56 resultados para method of extraction
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. The capacity of natural antioxidant from phytochemical has increase attention from researchers and public. However, the extraction process is affecting the activity and the bioavailability of bioactive compounds. The Solanum lycocarpum is a plant of the Brazilian “cerrado”, popularly used as a hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and control of metabolic diseases. Its effects are attributed to the presence of several glycoalkaloids (solamargine, solasonina) and solasodine. Therefore, the purpose of this communication was, investigate the optimization of extraction condition and evaluation of antioxidant activity from fruits of Solanum lycocarpum. The extracts were obtained using different solvent systems, i.e., water, 50% ethanol, ethanol absolute and ethyl ether (1:10 and 1:20) and different extraction processes: maceration with constant agitation at room temperature, maceration with constant agitation and heating at 30°C and ultrasound. The extracts were characterized by the amount of material extracted (1, 6 and 24 h) and the action of antioxidant activity by DPPH method. The results showed that the polar solvent (50% ethanol) and extractive process maceration with agitation to ambient temperature showed higher contents of extractable of fruits of S. lycocarpum (3.4 g %) and also showed higher antioxidant activity (88.57±2.41% de inhibition). This action whether the presence of glycoalkaloids (solamargine, solasonine and solasodine) in fruits S. lycocarpum which are polar compounds and may explain this increased antioxidant action of this extract.
As condições de ambiente térmico e aéreo, no interior de instalações para animais, alteram-se durante o dia, devido à influência do ambiente externo. Para que análises estatísticas e geoestatísticas sejam representativas, uma grande quantidade de pontos distribuídos espacialmente na área da instalação deve ser monitorada. Este trabalho propõe que a variação no tempo das variáveis ambientais de interesse para a produção animal, monitoradas no interior de instalações para animais, pode ser modelada com precisão a partir de registros discretos no tempo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um método numérico para corrigir as variações temporais dessas variáveis ambientais, transformando os dados para que tais observações independam do tempo gasto durante a aferição. O método proposto aproximou os valores registrados com retardos de tempo aos esperados no exato momento de interesse, caso os dados fossem medidos simultaneamente neste momento em todos os pontos distribuídos espacialmente. O modelo de correção numérica para variáveis ambientais foi validado para o parâmetro ambiental temperatura do ar, sendo que os valores corrigidos pelo método não diferiram pelo teste Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade dos valores reais registrados por meio de dataloggers.
Poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) derivatives are well known for their applications in polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs). PPV derivatives are highly susceptible to photo-oxidation though, which is mainly caused by the scission of the vinyl double bond on the polymer backbone. In this work, we show that Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films are less degraded than cast films of a PPV derivative (OC1OC6-PPV). Both films had similar thickness (similar to 50 nm) to allow for a more realistic comparison. Degradation was monitored with UV-vis and FTIR spectroscopies. The results indicated that cast films were completely degraded in ca. 400 min, while LB took longer time, i.e. about four times the values for the cast films. The differences can be attributed to the more compact morphology in the LB than in the cast films. With a compact morphology the diffusion of oxygen in the LB film is hampered and this causes a delay in the degradation process. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Block diagrams and signal-flow graphs are used to represent and to obtain the transfer function of interconnected systems. The reduction of signal-flow graphs is considered simpler than the reduction of block diagrams for systems with complex interrelationships. Signal-flow graphs reduction can be made without graphic manipulations of diagrams, and it is attractive for a computational implementation. In this paper the authors propose a computational method for direct reduction of signal-flow graphs. This method uses results presented in this paper about the calculation of literal determinants without symbolic mathematics tools. The Cramer's rule is applied for the solution of a set of linear equations, A program in MATLAB language for reduction of signal-flow graphs with the proposed method is presented.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work describes a modified sol-gel method for the preparation of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts. The samples have been characterized by N-2 adsorption at 77 K, X-ray Diffractometry (XRD), Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM/EDX) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The surface area increases with the vanadia loading from 24 m(2) g(-1) for pure TiO2 to 87 m(2) g(-1) for 9 wt% of V2O5. The rutile form is predominant for pure TiO2 but becomes enriched with anatase phase when vanadia loading is increased. No crystalline V2O5 phase was observed in the diffractograms of the catalysts. Analysis by SEM showed heterogeneous granulation of particles with high vanadium dispersion. Two species of surface vanadium were observed by FT-IR spectroscopy: a monomeric vanadyl and polymeric vanadates. The vanadyl/vanadate ratio remains practically constant. Ethanol oxidation was used as a catalytic test in a temperature range from 350 to 560 K. The catalytic activity starts around 380 K. For the sample with 9 wt% of vanadia, the conversion of ethanol into acetaldehyde as the main product was approximately 90% at 473 K.
Nas talassemias alfa, a HbH pode ser detectada, nos eritrócitos do sangue periférico como inclusões celulares quando coradas com azul crezil brillante. Este teste simples é útil para o diagnóstico de talassemia alfa, no entanto, a identificação dos corpos de inclusão de HbH é um processo laborioso e os resultados são altamente dependentes do observador. No intuito de melhorar a identificação das inclusões, foi testado um método alternativo para espalhar as amostras nas lâminas. Amostras de sangue foram espalhadas nas lâminas usando-se o método clássico e o método alternativo. O método alternativo permitiu uma melhor identificação das inclusões de HbH do que o método clássico. Nossos resultados mostraram que o método alternativo é uma opção útil para a pesquisa dos corpúsculos de inclusão de HbH naquelas amostras onde o método clássico não o permite.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Many years ago Zel'dovich showed how the Lagrange condition in the theory of differential equations can be utilized in the perturbation theory of quantum mechanics. Zel'dovich's method enables us to circumvent the summation over intermediate states. As compared with other similar methods, in particular the logarithmic perturbation expansion method, we emphasize that this relatively unknown method of Zel'dovich has a remarkable advantage in dealing with excited stares. That is, the ground and excited states can all be treated in the same way. The nodes of the unperturbed wavefunction do not give rise to any complication.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a regeneração óssea de alvéolos dentais de gatos após enxertia. MÉTODOS: Dezoito gatos adultos, distribuídos em três grupos de 6 animais cada, foram submetidos a extração do canino mandibular direito ou esquerdo. No grupo 1, controle, o alvéolo foi deixado vazio. No grupo 2, o alvéolo foi preenchido com osso esponjoso autógeno do osso ilíaco e no grupo 3, com raspa de osso cortical do osso ilíaco. Os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia 6 semanas após a cirurgia. RESULTADOS: Nas radiografias realizadas no pós-operatório imediato na projeção ventrodorsal observou-se uma área de radiolucência correspondente ao local da alveolectomia e extração dentária. Diminuição da radiolucência foi verificada nas radiografias realizadas seis semanas após a cirurgia. Nos cortes histológicos verificou-se a presença de trabéculas ósseas. A porcentagem de tecido ósseo esponjoso presente nos alvéolos dentais foi quantificada por exames histométricos. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (Teste de Kruskal-Wallis p > 0.05) (grupo 1: 52,54 ± 15,4; grupo 2: 50,51 ± 5,01; grupo 3: 51,85 ± 9,52). CONCLUSÃO: Os alvéolos dentais de gatos preenchidos com osso esponjoso autógeno ou raspa de osso cortical autógeno apresentaram regeneração óssea similar àquela observada no grupo controle, após um período de observação de seis semanas.
Starch extraction from roots and tubers uses grating with water and sieves to separate the starch slurry from residual mass. The starch is recovered by decantation or centrifugation. The yam starch extraction is difficult due to high viscosity of the slurry caused by non-starch polysaccharides (NSP). The establishment of an efficient extraction process may turn yam into a competitive raw material. In this paper Dioscorea alata starch extracted by four methods was characterized in order to establish the impact of treatments. When the tubers were digested with an aqueous oxalic acid/ammonium oxalate (OA/AO) 1/1 solution, it was easier to separate the starch slurry from residual mass, because viscosity was reduced. For all the others methods tested, the viscosity remained almost the same. The nitrogen present in yam tubers was removed during the different extractions to a different extent. The largest nitrogen reduction was observed with ONAO followed by the control (water). The spectrum of starch granules sizes obtained also varied according to the treatment. Results proved that NSP carries small starch granules over to the waste water. The smaller starch granules diameter varied from 1.9 mu m (OA/AO extraction) to 13.5 mu m (water and pectinase extractions). The larger diameter varied from 41.0 mu m (NaOH treatment) to 67.7 mu m (ONAO). All starches extracted showed a RVA behavior in agreement with literature for yam starch, but with small differences due to the influence of methods. ONAO extraction showed the best recovery (18 g of starch/100 g tuber yam) and granular variation but it interfered with the rheological behavior of starch.
The present work studied the azomethine-H colorimetric method for boron determination to fertilizers analysis applications. The reagent azomethine-H needs lights conditions of reaction that, jointed to the big sensibility and specificity, diffused its use in boron's dosage in many materials. The most suitable experimental parameters were established for such colorimetry, and analysis conditions: standard curve between 0,200 e 2,25 mg. L(-1) boron, in maximum absorption at 415nm, I cm cell and reading between 30 and 90 minutes standing after the final homogenization of the boron's solution in analyse and with dye reactive (azomethine If 0,90 % m/v solution at buffer ammonium acetate 1,82 mol . L(-1) - potassium acetate 0,10 mol . L(-1) - acetic acid 1,67 mol . L(-1)-EDTA 2,7 . 10(-2) mol . L(-1)-NTA 2,1.10(-2) mol . L(-1) pH 5,5). Statistics analysis of the results didn't present big differences when the same results were got by the colorimetric method offered and by the potentiometric, from AOAG, whatever in manufactured fertilizers or in lab sintetized fertilizers.