15 resultados para management control

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Com a divulgação da lista das espécies medicinais pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), de acordo com a Resolução RDC Nº10, de 09 de março de 2010, o uso dessas plantas passa a ter a chancela oficial do órgão governamental regulamentando seu uso e, em consequência disso, ter sua demanda bastante aumentada. A obtenção desses materiais adquire então grande importância, uma vez que haverá a necessidade de se produzir essas plantas. Com o objetivo de se avaliar a situação das pesquisas agronômicas com essas espécies, particularmente as de ocorrência na Mata Atlântica, foi feito um levantamento do número de publicações a partir dos nomes científicos, na base de dados eletrônica CAB Abstract, de 1990 a 2011. A pesquisa mostrou que o número de publicações por espécie varia de 2 a 1129, sendo que as espécies com maior número de artigos são aquelas já cultivadas como alimentícias. Das 66 espécies listadas, 36 são exóticas, 24 são da Mata Atlântica e 6 são nativas de outros biomas. Dentre as espécies da Mata Atlântica, foram excluídas as ruderais, frutíferas e arbóreas, devido à maioria dos trabalhos na área agronômica estarem relacionados ao manejo, controle ou produção de frutos e não ao seu cultivo sobre o ponto de vista medicinal. A única exceção foi a espécie medicinal arbórea Maytenus ilicifolia. Assim, foram selecionadas 16 espécies, as quais tiveram as publicações divididas em quatro áreas: Agronomia; Fitoquímica, Ensaios biológicos e Outros. Nesta pesquisa foi possível identificar que 32% dos artigos publicados são agronômicos, área que apresenta menos publicações do que a área de atividade biológica, que tem 40% das publicações, e a área de fitoquimica tem 20% das publicações. Estes resultados mostram que os pesquisadores estão atentos à importância das pesquisas agronômicas com plantas medicinais, mas que se faz necessário realizar trabalhos de domesticação das espécies selvagens e de fitotecnia com as espécies menos estudadas, para viabilizar o cultivo, a conservação dos recursos genéticos vegetais e do meio ambiente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) is an important grass cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, such as in Br, Ind, and Ch, and has its biomass being raw material for production of sugar, fuel ethanol, and some other derivatives. Fungal diseases infect sugarcane fields worldwide, damaging crops and thus, causing great economic losses. Fungal specialized structures act during all Pathogen-Host Relationship Cycle (PHRC) (survival, dissemination, infection, colonization, and reproduction of pathogen), maintaining fungal populations in cultivation soil, infecting plants in following crops and vegetative propagation of sugarcane by infected seeds may allow fungal transportation into regions where diseases haven’t occured before. Biotechnological methods and approaches have significantly contributed to understanding of the relationship among parasite and host, as to diseases management (control, detection, and prevention). Some techniques have daily applications in Agriculture, while others are only used in research and to breeding of host resistant varieties. Among notable diseases, smut (Sporisorium scitamineum) and pineapple disease (Ceratocystis paradoxa) are important because they cause damage and losses in sugarcane regions, although there are different periods for each one to occur. This work aims to review the PHRC for each patosystem, the biotechnological methods and approaches and its perspectives in the study and management of these diseases. As environment is an important factor to the effectiveness of PHRC, one chapter is dedicated to Global Climate Change (GCC) and its possible influences over these diseases in a longterm period


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This paper presents the development and the main results for an interleaved boost rectifier operating as a special input power stage for a trolleybus type vehicle, allowing its feeding by alternate current (AC) or direct current (DC) distribution power systems. When feeding with two wires (single phase) alternate current distribution system, the converter accomplish active power factor correction, providing a relatively sinusoidal current with low total harmonic distortion (THD) and fully complying with IEC 61000-3-4 standards. In addition, a management control system promotes the required automatic operation changes for the proposed rectifier when the vehicle is changing from the DC distribution power system to the AC distribution power system and vice-versa, keeping its original electrical DC system characteristics for the adjustable speed driver sub-system. The main experimental results for a prototype rated at 150kW are presented, considering its application for a trolleybus with DC adjustable speed driver, demonstrating the proposed converter benefits and the possibility of AC feeding system for trolleybus type vehicle.


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Field experiments carried out with Cyperus rotundus L. at low (58-246), medium (318773), and high (675-1198 shoots/m(2)) densities showed sugarcane yield reductions of 13.5, 29.3, and 45.2%, respectively in relation to the control. In the second field experiment, the integration of a mechanic method with two sequences of plowing and disking operations in the dry season, and complementary applications of trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametrine and sulfentrazone (rainy season) was studied. Average of the chain connected to original shoot showed 92, 95, and 65% of reduction with trifloxysulfuron-sodium + ametrine and surfactant, at the application stages early, preflowering, and full flowering, respectively.


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The aim of this paper is to study the cropping system as complex one, applying methods from theory of dynamic systems and from the control theory to the mathematical modeling of the biological pest control. The complex system can be described by different mathematical models. Based on three models of the pest control, the various scenarios have been simulated in order to obtain the pest control strategy only through natural enemies' introduction. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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This paper presents a multi-agent system for real-time operation of simulated microgrid using the Smart-Grid Test Bed at Washington State University. The multi-agent system (MAS) was developed in JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework) which is a Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) compliant open source multi-agent platform. The proposed operational strategy is mainly focused on using an appropriate energy management and control strategies to improve the operation of an islanded microgrid, formed by photovoltaic (PV) solar energy, batteries and resistive and rotating machines loads. The focus is on resource management and to avoid impact on loads from abrupt variations or interruption that changes the operating conditions. The management and control of the PV system is performed in JADE, while the microgrid model is simulated in RSCAD/RTDS (Real-Time Digital Simulator). Finally, the outcome of simulation studies demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed multi-agent approach for real-time operation of a microgrid.


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The efficacy of sulfadoxine + trimethoprim in comparison to management measures for the control of Eimeria parasitism was studied in naturally infected sheep that were raised in a feedlot and were clinically asymptomatic for eimeriosis. Weight gain was also evaluated in these animals. The following groups were formed with 15 animals/group: TO!, control animals that received saline solution and maintenance of the same management measures that were performed before the study; T02, animals that received two intramuscular doses of sulfadoxine (20 mg/kg) + trimethoprim (4 mg/kg) with a 14-day interval; T03, sheep that received two intramuscular doses of sulfadoxine (20 mg/kg) + trimethoprim (4 mg/kg) with a 14-day interval plus management measures (wood shaving bedding was changed every Monday, and 30g of ammonium sulfate were applied to the bedding and other facilities were performed every Thursday, 10 mL/20 L of water); and T04, animals that received only the management measures described for the previous group. The highest efficacy rates (arithmetic mean) for the T02 group (sulfadoxine + trimethoprim at days 0 and 14) were 21.04% and 21.98% on the 14th and 28th days after the first treatment (DAFT), respectively. However, the treatment showed efficacy rates below 17% and was totally ineffective from the 70th DAFT to the end of the study. In both the T03 (chemical treatment+ management) and T04 (management only) groups, a significant (P <= 0.05) reduction of oocyst shedding per gram of feces was observed in the animals from the 14th DAFT in comparison to the control group; however, an efficacy rate above 90% was observed from the 28th DAFT. Animals belonging to the T02, T03 and T04 groups presented with alterations in weight gain of 0.57 kg, 4.30 kg and 4.53 kg, respectively, in comparison with the control animals (T01) throughout the 91-day study period. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the two-dose sulfadoxine + trimethoprim treatment, given with a 14-day interval, had little no effect on the oocyst shedding. Moreover, the adopted management measures were enough to cause a significant decrease in the animal parasite loads. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of acaricide applications and pruning of symptomatic branches in citrus leprosis management in Brazil. It was conducted in an orange plantation of the 'Pera' variety, grafted onto the 'Cleopatra' tangerine, in two seasons (2006-2007 and 2007-2008). The experimental design was randomized blocks in a factorial scheme consisting of the following factors: (A) acaricide, in three levels: spirodiclofen and cyhexatin applied in rotation, lime sulphur; no acaricides; (B) pruning to remove branches that showed symptoms of leprosis, with two levels: with pruning, without pruning. We carried out periodic assessments of Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) populations (vector of the leprosis virus), leprosis incidence and severity, fruit yield, and the economic feasibility of the applied strategies. Based on the results, we concluded that spirodiclofen and cyhexatin were more effective than lime sulphur in B. phoenicis control. Control with lime sulphur required more applications than spirodiclofen and cyhexatin in rotation, making it more expensive. Pruning of symptomatic branches used in isolation was not sufficiently effective to control leprosis and significantly increased control costs. Profits were higher when the control involved sprayings of spirodiclofen and cyhexatin in alternation, with or without pruning.


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Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biotype B is one of the most limiting pests of tomato crops in the world. Tomato yield is currently dependent on the use of pesticides, which are problematic to farmers, consumers and the environment. A promising alternative to reduce the harmful effects caused by the indiscriminated use of synthetic insecticides is the use of insecticides of botanical origin. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of 3% (w/v) aqueous extracts from different structures of thirteen botanical species on the behavior of B. tabaci biotype B adults, as well as insecticidal activity of such aqueous extracts on B. tabaci eggs, nymphs, and adults infesting tomato plants. A distilled water solution was used as a negative control, and thiamethoxam insecticide (18 g/100 L of water) as a positive control. Leaf extract of Toona ciliata was observed to have the most efficient inhibitory effect in tests of extracts on whitefly behavior. Furthermore, the use of leaf extract of Toona ciliata led to the most drastic reduction in the number of adults and eggs on tomato leaflets. Leaf extract of Piper aduncum led to the greatest observed ovicidal effect (78.00% of non-hatched nymphs); however it was not effective against nymphs and adults. The leaf extracts of Trichilia pallida, Trichilia casaretti, and Toona ciliata showed the highest control indexes (67.9, 60.3, and 55.1%, respectively). For adults mortality, T. pallida was the most effective (72.8%). Our results indicate that application of extracts of T. pallida, T. ciliata, and T. casaretti are promising strategies to manage B. tabaci biotype B on tomato.


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An optimal control framework to support the management and control of resources in a wide range of problems arising in agriculture is discussed. Lessons extracted from past research on the weed control problem and a survey of a vast body of pertinent literature led to the specification of key requirements to be met by a suitable optimization framework. The proposed layered control structure—including planning, coordination, and execution layers—relies on a set of nested optimization processes of which an “infinite horizon” Model Predictive Control scheme plays a key role in planning and coordination. Some challenges and recent results on the Pontryagin Maximum Principle for infinite horizon optimal control are also discussed.


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This study aimed to control different populations of Digitaria insularis by glyphosate herbicide, isolated and mixed, besides the combination of methods (chemical and mechanical) to manage resistant adult plants. Three experiments were conducted, one in pots which were maintained under non-controlled conditions and two under field conditions. In the experiment in pots, twelve populations of D. insularis were sprayed with isolated glyphosate (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha(-1)) and mixed (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha(-1)) with quizalofop-p tefuryl (0.12 kg i.a. ha(-1)). The treatment of 1.44 kg a.e. ha(-1) of glyphosate plus 0.12 kg a.i. ha(-1) of quizalofop was sufficient for adequate control (>95%) of all populations. Population 11 (area of grain production in Itumbiara, GO) was considered sensitive to glyphosate. Others populations were moderately sensitive or tolerant to the herbicide. In the field, the plants of D. insularis of one of the experiments were mowed and, in the other, there were not. Eight treatments with herbicides [isolated glyphosate (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha(-1)) and mixed (1.44 and 2.16 kg a.e. ha(-1)) with quizalofop-p-tefuryl at 0.12 kg a.i. ha(-1)), clethodim at 0.108 kg a.i. ha(-1)) or nicosulfuron at 0.06 kg a.i. ha(-1))] were assessed, in combination with or without sequential application of the standard treatment, sprayed 15 days after the first application. The combination of the mechanic control with the application of glyphosate (2.16 and 1.44 kg a.e. ha(-1)) plus quizalofop-p-tefuryl (0.12 kg a.i. ha(-1)) or clethodim (0.108 kg a.i. ha(-1)), associated to the sequential application, was the most effective strategy for the management of adult plants of resistant D. insularis.