5 resultados para nomad

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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A tessitura deste trabalho abarca os traços da Biologia presentes em duas obras infanto-juvenis de Monteiro Lobato. Os entendimentos acerca dos traços biológicos como evolução, seleção natural, tamanho, classificação e organização natural se hibridizam, mesclam-se a outros discursos e significados e apontam relações e significações que se dão entre os espaços - diferenças - dos múltiplos conhecimentos. Ao reconhecer que a Biologia participa dessa Literatura, construiu-se um olhar para seus significados que são (re)criados em relação às diferenças, não funcionando como decalque, cópia de um campo cultural único ou suposto como original. Ao migrar para o texto, os significados culturais desses traços biológicos expandem o campo da escritura por uma interrupção e um espaçamento. Investigaram-se as relações de diferenças que se estabelecem entre Literatura e Biologia, e a intensidade das narrativas que trazem traços de crenças, valores, interesses políticos no discurso científico, e que são arrastados para a Literatura, num trajeto híbrido e nômade.


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Sebastião Uchoa Leite's work is circumscribed in a field of tension with tradition, which makes impossible is delimitation to anyone who seeks to draw his poetic profile. The undeniable identification with the modernist masters does not mean the enhancement of such standards; on the contrary, they are contaminated by the crossing of the most diverse references. The ambiguity comes from the fact that the poet neither puts limits in a temporal-spaced territory, nor sets defined directions. His is a hybrid textual project, as in a crossing, which the nomad route places, side by side, the referring speeches from tradition and from the contemporary world.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We discuss Henry Miller's novel Tropic of Cancer based on the concept of nomadism, as coined by Deleuze and Guattari. The relation between philosophy and literature is very productive for both. A phenomenon of dual capture between these two areas that is characteristic of a nomadic thinking: literature that engenders philosophy which, in turn, engenders literature, establishing connections, new relations between terms in a distinct nomad variation that dismisses the classical image of thought of its eminence: a perspective between philosophy and literature as form of discussing the nomadism in Miller's novel. Thus, the linkage between philosophy and literature aims to capture the Millerian paths on this new space of thought, which is achieved by giving up any origin, human or divine, and stands as productive thought that affirms the real in a combat waged against the faculty of judgment, or simply of Judgment, in all its forms.


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This article argues for the existence of a nomadic way of thinking, in accord with Deleuze and Guattari’s proposals throughout their “nomadology”. I will look forward to develop such an argument through of four points: the epistemological, the political, the historical and the ontological one. These four points, in set, describe what we call nomadic thought. Such reflection is defined in the observation of a dominant process that constitutes subjectivities ruled by a “capitalist axiomatic”, in our time. Such process is understood as a nomadic device involving, as its main by-product, what is called of narcissism of the difference. However, if the dominant way of becoming subjects ruled by capitalist society, in our time, is nomadic, is it still worthwhile thinking as a nomad, as pursued Deleuze and Guattari?