89 resultados para organic production

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The work was carried out in nursery of the Agronomical Science College (ASC) UNESP-Botucatu, in period from September 21(st) to October 31(st) 2000. The propagation material (rhizophores) was obtained from plants, which were cultivated in the area of ASC. The rhizophores were selected according to their vigor and size. Healthy rhizophores were chosen between 15 and 25 g, which were treated with benomil (0,6%, 10 minutes). As a basic commercial substratum Solomix((R)) was used with mixing cattle manure and chicken manure in the following proportions: T1- pure substratum; T2 - substratum + cattle manure (1:1), T3- substratum + cattle manure (2:1); T4- substratum + chicken manure (4:1). The yacon rhizophores presented good shoots in all substrata with exception of T4. For all parameters no significant difference between the pure commercial substratum and its mixture with cattle manure were observed; however, the addition the chicken manure in the studied proportions revealed harmful effect on the survival and development of the plantlets. The results indicated, that the viability of smaller size rhizophores was higher as the size conventionally used in Brazil (60 to 80 g).


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Parasitic diseases constitute one of the main problems affecting livestock; however the use of chemical medicaments provides drug resistance residues in animal and environmental contamination. Changes in production concepts require that food must be produced in hygienic conditions, per healthy animals and that are not eliminating antibiotic residues, pesticides or other drugs. This scenario has favored organic production and the use of medicinal plants. For the control of endoparasites, several studies have published the benefits of Azadirachta indica A. Juss., Punica granatum Linn., Musa sp., Operculina hamiltonii G. DON., propolis, among others. However, despite the existence in- vitro studies that demonstrate the pharmacological properties of phytotherapics, there is still need for clinical trials to determine dosage and its effects in- vivo. Investigations of new bioactive natural substances can be of great value for the control of animal health and food safety, which is particularly important for organic production systems in which the use of chemical drugs is a limiting factor for certification.


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Mudas de mamoeiro da cultivar Baixinho de Santa Amália foram transplantadas para covas de 40x60x40 cm, em áreas de três estruturas contíguas: (a) estufa sombreada (cobertura de plástico), (b) estufa sombreada + sombrite (cobertura adicional de sombrite com 30% de sombreamento sobre o plástico) e (c) telado (cobertura exclusiva de sombrite 30%). Ao lado de tais estruturas foi implantada uma área de cultivo de mamoeiro em ambiente natural. Os tratos culturais aplicados foram os condizentes às normas técnicas vigentes na agricultura orgânica. As irrigações foram procedidas com mangueira plástica, evitando-se molhar folhas e frutos. Aos 45 dias pós-transplantio e, subseqüentemente, a intervalos mensais, as plantas foram inspecionadas em relação à incidência de lesões foliares causada pelo fungo Asperisporium caricae. Para efeito de análise estatística, após o teste de homogeneidade das variâncias, foram consideradas quatro repetições por ambiente (tratamento), com seis plantas úteis por parcela. O modelo de quantificação da doença indicou efeito altamente significativo dos ambientes protegidos, estufa e estufa sombreada, quanto à incidência de sintomas, em comparação com ambientes de telado e em área natural de cultivo. Durante os 12 meses de avaliações foi constatada alta correlação entre incidência da doença e pluviosidade e umidade relativa do ar. As estruturas cobertas com plástico demonstraram alto potencial de controle de A. caricae, sendo, portanto, recomendáveis no sistema orgânico de produção do mamoeiro.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da cobertura do solo com aveia preta e manutenção da palha sobre o terreno, bem como cobertura do solo com filme de polietileno preto, sobre a produção de biomassa e teores de Mn e Zn em alface cultivada no sistema orgânico, por dois anos consecutivos. Utilizaram-se cinco tratamentos: solo sem cobertura, coberto com filme de polietileno preto, coberto com aveia acamada, coberto com aveia ceifada e solo coberto com aveia na sua forma natural, para o cultivo de três cultivares de alface. O experimento seguiu delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e análise estatística com parcelas subdivididas. Concluiu-se que o cultivo de alface em sucessão à aveia preta, sobre a palha, promoveu produção satisfatória e apresentou adequados teores de manganês e zinco, equivalentes àqueles encontrados na literatura em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, e a cobertura do solo com plástico preto promoveu produção satisfatória com maior acúmulo de Zn no primeiro ano e menor de Mn no segundo.


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This work was carried out in the city of Maringa, located in the Northwest region of Parana, with the aim of analyzing economically the yellow passion fruit crop (Passiflora edulis Sims. f. flavicarpa Deg.), comparing organic and conventional production systems. To estimate technical coefficients, planting and production costs, and profitability indicators of culture, the data were surveyed from technicians of the region and based in experimental work, carried out at the Experimental Farm of lguaterm from the Maringa State University, in the period of june/2002 to july/2004. The total production costs of the culture in two agricultural years reached a value 12.94% higher for the conventional system, and in this same period the medium index of profitability was 21.39% higher for the organic system. The organic production system was economically feasible and provided a larger index of profitability.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the soil covering with black oats straw, and soil covered with black plastic, in phosphorous and potassium content, and biomass production of lettuce in organic system, over two years. There have been defined five handling systems for soil covering: without cover, covered with black plastic, covered with laying oats, covered with harvested oats, and covered with oats straw in natural form, for growing three cultivars of lettuce. It was used the randomized blocks design in split plot system, with four replications. It has been concluded that butter head lettuce showed biggest phosphorous content, the soils covered with oats straw promoted higher potassium accumulation and lettuce production in second year, while soil covered with black plastic promoted best lettuce production in first year.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o efeito do número de ramos produtivos sobre o desenvolvimento e a produção de figos verdes 'Roxo de Valinhos'. O experimento foi conduzido com plantas de quatro anos de idade, em sistema de produção orgânica, espaçamento 2 x 3 m, de julho de 2007 a fevereiro de 2008, em Quatro Pontes-PR. Os tratamentos consistiram em plantas conduzidas com 6; 9; 12; 15; 18 e 21 ramos produtivos. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro blocos e três plantas úteis por parcela. No sistema de produção orgânica, as maiores estimativas de produção e produtividade de figos verdes foram obtidas em plantas conduzidas com 21 ramos.


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Farmers are interested in producing popcorn under organic production systems and propane flaming could be a significant component of an integrated weed management program. The objective of this study was to collect baseline information on popcorn tolerance to broadcast flaming as influenced by propane dose and crop growth stage at the time of flaming. Field experiments were conducted at the Haskell Agricultural Laboratory of the University of Nebraska, Concord, NE in 2008 and 2009 using five propane doses (0, 13, 24, 44 and 85 kg ha(-1)) applied at the 2-leaf, 5-leaf and 7-leaf growth stages. Propane was applied using a custom-built research flamer driven at a constant speed of 6.4 km h(-1). Crop response to propane dose was described by log-logistic models on the basis of visual estimates of crop injury, yield components (plants m(-2), ears plant(-1), kernels cob(-1) and 100-kernel weight) and grain yield. Popcorn response to flaming was influenced by the crop growth stage and propane dose. Based on various parameters evaluated, popcorn flamed at the 5-leaf showed the highest tolerance while the 2-leaf was the most susceptible stage. The maximum yield reductions were 45%, 9% and 16% for the 2-leaf, 5-leaf and 7-leaf stages, respectively. In addition, propane doses that resulted in a 5% yield loss were 23 kg ha(-1) for the 2-leaf and 7-leaf and 30 kg ha(-1) for the 5-leaf stage. Flaming has a potential to be used effectively in organic popcorn production if properly used. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The organic production systems based on natural processes do not allow the use of synthetic fertilizers with a high solubility, so it is required the use of technologies in accordance with the organic production legislation in order to make the technical, economical and environmental sustainable activities viable. To evaluate the effects of the usage of mineral and organic natural fertilizers, associated with liquid biofertilizers (BLE= enriched liquid biofertilizer and BF= leaf biofertilizers) on the production of the sugar apple fruit crop Annona squamosa L., replacing totally the chemical fertilizers, used by conventional farming systems, a nine year old orchard was driven in the irrigated plot n degrees 1295, irrigated project Nilo Coelho, district of Petrolina - PE. The experiment was carried out from September 2005 to February 2006. The experimental design was done through randomized blocks with eight treatments and four replications in plots of three plants each, with 96 plants in total. The treatments were the following: T(1) - plants with no fertilizer; T(2) - 60 g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O; T(3) - 90g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O; T(4) - 30 g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 15 L de BLE + BF a 5 %; T(5) - 60g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 30 L de BLE + BF a 5 %; T(6)- 90g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 45 L de BLE + BF a 5 %; T(7) - 120g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 60 L de BLE + BF a 5 %; T(8) - 150 g de N + 32 g de P(2)O(5) + 48 g de K(2)O + 75 L de BLE + BF a 5 % The fruit growth analyses (diameter and average length), total yield, productivity, average fruit weight, average number of fruits, fresh weight of the skin and pulp and dry weight of the fruits were used to evaluate the experiment. The results were relevant to the total production, fresh weight of the skin and dry weight of the fruits. The use of organominerals associated with liquid fertilizers increased significantly the productivity in values ranging from 10.44% (T(5) = 1.98 t ha(-1)) to 24.52 % (T(7) = 12.34 %). The treatment T(3) stood out (90g de N + 32g de P(2)O(5) + 48g de K(2)O) with a higher production than the control. The fruit weight increased in the fertilized treatments, with values increasing from treatment (T(2) = 5.26 %) to the treatment (T(7) = 12.34 %) in relation to the control. The fruit development was characterized by an average growth increase of 82 % in length and 84 % in diameter until the 56(th) day, with a sigmoidal growth pattern.


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This study aimed to collect data about organic production of freshwater fish. Today the production of organic food of plant origin is predominant in the market, however, the animal rearing with organic certificate has great potential, and is an important tool for adding value to grains and organic products. Regarding the regulation of organic aquaculture, producers are based on international standards. In Brazil, the norms for breeding are very recent and their regulation was consolidated through Interministerial Instruction No28, published on June 8, 2001 by Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA) together with Ministério da Pesca e Aquicultura (MPA). In the literature there are few studies with organic fish farm, but according to available data, the rearing of species such as tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) and jundia (Ramdhia sp) fed with organic diet, in different rearing systems, show results quite optimistic about the production system, which is the focus of this work.


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The use of conventional anthelmintic has been a growing concern among consumers who have become more and stricter toward drug residues in products of animal origin. Thus, this research aimed to evaluate the anthelmintic effect of alcoholic extract of propolis, at 30% of concentration, in naturally infected calves. Twelve calves weighting 60 kg and aging 90 days old were used. The treatments were performed by direct oral administration of 10 mL of EAP. The calves received the extract at every 8 h intervals, for five consecutive days. The results were evaluated comprising the detection of light and heavy eggs counted per gram of feces (EPG), immediately before and after treatment, calculating the percentage of reduction. For the statistical analysis, the results were evaluated by Wilcoxon unilateral test of signed points at 5% probability. Trichostrongylus sp. and Strongyloides sp. were found. After treatment, 83% of animals showed an average decrease of 48.48% per counting of EPG. Therefore, propolis may represent an important adjunctive therapy to control helminthiasis in cattle. It was particularly important in ecological organic and biological-dynamic systems of production, whose use of chemicals is prohibitive and limiting factor for certification.


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Bovine mastitis is considered the main disease causing great economic losses in dairy herds. It is usually treated by antimicrobial chemicals that promote drug resistance, residues in food and environmental contamination. However, consumers in different countries requires more natural foods and with higher quality. Thus, the objective was to check the activities of propolis in controlling bovine mastitis. Seventy-two Holstein cows were used. The mastitis was identified by the California Mastitis Test, somatic cell counts and microbiological examination of milk. Four treatments were held: in group EAP1 10ml of a 30% alcoholic propolis extract (EAP) were given orally for seven consecutive days; in group EAP2 the same procedure described for the first group was used, in addition EAP was used for immersion of the teats before and after milking; in group CA alcohol was used for immersion of the teats before and after milking; and in group CT animals were subjected to soaking and disinfection, procedures routinely used by the property. The results were analyzed by the non-parametric variance model for repeated measures complemented by independent groups in multiple comparisons. There was a decrease of the somatic cell count in all groups. The biological activities of propolis provide great prospects; however, under the conditions evaluated, it was not possible to observe differences between treatments. The great diversity in its chemical composition and the complexity of multiple synergistic mechanisms involved in its biological activity require additional clinical trials.


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The organic production is a system that allows achieving good levels of productivity, while avoiding the risks of chemical contamination of farmers, consumers and the environment. Because jambu plant is widely used as alternative medicine and cosmetics industries, has been increasing interest in its cultivation. The aim of this study was to analyze the biomass, accumulation of nutrient, productivity and determine the pesticide residue in plant jambu when grown under organic and mineral fertilization. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm São Manuel, FCA / UNESP. The experiment was conducted at São Manuel Experimental Farm UNESP. The statistical was arranged in the randomized block design, in a 2 x 6 factorial scheme, two sources of fertilizers (organic and mineral) and six doses of nitrogen, with four replications. The characteristics evaluated were plant height, fresh and dry weight, nutrients of accumulation in shoots and productivity. Mineral fertilizer gave higher biomass, productivity and accumulation of N and K in relation to organic fertilizer used. It is recommended the dose of 90g m -2 of urea as appropriate to obtain these results. However the organic fertilization favored the accumulation of phosphorus in plants jambu in relation the mineral fertilizer, and the dose of 10 kg m-2 of cattle manure recommended to achieve this result in plants jambu. We did not detect the presence of phosphorous and carbamate on leaves of jambu under organic and mineral fertilization. However, we observed the presence of chlorine in the leaves used for the two fertilizations.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)