42 resultados para ontogenetic niche shifts

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This study analyses the ontogenetic diet shifts of a Neotropical catfish, Pimelodus maculatus ( Siluriformes, Pimelodidae), from an ecomorphological standpoint. We collected 241 individuals in the Piracicaba River ( Brazil) and, in the laboratory, seven morphometric variables were recorded from each specimen: standard length (SL), body depth, head length, snout length, eye diameter, mouth height and mouth width. After standardizing these measurements ( as a proportion of SL), linear regressions were run to determine whether their growth was isometric or allometric in relation to SL. The diet analysis shows that the main food item for fish in the smaller size classes is aquatic insects, while the largest individuals feed mainly on other fish. As the great majority of the morphometric variables analyzed showed isometric growth as a function of SL - which means that these fish do not change their shape significantly during their lives - the ontogenetic diet shifts may be seen as a consequence of the absolute size increment of their mouth gape, which allows individuals to maximize their energetic gain by ingesting larger prey with a higher caloric content.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim: Studies on feeding of early life stages are very important to the understanding of the biology and trophic ecology of fish species. Therefore, the aim of this work is to describe the development of the digestive tube, and to characterize the diet of larvae and juveniles of Bryconamericus stramineus Eigenmann, 1908 of the upper Parana River floodplain; Methods: Larvae were obtained from, monthly samples during nychthemeral cycles with four-hour interval between samplings from February/91 to February/92, utilizing a conical-cylindrical plankton net; Results: At the preflexion stage, larvae at approximately 4.00 mm SL, showed a morphologically undifferentiated straight tube, with the anterior region more dilated. At the flexion stage a differentiation in the anterior region of the digestive tube occurs, with the intestine wall getting thicker (8.30 mm SL). The formation of pyloric caeca occurs at 9.00 mm SL. At the postflexion stage the first loop is formed at 9.25 mm SL and the second loop at about 10.00 mm SL. Bryconamericus stramineus consumed mainly cladocerans, also ingesting copepods, rotifers, nematodes, algae, insects and inorganic particles. Along the development, there was an increase in the number of food items and a diversification in the number of consumed taxa; Conclusions: Changes in the diet of B. stramineus larvae were not observed, being them zooplanktivores during all the initial development. However, an increase of large preys, such as insects larvae, was observed at the end of the larval period and in juveniles, suggesting a tendency towards invertivory. Larvae and juveniles preferentially fed during the night.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Aim To evaluate whether observed geographical shifts in the distribution of the blue-winged macaw (Primolius maracana) are related to ongoing processes of global climate change. This species is vulnerable to extinction and has shown striking range retractions in recent decades, withdrawing broadly from southern portions of its historical distribution. Its range reduction has generally been attributed to the effects of habitat loss; however, as this species has also disappeared from large forested areas, consideration of other factors that may act in concert is merited.Location Historical distribution of the blue-winged macaw in Brazil, eastern Paraguay and northern Argentina.Methods We used a correlative approach to test a hypothesis of causation of observed shifts by reduction of habitable areas mediated by climate change. We developed models of the ecological niche requirements of the blue-winged macaw, based on point-occurrence data and climate scenarios for pre-1950 and post-1950 periods, and tested model predictivity for anticipating geographical distributions within time periods. Then we projected each model to the other time period and compared distributions predicted under both climate scenarios to assess shifts of habitable areas across decades and to evaluate an explanation for observed range retractions.Results Differences between predicted distributions of the blue-winged macaw over the twentieth century were, in general, minor and no change in suitability of landscapes was predicted across large areas of the species' original range in different time periods. No tendency towards range retraction in the south was predicted, rather conditions in the southern part of the species' range tended to show improvement for the species.Main conclusions Our test permitted elimination of climate change as a likely explanation for the observed shifts in the distribution of the blue-winged macaw, and points rather to other causal explanations (e.g. changing regional land use, emerging diseases).


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Savannas are characterized by sparsely distributed woody species within a continuous herbaceous cover, composed mainly by grasses and small eudicot herbs. This vegetation structure is variable across the landscape, with shifts from open grassland to savanna woodland determined by factors that control tree density. These shifts often appear coupled with environmental variations, such as topographic gradients. Here we investigated whether herbaceous and woody savanna species differ in their use of soil water along a topographic gradient of about 110 m, spanning several vegetation physiognomies generally associated with Neotropical savannas. We measured the delta H-2 and delta O-18 signatures of plants, soils, groundwater and rainfall, determining the depth of plant water uptake and examining variations in water uptake patterns along the gradient. We found that woody species use water from deeper soil layers compared to herbaceous species, regardless of their position in the topographic gradient. However, the presence of a shallow water table restricted plant water uptake to the superficial soil layers at lower portions of the gradient. We confirmed that woody and herbaceous species are plastic with respect to their water use strategy, which determines niche partitioning across topographic gradients. Abiotic factors such as groundwater level, affect water uptake patterns independently of plant growth form, reinforcing vegetation gradients by exerting divergent selective pressures across topographic gradients. (C) 2013 SAAB. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A dieta de Cichla kelberi introduzido em um lago artificial em Leme-SP foi composta predominantemente pelas espécies de peixes mais comuns nesse lago (Oreochromis niloticus e o próprio C. kelberi). Na primavera e no verão, o item mais consumido foi O. niloticus. Porém, o canibalismo foi muito comum para esta espécie. As altas frequências de O. niloticus e de C. kelberi revelam que a espécie apresenta um ciclo sazonal, se alimentando das presas mais comuns em cada período do ano, com uma redução da sua atividade alimentar durante o inverno. As dietas foram diferentes entre os exemplares imaturos e maduros, sugerindo que existem diferenças ontogenéticas, principalmente relacionadas ao tipo de presa, como: Ephemeroptera, consumidos pelos tucunarés imaturos e peixes, pelos maduros, além do tamanho das presas.


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We determined microhabitat and diet niche for tadpoles from two ponds in an agricultural landscape. Additionally, we verified the intraspecific variation in resource use, and if diet and microhabitat use were correlated. Tadpoles found in the two ponds differed in microhabitat use, because in the larger pond they explored deeper places far from the margin. There were three groups with high microhabitat niche overlap. In both ponds, plant cover was the best descriptor to explain interspecific variation in microhabitat use. Tadpoles of all species ingested mainly Bacillariophyceae and Trachellomonas however the diet differed intraspecifically in the species from the two ponds. Ten items in the temporary pond and 15 items in the permanent one were ingested by all species; however, the relative abundance of each item differed. Diet similarity was not correlated to similarity in microhabitat use. In this study, diet was as important as microhabitat use to explain resource partitioning.