35 resultados para hydropower system model
em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of Resilon (Resilon Research, LLC, North Branford, CT) and 2 types of gutta-percha to fill simulated lateral canals when using the Obtura II system (Model 823-700; Obtura Spartan, Fenton, MO). Methods: Forty-five human single-rooted teeth were selected and subjected to root canal preparation. After that, simulated lateral canals were made at 2, 5, and 8 mm from the working length (WL). The specimens were divided into 3 groups (n = 15) according to the filling material used: Obtura Flow 150 gutta-percha (Obtura flow), Odous Endo Flow gutta-percha (Odous; Odous de Deus Ind e Corn. Ltda Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil), and Resilon pellets (Resilon). Root canals were filled using the Obtura II system with the tip inserted to 3 mm from the WL. No sealer was used for root canal obturation. Specimens were subjected to a tooth decalcification and clearing method, and filling of the lateral canals was analyzed by digital radiography and photographs. The measurement of lateral canal filling was done using Image Tool software (UTHSCSA Image Tool for Windows version 3.0, San Antonio, TX). Data were statistically analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance. Results: All materials showed an ability to penetrate into the simulated lateral canals, with a minimum percentage of 73% in all thirds of the root canal. Conclusions: It was concluded that gutta-percha and Resilon are solid core materials with a lateral canal filling ability when used with the Obtura II system. (J Endod 2012;38:676-679)
This paper presents an interior point method for the long-term generation scheduling of large-scale hydrothermal systems. The problem is formulated as a nonlinear programming one due to the nonlinear representation of hydropower production and thermal fuel cost functions. Sparsity exploitation techniques and an heuristic procedure for computing the interior point method search directions have been developed. Numerical tests in case studies with systems of different dimensions and inflow scenarios have been carried out in order to evaluate the proposed method. Three systems were tested, with the largest being the Brazilian hydropower system with 74 hydro plants distributed in several cascades. Results show that the proposed method is an efficient and robust tool for solving the long-term generation scheduling problem.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sensibilidade do aparelho photoscreener na detecção de alterações oculares em crianças informantes, comparando os dados à acuidade visual obtida pela tabela E de Snellen. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 500 crianças de idades entre 5 e 12 anos, de escola do município de Botucatu, estado de São Paulo. As crianças foram submetidas ao teste de acuidade visual pela tabela E de Snellen e foram fotografadas utilizando-se o aparelho photoscreenerTM system model MTI-PS100, seguindo-se a análise das fotos obtidas. RESULTADOS: Houve concordância negativa (criança com boa acuidade visual e teste negativo com o photoscreener) em 81,0%; concordância positiva (acuidade visual alterada e teste positivo) em 7,6% e não houve concordância de resultados em 11,0% dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação comparativa entre o método da acuidade visual pela tabela E de Snellen e o photocreener para detecção de problemas visuais mostrou alta concordância. Os autores sugerem entretanto, a triagem usando tabelas de acuidade visual quando se trata de crianças informantes, devido aos custos com o aparelho.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este ar tigo evidencia as contradições do Modelo Cooperativista brasileiro em relação ao Modelo Original. Trata- se de incoerências intrínsecas na formação do movimento cooperativo, nos princípios para a sua condução ideológica, bem como na regimentação e operacionalização estatutária. A partir desses desacertos, o artigo mostra as restrições para o exercício da autogestão. Também sugere mudanças nas leis cooperativistas vigentes, propícias ao exercício da participação dos associados no processo decisório.
The problem of dynamic camera calibration considering moving objects in close range environments using straight lines as references is addressed. A mathematical model for the correspondence of a straight line in the object and image spaces is discussed. This model is based on the equivalence between the vector normal to the interpretation plane in the image space and the vector normal to the rotated interpretation plane in the object space. In order to solve the dynamic camera calibration, Kalman Filtering is applied; an iterative process based on the recursive property of the Kalman Filter is defined, using the sequentially estimated camera orientation parameters to feedback the feature extraction process in the image. For the dynamic case, e.g. an image sequence of a moving object, a state prediction and a covariance matrix for the next instant is obtained using the available estimates and the system model. Filtered state estimates can be computed from these predicted estimates using the Kalman Filtering approach and based on the system model parameters with good quality, for each instant of an image sequence. The proposed approach was tested with simulated and real data. Experiments with real data were carried out in a controlled environment, considering a sequence of images of a moving cube in a linear trajectory over a flat surface.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this work is to study the implantation feasibility of a small hydropower system in a rural area in Guaratinguetá. Due to its location and accessibility, and the costs involved in extending the public distribution line to the property it could turn become viable the construction of an individual electric generation system. As alternatives, a solar photovoltaic system and combustion engine-electric generator systems were considered. However, the existence of a small river inside the property, the construction of a micro hydropower plant was taken into account. The choice of the micro power hydropower plant was determined by the owner and was based on the costs. The topographic and hydrological profiles as well as the geometrical characteristics of the system, including the civil infrastructure needed and the more adequate turbine, were determined. Finally, the cost spreadsheet was set and the results were compared with those calculated for the extension of the available public distribution system
Nowadays the studies of different methodologies to interfere in the growing and spread of serious infections and systemic status in institutionalized patients those kept on intensive therapy units are relevant to understanding these complex systems and bring benefits to several health areas, particularly public health. In this study, it was analyzed the clinical and microbiological data from patients hospitalized in intensive therapy units. The interaction between patients and caregivers was modeled and analyzed using dynamic system model and complex network theory, identifying outbreaks values of microorganisms of Enterobacteriaceae Family.
The association of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures with an osteointegrated implant is a treatment option at hasn't been fully explored by modern rehabilitation dentistry yet. The objective of this study is to evaluate, by means of the bidimensional method of finite elements, the distribution of tension on the structures supporting the distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD), associated to a 10.0 x 3.75 mm osteointegrated implant with an ERA retention system, in alveolar ridges of different shapes. Eight models were created, representing, from a sagittal perspective: Model A (MA) – a half arch with a horizontal ridge without posterior support, with the presence of the lower left canine, and a conventional DERPD, with metallic support in the incisal aspect of this canine, as replacement for the first and second pre-molars and the first and second molars of the lower left half arch; Model B (MB) – similar to MA, but different because of the presence of a 3.75 x 10.00 mm implant with an associated ERA retention system in the posterior region of the DERPD base; Model C (MC) - similar to MA, however with a distally ascending ridge format; Model D (MD) – similar to MC, but different because there is an implant associated to a retention system; Model E (ME) - similar to MA, however with a distally descending ridge format; Model F (MF) – similar to ME, but ditfferent in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system; Model G (MG) – similar to MA, however with a distally descending-ascending ridge format; Model H (MH) – similar to MG, but different in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system. The finite element program ANSYS 9.0 was used to load the models with vertical forces of 50 N, on each cuspid tip. The format of distal descending edge (ME and MF) was that presented worse results, so in the models with conventional RPD as in the models with RPD associated to the implant and ERA system of retention, for the structures gingival mucosa and tooth support. 1) the distally descending ridge presented the most significant stress in the model with the conventional RPD (ME) or with a prosthesis associated to an implant (MF) and 2) the horizontal ridge (MB) provided more relief to the support structures, such as the tooth and the spongy bone, when there was an implant associated to an ERA retention system. The incorporation of the implants with the ERA system retention, in the posterior area of the toothless edge, it promotes larger stability and retention to PPREL, improving the patient's masticatory acting and, consequently, its comfort and function.
A study was taken in a 1566 ha watershed situated in the Capivara River basin, municipality of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. This environment is fragile and can be subjected to different forms of negative impacts, among them soil erosion by water. The main objective of the research was to develop a methodology for the assessment of soil erosion fragility at the various different watershed positions, using the geographic information system ILWIS version 3.3 for Windows. An impact model was created to generate the soil's erosion fragility plan, based on four indicators of fragility to water erosion: land use and cover, slope, percentage of soil fine sand and accumulated water flow. Thematic plans were generated in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. First, all the variables, except land use and cover, were described by continuous numerical plans in a raster structure. The land use and cover plan was also represented by numerical values associated with the weights attributed to each class, starting from a pairwise comparison matrix and using the analytical hierarchy process. A final field check was done to record evidence of erosive processes in the areas indicated as presenting the highest levels of fragility, i.e., sites with steep slopes, high percentage of soil fine sand, tendency to accumulate surface water flow, and sites of pastureland. The methodology used in the environmental problems diagnosis of the study area can be employed at places with similar relief, soil and climatic conditions.
Much has been researched and discussed in the importance played by knowledge in organizations. We are witnessing the establishment of the knowledge economy, but this "new economy" brings in itself a whole complex system of metrics and evaluations, and cannot be dissociated from it. Due to its importance, the initiatives of knowledge management must be continually assessed on their progress in order to verify whether they are moving towards achieving the goals of success. Thus, good measurement practices should include not only how the organization quantifies its knowledge capital, but also how resources are allocated to supply their growth. Thinking about the aspects listed above, this paper presents an approach to a model for Knowledge extraction using an ERP system, suggesting the establishment of a set of indicators for assessing organizational performance. The objective is to evaluate the implementation of projects of knowledge management and thus observe the general development of the organization.