86 resultados para nematode ecology

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Registramos a incidência de parasitismo por vermes Mermithidae em larvas de Chironomus gr. decorus (Diptera: Chironomidae), no Rio dos Peixes, Dois Córregos, região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Neste estudo, de um total de 791 larvas amostradas, 205 (25,9%) estavam infectadas por mermitídeos, indicando que larvas de Chironomidae são comumente parasitadas por vermes mermitídeos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Infected calves from two different rural estates in Brazil were studied to assess the anthelmintic efficacy of oral trichlorfon against naturally occurring ivermectin resistant parasitic nematode strains. In experiment 1, infected animals were from a region where ivermectin resistant populations of Haemoncus placei, Cooperia punctata,Cooperia spatulata and Trichuris discolor have recently been identified. Six calves with natural gastrointestinal nematode infections were treated with 48.5 mg/kg aqueous trichlorfon administered orally and six calves acted as a non-treated control group. In experiment 11 24 naturally infected calves were selected to enter one of four treatment groups, six animals each received: 48.5 mg/kg oral trichlorfon; 200 mu g/kg subcutaneous 1% ivermectin; 630 mu g/kg subcutaneous 3.15% ivermectin; or no treatment (control group). Gastrointestinal helminths were counted and identified post-mortem at 7 days (trichlorfon and 1% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) or 14 days (3.15% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) after administration of the test agents. Experiment I identified a high level efficacy for oral trichlorfon against four helminth species that have previously been shown to be ivermectin resistant in this geographical region: percentage efficacy was 99.82% against adult H. placei, 99.18% against C. punctata, 99.33% against C. spatulata, 81.06% against T. axei, 98.46% against Oesophagostomum radiatum and 100% against T. discolor. Trichlorfon also showed activity against the ivermectin (1% and 3.15%) resistant helminth species identified in experiment 11, attaining efficacy levels of 99.17% against H. placei, 98.46% against C punctata and 100.00% against T. discolor. These findings indicate that oral trichlorfon is an effective treatment option in the management of cattle infected with ivermectin resistant helminths. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A new entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema brazilense n. sp., was isolated from a single soil sample collected from a natural forest in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. S. brazilense n. sp. is characterized morphologically by features of infective juveniles (IJ), males and females. For the IJ, body length averaging 1157 (1023-1284) mu m, distance from anterior end to excretory pore 95 (87-102) mu m, from anterior end to end of esophagus 148 (139-153) mu m, tail length 85 (80-104) mu m, D% and E% values 63 (58-70) and 106 (95-118.0), respectively. Lateral field pattern variable; the formula for the arrangement of ridges from head to tail is: 2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 2. For the male, the diagnostic characters include spicule averaging 83 (75-89) mu m; D% about 65; the ratio SW% about 192. The length of spicule head is greater than width. Lateral field with one narrow ridge. First generation females are characterized by the presence of a ventral postanal swelling. S. brazilense n. sp. is morphologically close to Steinernema diaprepesi. It can be differentiated from S. diaprepesi by its longer IJ body length (1157 vs 1002 mu m), longer distance from anterior end to excretory pore (1110 vs 75 mu m), a longer tail length (103 vs 83 mu m); males of the new species with longer spicule (83 vs 79 mu m). The new species can be distinguished further from other members of Steinernema glaseri group by characteristics of rDNA of ITS and D2D3 regions. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In a parasitological survey of free-ranging Cerdocyon thous (Carnivora: Canidae) from Brazilian Caatinga shrubland, a new species of Pterygodermatites (Multipectines) was recovered from the small intestine of this host. Morphological analysis showed that P. (Multipectines) pluripectinata n. sp. is distinguished from all other congeneric species mainly by the numerous plate-like projections and male caudal morphology and spicular length. There are few records on the occurrence of this genus in Neotropical regions.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the susceptibility of winter crops to Pratylenchus brachyurus and their effect on the population of phytonematodes in the maize. To study the effect of the plants on nematodes, an experiment was set up in sandy, naturally-infested soil. The area was divided into strips, consisting of six blocks of 16 treatments, with eight winter treatments, subdivided on the basis of the fertilizer used (organic: bird litter, and synthetic: NPK). The initial nematode population was determined by sampling the soil (100 cm(3)) and weeds (10 g of root). The winter treatments put in place (bristle oats, chickpea, vetch bean, common bean, oilseed radish, wheat, intercropped bristle oats + oilseed radish and fallow), and the nematode population determined 100 days after sowing. Subsequently, two maize crops (summer and short season) were planted, and the nematode population in the soil and roots determined during crop full bloom. To evaluate the susceptibility of winter crops to nematodes, an experiment was conducted under controlled conditions, determining the nematode reproduction factor (RF) in the treatments described above. Both in the field and under controlled conditions, it was observed that the bristle oats, oilseed radish and intercropped oats + oilseed radish exhibited lower reproduction rates for P. brachyurus. In the field, lower population of nematodes was observed with the application of bird litter. Under controlled conditions, the highest RF were observed in the fallow plot and under common bean and chickpea, in that order.


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Resistance to natural infection by gastrointestinal nematodes was compared in 67 female calves of the following genetic groups: Nelore (NX); 1/2 Senepol + 1/2 Nelore (SN); and 1/2 Aberdeen Angus + 1/2 Nelore (AN). The NX (n = 26), SN (n = 23) and AN (n = 18) animals were monitored for 14 months, during which they remained without treatment, allowed to graze in a tropical environment. Eggs per gram of feces (EPG), coprocultures and packed cell volume (PCV) were carried out monthly. No significant effects of the interaction between the genetic groups and month/year of collection and the genetic group on the EPG were found, but there was a significant influence of the month of collection (P < 0.01). The monthly PCV measurements did not differ for the animals of the three genetic groups and there was no association found between the EPG and PCV. The animals of the SN and NX groups showed similar numbers of EPG with results zero, while for the AN group these numbers were significantly lower (P < 0.05). Although the NX group had a large number of EPG with results zero, it also contained many animals with high counts, meaning this group had higher averages during the entire study period. The following nematode genera were found in the coprocultures: Haemonchus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Trichostrongylus, the latter in smallest proportion. There was no significant difference between the genetic groups for averages of all parasites identified, except Cooperia, which were present in higher numbers in the animals of the NX group (P < 0.05). The results obtained in this experiment suggest that the use of Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbreeds can be a good strategy to reduce the use of chemical control in Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study evaluated Nelore cattle with different degrees of resistance to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes. One hundred weaned male cattle, 11-12 months of age, were kept on the same pasture and evaluated from October 2003 to February 2004. Faecal and blood samples were collected for parasitological, haematological and immunological tests. In February 2004, the 10 most resistant and the 10 most susceptible animals were selected based on individual means of nematode faecal egg counts (FEC). Such animals were slaughtered for worm burden determination and nematode species identification. The repeatability estimates for FEC (+/- S.D.), log-transformed FEC and packed-cell volume (PCV) in all animals were 0.3 (+/- 0.05), 0.26 (+/- 0.04) and 0.42 (+/- 0.05), respectively. The resistant group showed lower FEC and worm burdens than the susceptible group (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between groups regarding mean body weight, weight gain, PCV and total serum protein values (P > 0.05). The resistant group showed higher total serum IgE levels (P < 0.05) and higher mean eosinophil blood counts. However, the latter was statistically significant only 42 days after the beginning of the study. Nematodes Cooperia punctata and Haemonchus placei were predominant and the correlation between Cooperia and Haemonchus burdens was 0.64 (P < 0.05), which indicated that animals presenting increased numbers of one of those genera probably had increased numbers of the other. The current study provides further evidence of IgE active role in nematode immunity and suggests that total serum IgE level might serve as an additional marker to select Nelore cattle that are responsive to H. placei and C. punctata infections. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The efficacy of the nematode-trapping fungus Duddingtonia flagrans against infections by trichostrongyle nematodes in sheep was assessed throughout 6 months. Twenty Ile de France lambs were divided into two groups (control and treated groups), which were kept in separate pastures. Animals of the treated group were fed with D. flagrans twice a week (Tuesdays and Fridays). Pellets were prepared with the fungus mycelia in liquid culture medium and contained approximately 20% fungus. They were mixed with the animals' diet at a concentration of 1 g pellet per 10 kg live weight. Faecal egg counts (FEC), packed cell volume (PCV), total serum protein and the animals' body weight were determined fortnightly from 7 October 2005 to 24 March 2006. Comparison of such parameters between groups showed no significant differences (P > 0.05), except on 10 February 2006, when the control group presented a higher mean FEC than the treated group (P < 0.05). Feeding sheep with pellets containing D. flagrans had no benefit to the prophylaxis of nematode infections under the experimental conditions used in the present study.


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Breeds of sheep with resistance to nematode infection often display a reduced periparturient rise (PPR) in faecal egg counts (FEC) when compared with susceptible sheep. This trial was carried out to compare the resistance of Santa Ines, an indigenous Brazilian breed of sheep, and Ile de France ewes to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes, especially in the periparturient period. Twelve Santa lnes and 10 Ile de France ewes were estrus synchronized and then mated (December 2001). Lambing occurred from 30 April to 19 June 2002 and the lambs were weaned at 60 days of age. Faecal egg counts, packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein levels and peripheral eosinophils counts were determined from November 2001 to September 2002. To prevent deaths, individual treatment with anthelmintics was provided to ewes with FEC higher than 4000 eggs per gram (EPG) or with PCV lower than 21%. The percentage of Santa Ines ewes treated with anthelmintics was lower than that of Ile de France sheep. Eight of the 10 Ile de France ewes were treated, with one of them requiring four treatments, one requiring three treatments, and two requiring two treatments. The remaining four received a single treatment. In contrast, only 5 of the 12 Santa lnes ewes required treatment and for each this was done only once. The mean values of PCV were in the normal range in the Santa Ines ewes. In contrast, mean PCVs of Ile de France ewes reached a low of 24.5% in the second month after lambing and were significantly lower than Santa Ines 1 month before lambing (P < 0.05) and 2 months after lambing (P < 0.07). The mean plasma protein level was significantly lower in the Ile de France ewes in the second month after lambing (P < 0.01) coinciding with a reduction in PCV. The ewes of both breeds had high mean numbers of eosinophils in blood, which increased even further post-weaning when a marked reduction in FEC occurred. Haemonchus larvae were the most numerous genus in faecal cultures for both breeds followed by Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum and Cooperia. A periparturient rise in FEC was observed in both breeds. However, Santa Ines ewes showed a higher capacity to support the infection in an environment contaminated with large number of infective larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This experiment was carried out to compare the worm burden and cellular responses in the abomasal mucosa and blood of Florida Native and Rambouillet lambs and also in animals produced by crosses of these two breeds (generations F1 and F2). Animals were exposed to infection by gastrointestinal nematodes on three different occasions. The first infection was natural, occurring while they were suckling lambs. After weaning, they were kept indoors for 53 days and then were allowed to graze a contaminated pasture for 50 days for a second natural infection. The third infection was an artificial challenge with 6000 Haemonchus contortus infective larvae. The highest mean fecal egg counts (FEC) values were found in Rambouillet lambs followed in decreasing order by F1, F2 and Florida Native lambs. Throughout the trial, most of the high mean packed cell volumes and plasma protein levels were recorded in the F2 lambs; in contrast, most of the low values were found in the Rambouillet lambs. During the natural infection period, the highest percentages of larvae in the fecal cultures of the lambs were Haemonchus. However, high percentages of Trichostrongylus larvae were found particularly in Florida Native lambs. The mean number of blood eosinophils increased after the artificial challenge, reached a peak 21 days after infection and then declined. The highest and lowest blood eosinophil means were recorded in F2 and Florida Native lambs, respectively. The H. contortus burden was significantly higher in Rambouillet and in F1 lambs than in Florida Native and F2 lambs (p < 0.05), while no significant differences were recorded among eosinophil, mast cell and globule leucocyte counts in the abomasal mucosa (p > 0.05). The highest correlation coefficient recorded at the end of this study was between FEC and worm burden (r = 0.7). These two parameters showed a moderate negative correlation with PCV, plasma protein and mast cell counts in the abomasal mucosa. The results obtained in this study indicate that crossbreeding Florida Native and Rambouillet sheep can be a rapid way to combine and improve the characteristics of these two breeds. The parasitological results were promising. however, more studies will be necessary to verify the impact of crossbreeding in other traits. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A study was conducted to assess the breed resistance against nematode infections in Santa Ines, Ile de France and Suffolk male lambs over a 9-month period in São Paulo state, Brazil. Lambs were born during the winter (year 2000) and were weaned at 2 months of age. The animals were then housed and treated with anthelmintics to eliminate natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes. In late October 2000, lambs were placed in a paddock, where they stayed until August of the following year. Fecal and blood samples were taken from each animal every 2 weeks. on the same day, a pasture sample was collected to determine the number of infective larvae on the herbage. To prevent deaths, individual treatment with anthelmintics was provided to lambs with fecal egg counts (FEC) higher than 4000 eggs per gram (EPG) or with a packed cell volume (PCV) lower than 21%. In August 2001, all animals were slaughtered and the worms present in samples of the gastrointestinal contents were identified and counted. Most of the Suffolk and Ile de France sheep received three to six anthelmintic treatments over a period of 7 months, while most of the Santa Ines were not treated. Reductions in PCV and plasma protein values associated with high FEC and worm burdens were recorded, particularly, in Suffolk and Ile de France lambs. Haemonchus contortus and Oesophagostomum columbianum burdens and number of nodular lesions caused in the large intestine by O. columbianum larvae were significantly lower in Santa Ines sheep. All three breeds showed similar Trichostrongylus colubriformis worm burdens. The relative resistance of Santa Ines young male sheep was superior to that of Suffolk and Ile de France sheep. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.