73 resultados para longitudinal zones
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents the results of the longitudinal profile analysis and the application of gradient index (RDE) in the Patos River, a tributary of the Ivaí River basin, PR. The goal is identify and quantify the anomalous zones along river course concerning their genesis - activity neotectonic or/and lithological imposition. The Patos River has a length of 127 km and a relief amplitude of 660 m, The occurrence of an important knickpoint in the middle course the Patos River can be divided into two stretches. Of the 22 sections measured, 10 were considered anomalous, distributed in both upper and lower course. In the upper course, over a basaltic bedrock of the Serra Geral Formation the RDE values are lower than those in the lower course, where river flows over sedimentary rocks of the Terezina Formation. The 2 nd order anomalies are related to lithological changes, relief alignments and channel confluences - as in the case of São João River. The 1st order anomalies are linked to differences in rock resistance associated with structural control, which provides the formation of waterfalls.
Settlement is a critical process in the life history of crabs, and thus affecting the abundance, distribution and structure of estuarine communities. The spatial pattern of settlement of megalopae of the shore crab Carcinus maenas along a longitudinal estuarine gradient (Mira River Estuary, Portugal) was examined, as well as its effects on the juvenile population. To measure megalopal settlement, four replicate collectors were deployed in six equally spaced stations along the estuarine axis. Juveniles were collected on the same locations with a quadrat randomly deployed on the substrate. To assess fine-scale megalopal settlement within a curved region of the estuary, replicate collectors were deployed on both margins along Moinho da Asneira curve. Megalopae settled differently along the six longitudinal points, with a tendency to attenuate their settlement upstream. Within the curved region, megalopae preferentially settled on the left margin collectors, probably due to the weaker velocity speeds felt on this margin. Concerning the overall juvenile density, there were significant differences among the stations distributed along the estuary, but they did no reflect a longitudinal dispersion attenuation pattern. Size-frequency distribution of the juvenile population showed that the average size is higher on the left margin. Recruits (carapace length between 1.0 mm and 3.4 mm) were more abundant on the upstream stations. Density of early juveniles (3.4 mm-6.5 mm) and juveniles (6.5 mm-10 mm) was more stable throughout the estuary axis than that of recruits. This distribution pattern may result from tidal excursion processes or mechanisms to avoid biotic interactions, such as predation and competition. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The aim of this study was to verify the average fiber length and the juvenile and mature wood zones from Hevea brasiliensis proveniences from a reforestation area in São Paulo, Brazil. For this purpose, five Hevea brasiliensis trees were randomly collected from a 50-year-old plantation, located in Balsamo, São Paulo, Brazil. The trees were cut and five flat sawn boards were obtained. The juvenile and mature wood zones were determined by fiber length measurement from the pith to the bark. The results showed that: (a) the juvenile wood of this species occurred approx. between 40 and 55 mm, from the pith, and from this point forward, the mature wood zone was found; (b) there was a significant difference between the average fiber length of juvenile wood (1.26 mm) and mature wood (1.51 mm).
In the operation of sowing with planter numerous factors interfere with the establishment of the plant stand, among them, the longitudinal distribution of seeds depending on the displacement speed can significantly affect crop productivity.The present study aimed the evaluation of longitudinal distribution of maize seeds in two different speeds of dislocation of a precision grain drill, through classical and geostatistics. A regular grid sample, totalizing 100 points in each area, was built with 10-meter distance among the points. Each sample point comprised 3.6m(2) (1.8 x 2.0) where the percentage of acceptable, double and fail spacing among the plants was measured after sowing at 4.58 and 5.94 km h(-1) speed of dislocation. Classical and geostatistics were used for data analyses. The percentage of acceptable and failed spacing has shown significant difference between 4.58 and 5.94 km h(-1) speed. The results has shown absence of spatial dependence regarding the percentage of the studied spacing (acceptable, fail and double) at both speeds, showing that studies and statistical inferences can occur based on parameters of classical statistics for distances higher than the shortest one used in the sampling.
Teve-se o objetivo de avaliar as formas de se misturar o lubrificante sólido grafite nas sementes de milho, as dosagens e a influência desse na distribuição longitudinal e na germinação, em sementes sem e com tratamento fitossanitário, em mecanismo dosador com disco perfurado horizontal. Os fatores analisados foram: distribuição longitudinal das sementes (espaçamentos falhos, múltiplos e aceitáveis) e a porcentagem de germinação aos 7 e aos 14 dias após a instalação no germinador. Concluiu-se que o tratamento fitossanitário aumentou os espaçamentos falhos e múltiplos e reduziu os espaçamentos aceitáveis. O emprego de grafite reduziu os espaçamentos falhos e múltiplos e elevou os espaçamentos aceitáveis. A melhor forma de mistura do grafite ocorreu na máquina de tratamento fitossanitário de sementes. A distribuição longitudinal alcançou seu ponto ótimo com a dosagem de grafite de 3,37 g kg-1 de semente. As variáveis tratamento fitossanitário, mecanismo dosador e grafite não influíram na germinação das sementes de milho.
We conducted a longitudinal study about daily variation of Wistar male rats' behavior in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) evaluated in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 18th months of life. Animals were submitted to the plus-maze in 12 sessions at 2-h intervals (n=72, 6 per time point). Spontaneous rest-activity rhythm of four animals was assessed by observation of 24-h videotape records. Time series were analyzed by Cosinor method. Behavioral rates on the six occasions and in light and dark phases were compared by means of two-way ANOVA with repeated measures. Exploratory behavior in EPM was smaller in the light phase and in older animals. Higher values of open and closed arms exploration were observed in the first and third months of the dark phase, and in the first month of the light phase. Adjustment to the 24-h period was significant at all stages for rest-activity data, number of entries in closed arms, and time on center, and for three to five stages for open-arm exploration. In general, 24 h variability was more pronounced in younger animals compared with older ones. The present study showed that: (1) a significant amount of total variability of the behavioral indexes analyzed could be attributed to 24 h variation, (2) light/dark phases differences in EPM exploration were present at all developmental stages, (3) older Wistar rats explored less the EPM and were less active in their home cage compared with younger ones, and (4) behavioral indexes (EPM) decrease was phase related and partially related to a reorganization of rest-activity rhythm. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento de crianças indicadas por suas professoras na Educação Infantil (EI) como apresentando problemas de comportamento (Grupo IPC) ou comportamentos socialmente habilidosos (Grupo ICSH), em dois momentos: quando tinham cinco anos e quando tinham 10 anos. Participaram 48 professoras de 62 crianças de ambos os sexos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram Questionário de Respostas Socialmente Habilidosas para Professores e Escala Comportamental Infantil B. Os resultados indicaram diminuição dos problemas de comportamento e aumento dos comportamentos socialmente adequados no grupo IPC; os grupos eram bastante diferentes na primeira avaliação, quando na EI, mas as mudanças se atenuaram no ensino fundamental. em ambas as avaliações, as crianças do Grupo ICSH foram avaliadas como mais habilidosas.
Objectives: To determine the effects of ultrasound therapy on the femur and tibia growth in young rats. Method: Four-week-old male Ratus Norvegicus totaling 115 animals, divided into four groups, were submitted to ultrasound therapy (0.8 MHz, fixed tube head, continuous pulse, for 10 minutes, once a day, ten times) on the medial face of the right knee, with powers of 0.0 W/cm2 (group 31), 0.5 W/cm2 (group G2), 1.0 W/cm2 (group G3), and 1.5 W/cm2 (group G4). Histological slides of the epiphysis, growth plate and metaphysis and the femoral and tibial length measurements were studied in the sixth, thirteenth and twenty-sixth weeks of life. The data were submitted to factorial analysis of variance according to a one-way layout. Results: No statistically significant bone growth alteration was established between any of the three treated groups and the control group. However, alterations in femoral and tibial growth suggesting a decrease in G4 in relation to 02 and G3 were noted. In G4, histopathological alterations, such as cellular necrosis and post-necrosis bone neoformation were found. Conclusion: According to this study, no statistical evidence of bone growth stimulus or inhibition resulting from the application of ultrasound therapy was found when comparing the treated groups with the control group. Histological alterations regarded as pathological were only observed in G4. Also, smaller significant bone growth was found in G4 compared to G2 and G3. Level of Evidence: Level II, cross-sectional study.
A sociedade atual tem valorizado de forma significativa a aparência alta e esbelta. Essa constituição física tem sido reforçada desde a infância e atinge a população adolescente, que deseja enquadrar-se nos estereótipos, particularmente aqueles veiculados pela mídia. Nesse sentido, profissionais de saúde são questionados rotineiramente sobre os efeitos positivos que o exercício físico exerce sobre o crescimento longitudinal de crianças e adolescentes. Procurou-se revisar a literatura especializada a respeito dos principais efeitos que o exercício físico exerceria sobre a secreção e atuação do hormônio de crescimento (GH) nos diversos tecidos corporais, durante a infância e adolescência. Através dessa revisão, foi possível verificar que o exercício físico induz a estimulação do eixo GH/IGF-1. Embora muito se especule quanto ao crescimento ósseo ser potencializado pela prática de exercícios físicos, não foram encontrados na literatura científica específica estudos bem desenvolvidos que forneçam sustentação a essa afirmação. No tocante aos efeitos adversos advindos do treinamento físico durante a infância e adolescência, aparentemente, esses foram independentes do tipo de esporte praticado, porém resultantes da intensidade do treinamento. A alta intensidade do treinamento parece ocasionar uma modulação metabólica importante, com a elevação de marcadores inflamatórios e a supressão do eixo GH/IGF-1. Entretanto, é importante ressaltar que a própria seleção esportiva, em algumas modalidades, recruta crianças e/ou adolescentes com perfis de menor estatura, como estratégia para obtenção de melhores resultados, em função da facilidade mecânica dos movimentos. Através dessa revisão, fica evidente a necessidade de realização de estudos longitudinais, nos quais os sujeitos sejam acompanhados antes, durante e após sua inserção nas atividades esportivas, com determinação do volume e da intensidade dos treinamentos, para que conclusões definitivas relativas aos efeitos sobre a estatura final possam ser emanadas.
Objetivo: o estudo longitudinal, entre o 18º e o 21º dias de prenhez, das alterações bioquímicas e histoquímicas das placentas de ratas diabéticas, cujos fetos tiveram macrossomia e retardo de crescimento intra-uterino (CIUR). Material e Método: usando modelo experimental em ratas, foram estudados 3 grupos: controle, diabete moderado e grave. A prenhez foi resolvida por cesárea no 18º ou no 21º dia. Compararam-se as glicemias materna e fetal; a incidência de recém-nascidos (RN) de peso pequeno (PIP), adequado (AIP) e grande (GIP) para tempo de prenhez; peso, índice e conteúdo de DNA, RNA e proteínas placentários e quantidade de glicogênio na superfície de trocas materno-fetais. Resultados: no diabete moderado houve maior proporção de RN-GIP com placentas ricas em DNA e diminuição progressiva de glicogênio em suas membranas no final da prenhez. No diabete grave houve predomínio de RN-GIP e as placentas exibiram menor conteúdo de DNA, síntese aumentada de RNA e tendência a maior produção protéica, com manutenção dos depósitos de glicogênio. Conclusões: concluiu-se que, entre o 18º e o 21º dias, os desvios do crescimento fetal no diabete materno, moderado e grave relacionam-se a alterações placentárias distintas. No moderado há apenas hiperplasia celular, com desaparecimento do glicogênio no final da prenhez. No grave, a superfície de trocas materno-fetais é mais espessada e, além de hiperplasia, há hipertrofia das células, com manutenção dos estoques placentários de glicogênio.