11 resultados para melodic

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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This paper refers to issues related to the harmonic language of Claudio Monteverdi, its harmonic procedures and resulting melodic movements, its use as a dramaturgical resource and its potential allegorical meanings, based on theories and classifications of modes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. At first, it approaches the matter of the multiple names and meanings of the modes and their potential allegorical references according to different authors. Secondly, it presents the analysis of two examples from his operas that deal with the representation of the death of Euridice and Clorinda (Orfeo & Il combattimento de Tancredi e Clorinda, respectively), correlating their harmonic procedures to the corresponding dramaturgical situations.


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This paper refers to issues related to the harmonic language of Claudio Monteverdi, its harmonic procedures and resulting melodic movements, its use as a dramaturgical resource and its potential allegorical meanings, based on theories and classifications of modes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. At first, it approaches the matter of the multiple names and meanings of the modes and their potential allegorical references according to different authors. Secondly, it presents the analysis of two examples from his operas that deal with the representation of the death of Euridice and Clorinda (Orfeo & Il combattimento de Tancredi e Clorinda, respectively), correlating their harmonic procedures to the corresponding dramaturgical situations.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Nosso trabalho busca discutir o samba carioca e o documento produzido pelo Centro Cultural Cartola para registrar as matrizes do samba do Rio de Janeiro como um bem imaterial no Livro das Formas de Expressão criado pelo IPHAN em 2000. Para isso, buscamos compreender as diferentes expressões deste gênero musical e suas transformações narrativas, melódicas e timbrísticas que o transformaram de música marginal a símbolo de brasilidade e que o tornaram o ritmo da maior festa brasileira: o carnaval. Compreendemos que tal processo se deu em consonância com as transformações políticas, sociais e urbanísticas que a cidade do Rio de Janeiro sofreu nas primeiras décadas do século XX e que, o inventário e registro das matrizes do samba carioca é fruto não apenas dos anseios da comunidade de sambistas, mas também do diálogo destes com intelectuais e gestores públicos. Além disso, tal política voltada para a preservação e salvaguarda dos bens imateriais se coaduna com políticas e projetos urbanísticos de transformação de certos espaços citadinos em verdadeiros museus a céu aberto, como é o caso do Museu a Céu Aberto do Morro da Providência e da construção da Cidade do Samba, que expressam uma preocupação com a revitalização da área, a valorização imobiliária e o incremento da indústria do turismo.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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We aim to analyse the text written by Eça de Queirós, “Carta ao Sr. Mollinet”, theorizing the stylistics of Marcel Cressot’s expression, called “the texture”. We discuss what is sought in the reading of a text nowadays: the form, the meaning or the form that produces meaning? Even though through stylistics there is identifi cation and description of the linguistic categories in the text, the morphological identifi cation in the enunciation level is emptied, if it is done separately. It is from the semantic-syntactic and melodic axes that Eça infl ates his characters with life. The characterization of Pacheco and Portuguese people is supported by the nexus, a producer of antagonistic meta-signifi cation in relation to the fi rst meaning. Eça’s irony results from the reverse meaning – from “ne pas dire”. The nexus is the great meaningful cohesion between logical and metalogic discourse – producing new signifi cations; multiplying verbal resources, which are created in order to metamorphose the linguistic sign into pictorial or iconic signs. The irony governs the whole constructive tessitura that stems from new referents, which result from demiurgical relations between themselves because of the metalogical process, as it allows to establish and change the direction when sign and referent, signifi er and signifi ed, utterance and context are related. The analysis of Eça’s selected text enriches the discoveries presented by the Stylistics of Expression.