effects are based on the modulation of immune response, usually impaired by cancer cells. Data indicate that G. lucidum can be used as a complementary tool for treatment of cancer patients. © by São Paulo State University.


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Lys49-phospholipases A2 (Lys49-PLA2s) are proteins found in bothropic snake venoms (Viperidae family) and belong to a class of proteins which presents a phospholipase A2 scaffold but are catalytically inactive. These proteins (also known as PLA2s-like toxins) exert a pronounced local myotoxic effect and are not neutralized by antivenom, being their study relevant in terms of medical and scientific interest. Despite of the several studies reported in the literature for this class of proteins only a partial consensus has been achieved concerning their functional-structural relationships. In this work, we present a comprehensive structural and functional study with the MjTX-II, a dimeric Lys49-PLA2 from Bothrops moojeni venom which includes: (i) high-resolution crystal structure; (ii) dynamic light scattering and bioinformatics studies in order to confirm its biological assembly; (iii) myographic and electrophysiological studies and, (iv) comparative studies with other Lys49-PLA2s. These comparative analyses let us to get important insights into the role of Lys122 amino acid, previously indicated as responsible for Lys49-PLA2s catalytic inactivity and added important elements to establish the correct biological assembly for this class of proteins. Furthermore, we show two unique sequential features of MjTX-II (an amino acid insertion and a mutation) in comparison to all bothropic Lys49-PLA2s that lead to a distinct way of ligand binding at the toxin's hydrophobic channel and also, allowed the presence of an additional ligand molecule in this region. These facts suggest a possible particular mode of binding for long-chain ligands that interacts with MjTX-II hydrophobic channel, a feature that may directly affect the design of structure-based ligands for Lys49-PLA2s. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The protein C pathway plays an important role in the control and regulation of the blood coagulation cascade and prevents the propagation of the clotting process on the endothelium surface. In physiological systems, protein C activation is catalyzed by thrombin, which requires thrombomodulin as a cofactor. The protein C activator from Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix acts directly on the zymogen of protein C converting it into the active form, independently of thrombomodulin. Suitable crystals of the protein C activator from Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix were obtained from a solution containing 2 M ammonium sulfate as the precipitant and these crystals diffracted to 1.95 angstrom resolution at a synchrotron beamline. The crystalline array belongs to the monoclinic space group C2 with unit cell dimensions a=80.4, b = 63.3 and c = 48.2 angstrom, alpha = gamma = 90.0 degrees and beta = 90.8 degrees. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This experiment was undertaken to study the interaction between level of dietary protein and recombinant human somatotropin (rhGH) administration on performance and body composition of juvenile tambacu (a crossbred Brazilian fish). A total of 72 juvenile tambacu, initially weighing and measuring (mean +/- s.e.m.) 23 +/- 2 g and 9 +/- 0.5 cm, respectively, were randomly divided into 18 groups of 4 fish each. Water temperature was 28 degrees C. Triplicate groups received one of two levels of dietary protein (15 and 30% as fed basis) and one of 3 doses of rhGH (0, 2 and 4 mu g/g) via intraperitoneal injection twice a week for 6 weeks, using a randomized complete block design. Somatotropin was noted to stimulate linear and body weight gain. The higher protein level supported increased growth in weight and length, but there was no interaction between protein level and rhGH dose for either parameter. Protein efficiency ratio and percentage protein deposited showed higher values on diets containing 15% protein. Somatotropin treatment did not significantly affect body composition, but there was a trend towards improved protein retention and reduced carcass lipid. In conclusion, the results of this experiment suggest that rhGH is able to stimulate linear gain in tambacu.


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The hspA gene (XAC1151) from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri encodes a protein of 158 amino acids that belongs to the small heat-shock protein ( sHSP) family of proteins. These proteins function as molecular chaperones by preventing protein aggregation. The protein was crystallized using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method in the presence of ammonium phosphate. X-ray diffraction data were collected to 1.65 angstrom resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source. The crystal belongs to the rhombohedral space group R3, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 128.7, c = 55.3 angstrom. The crystal structure was solved by molecular-replacement methods. Structure refinement is in progress.