16 resultados para neurociências
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
The possibility of experimental approach of mental phenomena continues to be discussed nowadays by philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists. According to the concept that mental phenomena are resulting from brain activity, therefore organic phenomena, the objective of this essay is to show that empirical study of mental phenomena, especially consciousness, is not only possible, but desirable, despite the limitations found in Neuroscience field.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
O envelhecimento é um processo do desenvolvimento normal, envolvendo alterações neurobiológicas estruturais, funcionais e químicas. Também incidem sobre o organismo fatores ambientais e socioculturais - como qualidade e estilo de vida, dieta, sedentarismo e exercício - intimamente ligados ao envelhecimento sadio ou patológico. Este estudo teórico tem como objetivo ressaltar tópicos relevantes para o envelhecimento sadio e o envelhecimento doentio, fundamentados em resultados recentes da pesquisa em neurociências. Conclui-se que o aumento da idade não significa necessariamente adoecer; com medidas preventivas pode-se manter o idoso em condições saudáveis nos domínios físico e cognitivo, mantendo a autonomia de vida por longo período. Contudo, na presença de disfunções, o diagnóstico e a intervenção precoces podem propiciar uma melhor qualidade de vida ao paciente e sua família.
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective. To compare, pre- and post-swallowing therapy, the level of oral intake scale, and the degree of severity of neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia. Method. 19 patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia: 10 Post-Stroke adults, aged from 44 years to 76 years (group 1 – G1), and nine children with Cerebral Palsy, aged from two years and five months to 15 years (group 2 – G2). We excluded individuals in the process of spontaneous recovery. We held retrospective analysis of clinical protocols for clinical speech therapy evaluation with classification of the degree of dysphagia severity, applied before and after swallowing therapy. We used the Functional Oral Intake Scale - FOIS to assess the level of oral ingestion, pre and post-swallowing therapy. Results. The degree of commitment of dysphagia was favorable change only in adults, and in FOIS these changes occurred in both groups. Conclusion. There were favorable changes in the degree of impairment of oropharyngeal dysphagia and levels of FOIS, pre and post - speech therapy in stroke, but in ECINP markers used showed no favorable changes should even be reviewed for application in this population. Future studies are needed to investigate the variables in this sample.
The proposal of present paper is to present a conceptual and terminological discussion relative to the terms: organizational memory, corporate memory and institutional memory that is a subject still little studied and explored in the academic area. The study is theoretical focus and the research kind is bibliographical. As research sources were utilized: books, digital libraries of theses and dissertations in the scope of the country and CAPES Journals Portal. This study is in course and is part of doctorate research "Organizational memory and the knowledge bases constitution". As the partial results, observes that the question about "memory" is studied by different areas of knowledge: Psychology, Neurosciences, History and others; the concepts about organizational memory and corporate memory are studied by Administration and Information Systems areas; the concept of institutional memory is more studied by Business Communication area focusing the company history. Beyond that, observes the use of another term, social memory, utilized by Information Science and History areas.
The article uses theoretical approaches as simplexity, neuroscience and enactivism to discuss everyday classroom activities. It tries to transpose the classical bipolar division between mind and body, through these approaches in cognitive science. Two experiments on the body’s role in teaching are presented to demonstrate the relevance of the awareness of the body, to improve performance in the classroom. The first experiment uses neurofeedback to measure the body temperature, as a means to understand the role of the body in self-regulation and control of the attention. The second uses a bracelet multi-sensor, which provides data on the energy spent by the teacher in daily activities in the classroom. Italian and Brazilian researchers cooperate in this experimental path of inclusive teaching, to be used in classes with children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
This work has as its theme the role of emotions and affectivity in learning, particularly in science learning, being developed from a literature review. We start from the idea that learning occurs through changes in the neural networks of each individual and that these changes are caused by a combination of genetic and biological factors also influenced by emotions and affectivity. We seek information on the functioning of the human brain, highlighting the neuroanatomy and neurocognition, to understand how the brain processes information, including the feelings and emotions experienced by the individual. Once we try to understand which roles are assigned to the feelings and emotions in different learning theories, emphasizing the cognitive and humanistic theories. Finally, we found some more recent contributions to the understanding of the learning process, to the field of neuroscience. We were led to conclude that there is great scope for research in applied neuroscience to education, since the work, especially in the national literature are still scarce
In this paper, we circumscribe a domain of theoretical research on the combination dynamics between the dimensions of presence and absence, visibility and invisibility, which emerges in the phenomenology of perception as an essential trait which marks both our experience of the perceived world and our subjective and intersubjective experience. We prioritize a theoretical axis that integrates Edmund Husserl and Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s thinking into Renaud Barbaras’ recent contributions. To this philosophical framework, we link contributions especially of psychology, outlining the circular movement observed between the phenomenology of perception and phenomenological psychology, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, cognitive sciences and neurosciences.
The aim of this paper is to present aspects of the prominent findings of neuroscience in relation to psychological phenomena long studied in psychology. One of the basic points of this presentation is to show briefly the relationship between the anatomical and physiological structures linked to certain human behavior resulting from the evolution of species and the socio-emotional development of the individual.
Animais idosos podem mostrar dificuldades de aprendizagem e queda no desempenho de atividades que exigem a memória. O declínio no aprendizado e na memória pode ser demonstrado em cães já aos 7 anos de idade, usando uma variedade de testes neuropsicológicos. Diferentes testes vêm sendo desenvolvidos para avaliar o aprendizado e os diferentes sistemas de memória em cães, os quais são uma medida mais objetiva e mais sensível que a avaliação do dono, já que mensuram o aprendizado e a memória ao invés de observações clínicas. Por meio do uso destas provas, muitos avanços têm sido realizados no entendimento da disfunção cognitiva em animais de companhia e no desenvolvimento de agentes terapêuticos que sejam efetivos no aperfeiçoamento do aprendizado e da memória e no tratamento da síndrome da disfunção cognitiva em cães idosos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo dissertar acerca da execução de diferentes testes cognitivos que vêm sendo realizados em cães, o tipo de memória avaliada por estes e expor alguns resultados obtidos com experimentos prévios.
Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC