42 resultados para internal friction

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The discovery of the spatial uniform coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in ruthenocuprates, RuSr2GdCu2O8 (Ru-1212), has spurred an extraordinary development in the study of the competition between magnetism and superconductivity. However, several points of their preparation process and characterization that determine their superconductive behaviour are still obscure. The improvement of sample preparation conditions involves some thermal treatments in inert atmosphere. Anelastic spectroscopy measurements were made using an inverted torsion pendulum, operating with an oscillation frequency of 38 Hz, temperature in the 90 and 310 K range, heating rate of 1 K/min, and vacuum better than 10(-3) Pa. The results show anelastic relaxation peaks at 210 K related to the presence of interstitial oxygen atoms. The peaks decrease significantly with the oxygen loss caused by the heat treatments in vacuum, appearing again after the annealing of the sample in an oxygen atmosphere. These observed peaks are clearly related to the additional oxygen atoms, with activation energy 0.13 and 0.36 eV, and can be explained in terms by diffusional jumps of interstitial oxygen in the RuO2 planes. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Measurements of internal friction as a function of temperature were carried out in samples of mobium containing different amounts of interstitial solutes (oxygen and nitrogen) and one sample of mobium containing initially only nitrogen as interstitial solute. The experimental spectra of internal friction as a function of temperature were obtained with a torsion pendulum of the inverted Ke-type and resolved, using the method of successive subtraction, into a series of constituent Debye peaks corresponding to different interactions. For each relaxation process it was possible to obtain the height (Q(max)(-1)) and temperature (T-p) of the peak, the activation energy (E) and the relaxation time (t(o)). The height, shape and temperature of these peaks depend on the concentration of interstitial elements. The observed peaks were associated with matrix-interstitial (Nb-O, Nb-N) and interstitial-interstitial (O-N) interaction processes. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Internal friction measurements were made in the Nb-Ti alloy containing 0.3 wt. % of Ti, doped with various quantities of oxygen (0.04 to 0.08 wt. %) utilizing a torsion pendulum. These measurements were performed in the temperature range of 300 K to 700 K with the oscillation frequency about 1.0 Hz. The experimental results showed relaxation peaks due the stress induced ordering of oxygen atom and pairs of oxygen atom around the niobium atoms (metallic matrix) and around titanium atoms (substitutional solute).


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We have measured internal friction and frequency as a function of temperature in molybdenum containing oxygen and nitrogen in solid solution. These measurements were performed by a torsion pendulum operating in the temperature range of 300 K to 700 K with oscillation frequency about 1.0 Hz. The results showed the complex relaxation process identifying the stress induced ordering of oxygen and nitrogen atom around the molybdenum atoms of the metallic matrix.


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Internal friction and frequency measurements as a function of temperature have been carried out in Nb and Nb-Zr policrystalline samples, using a torsion pendulum in the temperature range between 300K and 700K the heating rate was 1K/min and the pressure was kept better than 5x10(-3) mbar. Metals with bce lattice containing solute atoms dissolved interstitially often show anelastic behaviour due to a process know as stress-induced ordering responsible for the appearance of Snoek peaks. In the Nb sample it has been identified two constituent peaks corresponding to the interstitial-matrix interactions (Nb-O and Nb-N), but for the Nb-Zr samples with interstitial solute concentrations very close to those measured for the unalloyed Nb, it was not observed any mechanical relaxation peaks due to the presence of oxygen and nitrogen in solid solution.


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Recent studies have been done to achieve biomedical alloys containing non-toxic elements and presenting low elastic moduli. It has been reported that Ti-Nb-Zr alloys rich in beta phase, especially Ti-13Nb-13Zr, have potential characteristics for substituting conventional materials such as Ti-6Al-4V, stainless steel and Co alloys. The aim of this work is to study the internal friction (IF) of Ti-13Nb-13Zr (TNZ) alloy due to the importance of the absorption impacts in orthopedic applications. The internal friction of this alloy produced by arc melting was measured using an inverted torsion pendulum with the free decay method. The measurements were performed from 77 to 700 K with heating rate of 1 K/min, in a vacuum better than 10-5 mBar. The results show a relaxation structure at high temperature strongly dependent on microstructure of the material. Qualitative discussions are presented for the experimental results, and the possibility of using the TNZ as a high damping material is briefly mentioned.


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The indiscriminate management and use of soils without moisture control has changed the structure of it due to the increment of the traffic by agricultural machines through the years, causing in consequence, a soil compaction and yield reduction in the areas of intensive traffic. The purpose of this work was to estimate and to evaluate the performance of preconsolidation pressure of the soil and shear stress as indicators of changes on soil structure in fields cropped with sugarcane, as well as the impact of management processes in an Eutrorthox soil structure located in São Paulo State. The experimental field was located in Piracicaba's rural area (São Paulo State, Brazil) and has been cropped with sugarcane, in the second harvest cycle. The soil was classified by Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) [Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), 1999. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos. Sistema Brasileiro de Classificao de Solos, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Brasilia, 412 pp.] as an Eutrorthox. Undisturbed samples were collected and georeferenced in a grid of 60 m x 60 m from two depths: 0-0.10 m (superficial layer - SL) and in the layer of greatest mechanical resistance (LGMR), previously identified by cone index (CI). The investigated variables were pressure preconsolidation (sigma(p)), apparent cohesion (c) and internal friction angle (phi). The conclusions from the results were that the SLSC was predicted satisfactorily from up as a function of soil moisture; thus, decisions about machinery size and loading (contact pressures) can be taken. Apparent cohesion (c), internal friction angle (phi) and the Coulomb equation were significantly altered by traffic intensity. The sigma(p), c and phi maps were shown to be important tools to localize and visualize soil compaction and mechanical resistance zones. They constitute a valuable resource to evaluate the traffic impact in areas cropped with sugarcane in State of São Paulo, Brazil. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Impurity interstitial atoms present in metals with BCC structure can diffuse in the metallic matrix by jumps to energetically equivalent crystallographic sites. Anelastic spectroscopy (internal friction) is based on the measurement of mechanical loss or internal friction as a function of temperature. Due to its selective and nondestructive nature, anelastic spectroscopy is well suited for the study of diffusion of interstitial elements in metals. Internal friction measurements were made using the torsion pendulum technique with oscillation frequency of a few Hz, temperature interval from 300 to 700 K, heating rate of about 1 K/min, and vacuum better than 10-5 mbar. The polycrystalline Nb and Ta samples used were supplied by Aldrich Inc. The results obtained showed thermally activated relaxation structures due to stress-induced ordering of oxygen atoms around the Nb (or Ta) atoms of the metallic matrix. The results were interpreted by three methods and led to activation enthalpy values for the diffusion of oxygen in Nb and Ta of 1.15 eV and 1.10 eV, respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Titanium alloys are excellent implant materials for orthopedic applications due to their desirable properties, such as good corrosion resistance, low elasticity modulus, and excellent biocompatibility. The presence of interstitial elements (such as oxygen and nitrogen) causes strong changes in the material's mechanical properties, mainly in its elastic properties. Study of the interaction among interstitial elements present in metals began with Snoek's postulate, that a stress-induced ordering of interstitials gives rise to a peak in the mechanical relaxation (internal friction) spectra. In the mechanical relaxation spectra, each species of interstitial solute atom gives rise to a distinct Snoek's peak, whose temperature and position depend on the measurement frequency. This effect is very interesting because its peculiar parameters are directly related to the diffusion coefficient (D) for the interstitial solute. This paper presents a study of diffusion of heavy interstitial elements in Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta alloys using mechanical spectroscopy. Pre-exponential factors and activation energies are calculated for oxygen and nitrogen in theses alloys.


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Metals with a bcc crystalline structure such as Ti-13V-11Cr-3Al alloys have their physical properties significantly changed through the addition of interstitial elements such as oxygen and nitrogen. These metals can dissolve substantial amounts of interstitial elements forming solid solutions. Mechanical spectroscopy measurements constitute a powerful tool for studying interactions of these interstitial elements with other elements that make up the alloy. From these measurements, it is possible to obtain information regarding diffusion, interstitial concentration, interaction between interstitials, and other imperfections of the crystalline lattice, In this paper, Ti-13V-11Cr-3Al alloys with several amount of nitrogen, in a solid solution, were studied using mechanical spectroscopy (internal friction) measurements. The results presented complex internal friction spectra which were resolved in a series of constituent Debye peaks corresponding to different interactions and interstitial diffusion coefficients. Pre-exponential factors and activation energies were calculated for nitrogen in theses alloys.


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The scientific and technological development in the area of new materials contributed to several applications of niobium and its alloys in nuclear power plants as well as in aerospace, aeronautics, automobile and naval industries. This paper presents the interstitial diffusion coefficients of nitrogen in solid solution in the Nb-1.0wt%Zr alloy using internal friction measurements obtained by mechanical spectroscopy, which uses a torsion pendulum operating at an oscillation frequency between 1.0 Hz and 10.0 Hz. The temperature range varies from 300K to 700K, at a heating rate of 1 K/min and vacuum better than 2 x 10(-6) Torr. The results showed an increase of the interstitial diffusion coefficient of nitrogen that was correlated with configurational considerations for the octahedral interstitials.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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When metals that present bcc crystalline structure receive the addition of interstitial atoms as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon, they undergo significant changes in their physical properties because they are able to dissolve great amounts of those interstitial elements, and thus form solid solutions. Niobium and most of its alloys possess a bcc crystalline structure and, because Brazil is the largest world exporter of this metal, it is fundamental to understand the interaction mechanisms between interstitial elements and niobium or its alloys. In this study, mechanical spectroscopy (internal friction) measurements were performed on Nb-8.9wt%Ta alloys containing oxygen in solid solution. The experimental results presented complex internal friction spectra. With the addition of substitutional solute, interactions between the two types of solutes (substitutional and interstitial) were observed, considering that the random distribution of the interstitial atoms was affected by the presence of substitutional atoms. Interstitial diffusion coefficients, pre-exponential factors and activation energies were calculated for oxygen in this alloy.