28 resultados para moving windows

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Em um segmento de vertente com substrato de arenito em contato com basalto, regionalmente muito freqüente, pretendeu-se não só relacionar as superfícies geomórficas com os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos Latossolos nelas encontrados, mas também testar métodos geoestatísticos para localização de limites dessas superfícies. Usando critérios geomorfológicos, três superfícies foram identificadas e topograficamente caracterizadas. Os solos foram amostrados, a intervalos regulares de 25 m, na profundidade de 0,6 a 0,8 m (topo do horizonte B), em uma transeção de 1.700 m perfazendo 109 pontos. Nas amostras, foram analisados: densidade de partículas, granulometria, CTC do solo, CTC da argila, Fe total da argila (ataque por H2SO4) e óxidos de Fe livres (por dissolução seletiva). A fração argila desferrificada foi analisada por difração de raios X. Com base na estratigrafia e variações do relevo local, foram identificadas e diferenciadas, no campo, três superfícies geomórficas. Analisaram-se também o perfil altimétrico e o modelo de elevação digital do terreno. Observou-se que as três diferentes superfícies estão bem relacionadas com os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos seus respectivos solos. Na parte inferior desta vertente, superfície mais recente e sobre basalto, em Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico típico, foram encontradas as maiores variabilidades da declividade, da argila e de Fe. As variações da inclinação do terreno, quando analisadas sistematicamente pelo split moving windows dissimilarity analysis (análise estatística de dissimilaridade, em segmentos móveis), mostraram que este método estatístico pode ser usado para ajudar a localizar os limites entre superfícies geomórficas. As variações dos solos da transeção, e arredores, mostraram-se relacionadas com idade, inclinação do terreno e litologia. O trabalho geomórfico detalhado forneceu importantes informações para subsidiar os trabalhos de levantamento de solos e de pedogênese.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Crossing moving obstacles requires different space-time adjustments compared with stationary obstacles. Our aim was to investigate gait spatial and temporal parameters in the approach and crossing phases of a moving obstacle. We hypothesized that obstacle speed affects gait parameters, which allow us to distinguish locomotor strategies. Ten young adults walked and stepped over an obstacle that crossed their way perpendicularly, under three obstacle conditions: control-stationary obstacle, slow (1.07 m/s) and fast speed (1.71 m/s) moving obstacles. Gait parameters were different between obstacle conditions, especially on the slow speed. In the fast condition, the participants adopted predictive strategies during the approach and crossing phases. In the slow condition, they used an anticipatory strategy in both phases. We conclude that obstacle speed affects the locomotor behavior and strategies were distinct in the obstacle avoidance phases.


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Reef fishes may associate with marine turtles and graze on their shells, or clean their head, neck and flippers. on a reef flat at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, SW Atlantic, we recorded green turtles (Chelonia mydas) grazed, cleaned and followed by reef fishes. The green turtle seeks specific sites on the reef and pose there for the grazers and/or cleaners. Fishes recorded associated to green turtles included omnivorous and herbivorous reef species such as the dam-selfish Abudefduf saxatilis and the surgeonfishes Acanthurus chirurgus and A. coeruleus. The turtle is followed by the wrasse Thalassoma noronhanum only while engaged in foraging bouts on benthic algae. Following behaviour is a previously unrecorded feeding association between turtles and fishes.


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We study the optical paths of the light rays propagating inside a nonlinear moving dielectric medium. For rapidly moving dielectrics we show the existence of a distinguished surface which resembles, as far as the light propagation is concerned, the event horizon of a black hole. Our analysis clarifies the physical conditions under which electromagnetic analogues of gravitational black holes can eventually be obtained in laboratory.


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We investigate and solve in the context of general relativity the apparent paradox which appears when bodies floating in a background fluid are set in relativistic motion. Suppose some macroscopic body, say, a submarine designed to lie just in equilibrium when it rests (totally) immersed in a certain background fluid. The puzzle arises when different observers are asked to describe what is expected to happen when the submarine is given some high velocity parallel to the direction of the fluid surface. on the one hand, according to observers at rest with the fluid, the submarine would contract and, thus, sink as a consequence of the density increase. on the other hand, mariners at rest with the submarine using an analogous reasoning for the fluid elements would reach the opposite conclusion. The general relativistic extension of the Archimedes law for moving bodies shows that the submarine sinks. As an extra bonus, this problem suggests a new gedankenexperiment for the generalized second law of thermodynamics.


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Size and surface dynamical effects are investigated in thin superconducting stripes with variable width. We perform numerical simulations of the vortex dynamics, with the inclusion of the surface confining potential and a random distribution of pinning centers. To fully characterize the vortex flow, we calculate the differential resistance, the transverse diffusion coefficient, the structure factor and the intensity of the Bragg peaks, as functions of the transport force. We found that surface effects induce a premature ordering of the flux line lattice, and the system displays plastic and smectic behavior only in a very narrow range of forces. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The assumption that equilibrium is a Lorentz invariant notion, associated with the measurements of the earth's velocity with respect to the cosmic microwave background, strongly suggest that the temperature of a system seen from a moving frame is higher than the temperature seen from the rest frame. © 1992.