33 resultados para periglacial slope deposits, anthropogenic over impression, dry maar, Eifel

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Com o objetivo de quantificar a quantidade e a uniformidade dos depósitos da calda de pulverização em duas cultivares de soja ('CD 208' e 'CD 216'), no estádio R1, por meio de diferentes pontas e volumes de pulverização, foram conduzidos dois experimentos na área, na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas UNESP- Botucatu, São Paulo (SP). Os tratamentos avaliados foram: pontas de jato plano (AI 110015 a 150L ha-1, AI 11002 a 200 e 250L ha-1); pontas de jato plano duplo (TJ 60 11002 a 150, 200 e 250L ha-1); pontas de jato cônico (TX-6 a 150, TX-8 a 200 e TX-10 a 250L ha-1) e pontas de jato plano duplo e baixa deriva (DGTJ 11002 a 200L ha-1). O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Para a avaliação da deposição, foi utilizado na pulverização o corante Azul Brilhante FDC- 1 (500mg L-1). Foram coletadas 25 plantas em cada repetição, divididas em região basal e apical. A determinação do conteúdo depositado foi realizada com a leitura de absorbância no comprimento de onda de 630nm, e os dados transformados em depósitos por grama de matéria seca foram ajustados às curvas de regressão, por meio do modelo de Gompertz. Os maiores depósitos avaliados nas cultivares 'CD 208' e 'CD 216' corresponderam aos tratamentos AI 11002 250L ha-1 e TJ 60 11002 250L ha-1, respectivamente. Os resultados da uniformidade da distribuição da calda de pulverização foram contraditórios aos da quantidade de depósitos. em todas as avaliações, o tratamento de maiores depósitos apresentou menor uniformidade na distribuição.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fertilizer use in no-till systems must be aligned with a correct interpretation of soil chemical attributes and crop demands. The objectives of this work were evaluate the effects of pre-sowing application of ammonium sulfate (AS) and of cover crops on the yields and soil chemical attributes of no-till cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium Hutch) over two harvesting years. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design, with the plots in strips, and the variables were three cover crops (Raphanus sativus L., Avena strigosa L. and Avena sativa L.) and four AS doses (0, 150, 300, and 450 kg ha-1) applied over millet dry biomass. The cotton in the experimental plots was manually harvested on April 25, 2007 and April 24, 2008. The soil samples were collected between cotton rows in all plots on May 5, 2007 and May 12, 2008, at depths of 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20 m for soil fertility analyses. The increasing doses of AS induced lower soil pH, and calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) levels in the superficial soil layer, as well as higher exchangeable aluminum (Al) and sulfur (S) levels until a depth of 0.20 m. Seed cotton yields increased with increasing AS doses.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate performance and daytime ingestive behavior of 84 Nellore young bulls in the post-weaning phase kept on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures during the dry season. Treatments were protein mineral supplementation (1 g/kg body weight) and protein+energy mineral supplementation (3 g/kg body weight). The experimental area comprised 12 paddocks in a total area of 27.36 ha, divided in two blocks of six paddocks each, having three replications per treatment in each block, with 42 animals/treatment. The data were subjected to variance analysis with repeated measures over time via procedure PROCMIXED of SAS (Statistical Analysis System, version 9.0) and means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The initial average weight of animals was 204.8 kg; final weights were 260.9 and 276.9 kg for animals that received protein and protein+energy supplement, respectively. The forage availability, sward height and stocking rate values did not differ with supplementation, but they showed difference between the experimental periods. The average time spent grazing during daylight of animals fed protein+energy supplement was shorter as compared with those which consumed protein supplement. Animals kept under the same pasture conditions during the dry season show better performance when they receive protein+energy supplement than protein supplement.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The study aimed to evaluate the possible inhibitory effects of different concentrations of crabgrass (Digitaria horizontalis Willd.) dry mass incorporated to the soil over the germination and early growth of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril.), dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and turnip (Raphanus raphanistrum L.). The experimental design adopted was completely random, with four replications where, each one was consisted of a 2.5 L capacity pot. Dry mass of crabgrass at equivalent amounts of 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10 t ha(-1) were incorporated into the soil. Crops seedling emergence was checked daily, and germination, speed germination index, mean germination time, relative frequency and synchronization index of germination were computed at the final of 10 days. The height and dry mass of plants were evaluated at 35 days after sowing. The incorporation to the soil of D. horizontalis dry mass caused significant reduction of the height and dry weight of soybean, dry bean and turnip, but were not observed consistent influence over the germination of these species.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper summarizes floristic and phytossociology data of 11, out of 14 plots of 1 ha, allocated along an altitudinal gradient in the Serra do Mar, Silo Paulo, Brazil. The study was conducted at Serra do Mar State Park and the plots start at the sea level (10 m - plot of Restinga Forest that occurs at Praia da Fazenda, Picinguaba, municipality of Ubatuba) up to 1100 m above sea level (the Montane Ombrophilous Dense occurs alongside the Itamambuca Trail, municipality of Silo Luis do Paraitinga). The Restinga Forest occurs in Pleistocenic Coastal Plain where the soil is classified as a sandy Quartzipsamment (Quartzenic Neosol), while along the slopes of the Serra do Mar, the Ombrophylus Dense Forest grows on the top of a pre-Cambrian crystalline basement with granitic rocks, where the soil is a sandy-loam Dystrophic Inceptisol (Cambisol/Latosol). In all 14 plots soils are acidic (pH 3 - 4), chemically poor, with high dilution of nutrients and high saturation of aluminum. In the Restinga and at the foot of the slope the climate is Tropical/Subtropical Humid (Af/Cfa), with no dry season, an average annual rainfall over 2,200 mm and an average annual temperature of 22 degrees C. Towards the top of the Serra do Mar there is a gradual cooling along the slope, but there is no reduction in rainfall, so at 1,100 m above sea level the climate is classified as Humid Subtropical (Cfa/Cfb), with no dry season and an average annual temperature of 17 degrees C. It is important to remark that, almost daily, from 400 m above sea level up to the top of slopes the mountains are covered by a dense fog. In the 14 plots 21,733 individuals with DBH >= 4.8 cm, including trees, palms and ferns, were marked, measured and sampled. The average number of individuals sampled in each plot was 1264 ind.ha(-1)(+/- 218 SE 95%). Within the parameters considered trees prevailed (71% in the Montane ODF to 90% in the Restinga Forest), followed by palms (10% in the RF and 25% in the Montane Ombrophilous Dense Forest/ODF) and ferns (0% % in the RF and 4% in the Montane ODF). Regarding these proportions the Exploited Lowlands ODF differs from the others with only 1.8% of palm trees and striking 10% of ferns. The forest canopy is irregular with heights ranging from 7 to 9 m, rarely emergent trees reach 18 m, and due to this irregularity of the canopy the amount of light that gets through sets conditions for the development of hundreds of epiphytic species. Aside from Montana ODF, where the number of dead trees was more than 5% of individuals sampled, in the other phytophysiognomies this value was below 2.5%. In the 11 plots where the floristic study was conducted we found 562 species in 195 genera and 68 families. Only seven species - Euterpe edulis Mart. (Arecaceae), Calyptranthes lucida Mart. ex DC. and Marlierea tomentosa Cambess (both Myrtaceae), Guapira opposita (Veil.) Reitz (Nyctaginaceae), Cupania oblongifolia Mart. (Sapindaceae), Cecropia glaziovii Snethl. and Coussapoa microcarpa (Schott) Rizzini (both Urticaceae) - occurred from Restinga to Montane ODF, while 12 other species did not occur only in the Restinga Forest. Families with the greatest number of species are Myrtaceae (133 spp), Fabaceae (47 spp), Rubiaceae (49) and Lauraceae (49) throughout the gradient and Monimiaceae (21) specifically in portions Montane ODF. Only in the F plot, where logging has occurred between 1950 and 1985, the abundance of palm trees has been replaced by Cyatheaceae. The study shows a peak of diversity and richness, Shannon-Weiner index (H') ranging from 3.96 to 4.48 nats.ind(-1), in the intermediate altitudes (300 to 400 m) along the slope. Several explanations for this result are raised here, including the fact that these elevations are within the limits expansions and retractions of the different phytophysiognomies of the Atlantic ODF due to climate fluctuations during the Pleistocene. The results presented in this paper demonstrate the extraordinary richness of tree species of the Atlantic Rainforest from the northeastern coast of the State of São Paulo, reinforcing the importance of its conservation throughout the altitudinal gradient. The richness of this forest justifies a long term commitment to study its dynamics and functioning through permanent plots, and monitor the impacts of climate change in this vegetation.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the durability of bond strength between a resin cement and aluminous ceramic submitted to various surface conditioning methods. Twenty-four blocks (5 X 5 X 4 mm 3) of a glass-in filtrated zirconia-alumina ceramic (inCeram Zirconia Classic) were randomly divided into three surface treatment groups: ST1-Air-abrasion with 110-mu m Al2O3 particles + silanization; ST2-Laboratory tribochemical silica coating method (110-mu m Al2O3, ilO-PM Silica) (Rocatec) + silanization; ST3-Chairside tribochemical silica coating method (30-mu m SiOx) (CoJet) + silanization. Each treated ceramic block was placed in its silicone mold with the treated surface exposed. The resin cement (Panavia F) was prepared and injected into the mold over the treated surface. Specimens were sectioned to achieve nontrimmed bar specimens (14 sp/block) that were randomly divided into two conditions: (a) Dry-microtensile test after sectioning; (b) Thermocycling (TC)-(6,000X, 5-55 degrees C) and water storage (150 days). Thus, six experimental groups were obtained (11 = 50): Gr1-ST1 + dry; Gr2-ST1 + TC. Gr3-ST2 + dry; Gr4-ST2 + TC; Gr5-ST3 + dry; Gr6ST3 + TC. After microtensile testing, the failure types were noted. ST2 (25.1 +/- 11) and ST3 (24.1 +/- 7.4) presented statistically higher bond strength (MPa) than that of STI (17.5 +/- 8) regardless of aging conditions (p < 0.0001). While Gr2 revealed the lowest results (13.3 +/- 6.4), the other groups (21.7 +/- 7.4-25. 9 +/- 9.1) showed statistically no significant differences (two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test, a 0.05). The majority of the failures were mixed (82%) followed by adhesive failures (18%). Gr2 presented significantly higher incidence of ADHESIVE failures (54%) than those of other groups (p = 0.0001). Both laboratory and chairside silica coating plus silanization showed durable bond strength. After aging, airabrasion with 110-mu m Al2O3 + silanization showed the largest decrease indicating that aging is fundamental for bond strength testing for acid-resistant Arconia ceramics in order to estimate their long-term performance in the mouth. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The weathering rate of rocks and chemical dynamics of the Corumbatai River basin, São Paulo State, Brazil, were evaluated using major elements as natural tracers. This basin has serious environmental problems in terms of quality of surface and rainwater, which affect the determination of weathering rate. The Corumbatai River, downstream from Rio Claro City, receives several elements/compounds through anthropogenic activities, with only K, SO42- and alkalinity yielding positive flux values. The negative flux of some anions/cations can be attributed to atmospheric loading mainly related to anthropogenic inputs, providing K a value of 16.7 ton/km(-2)a(-1) for the material removed by weathering in the Corumbatai River basin. This is equivalent to 26 x 10(6) kg of rock being removed each year by the Corumbatai River. The instantaneous flux was found to be a function of discharge, with the majority of dry residue (dissolved load) being transported during the summer (wet) months. The removed material in Corumbatai River basin derives mainly from two sub-basins (Cabegas River and Passa Cinco River), where the sandstones weather more easily than siltstones and claystones in the basin. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The size distributed composition of ambient aerosols is used to explore seasonal differences in particle chemistry and to show that dry deposition fluxes of soluble species, including important plant nutrients, increase during periods of biomass (sugar cane trash) burning in São Paulo State, Brazil. Measurements were made at a single site centrally located in the State's sugar cane growing region but away from the immediate vicinity of burns, so that the air sampled was representative of the regional background. Calculation of ion equivalent balances showed that during burning periods smaller particles (Aitken and accumulation modes) were more acidic, containing higher concentrations of SO(4)(2-), oxalate, NO(3)(-), HCOO(-), CH(3)COO(-), and Cl(-), but insufficient NH(4)(+) and K(+) to achieve neutrality. Larger particles showed an anion deficit due to the presence of unmeasured ions and comprised resuspended dusts modified by accumulation of nitrate, chloride, and organic anions. Increases of resuspended particles during the burning season were attributed to release of earlier deposits from the surfaces of burning vegetation as well as increased vehicle movement on unsurfaced roads. During winter months the relative contribution of combined emissions from road transport and industry diminished due to increased emissions from biomass combustion and other activities specifically associated with the harvest period. Positive increments in annual particulate dry deposition fluxes due to higher fluxes during the sugar cane harvest were 44.3% (NH(4)(+)), 42.1 % (K(+)), 31.8% (Mg(2+)), 30.4% (HCOO(-)), 12.8% (Cl(-)), 6.6% (CH(3)COO(-)), 5.2% (Ca(2+)), 3.8% (SO(4)(2-)), and 2.3% (NO(3)(-)). Na(+) and oxalate fluxes were seasonally invariant. Annual aerosol dry deposition fluxes (kg ha(-1)) were 0.5 (Na(+)), 0.25 (NH(4)(+)), 0.39 (K(+)), 0.51 (Mg(2+)), 3.19 (Ca(2+)), 1.34 (Cl(-)), 4.47 (NO(3)(-)), 3.59 (SO(4)(2-)), 0.58 (oxalate), 0.71 (HCOO(-)), and 1.38 (CH(3)COO(-)). Contributions of this mechanism to combined aerosol dry deposition and precipitation scavenging (inorganic species, excluding gaseous dry deposition) were 31% (Na(+)), 8% (NH(4)(+)), 26% (K(+)), 63% (Mg(2+)), 66% (Ca(2+)), 32% (Cl(-)), 33% (NO(3)(-)), and 36% (SO(4)(2-)).