21 resultados para human relation

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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In Brazil since October 1996 there have been guidelines for research involving human subjects. Now human subjects know when their treatment is part of research. Deceit is no longer tolerated. But is not enough to say we offer an explanation to the potential subject and we offer a choice before he or she is confronted with an informed consent form. As in all professional activity, scientific investigation needs social controls. In Brazil, the ultimate responsibility of an investigation lies on the investigator, but in every institution where research is carried out there is a Committee for Ethics in Research. All Committees are subordinated to the National Commission of Ethics in Research, which is submitted to the Brazilian Institute of Health. During 2005 around 17,000 protocols involving 700,000 human subjects were revised by 475 Committees distributed all over the country. Approximately 7,000 people are now working in these Committees.


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The nursing care for patients who are pronounced brain-dead but kept alive to serve as organ donors demands technical-scientific skills and the ability to handle situations that are often in conflict with the traditional concepts of nursing care. Based on the phenomenological approach in this article, essential themes of the lived experience of caring for these patients, including the technical and specific nursing care, the relationship with organ donors and their families, and the nurses' perception of themselves in this professional situation are described. The results point to the contradictions and ambiguities of this type of nursing, especially in regards to the affective and philosophical aspects.


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Behavioral problems in preschool children are one of the most frequent motives for seeking psychological care by parents and caregivers. Instruments are considered necessary, created from a Social Skills Training theoretical-practical perspective, which may systematically assist the identification of social skills and behavioral deficits, helping professionals in the prevention and/or reduction of behavioral problems. The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric validity and reliability of an instrument for evaluation of Socially Skilled Responses, from a teacher's perspective (QRSH-PR For this purpose, 260 preschool children were evaluated, differentiated in subgroups without and without behavioral difficulties, based on the Child Behavior Scale (Escala de Comportamento Infantil/ECI-Professor Studies were conducted for construct, discrimination, concurrent and predictive validity. The Cronbach Alpha was calculated to evaluate internal consistency. The obtained results pointed to positive indicators in reference to construct, discrimination, and predictive validity, and even for good internal consistency, indicating that the items consistently measure the construct of social skills, and differentiated children with and without behavioral problems. The questionnaire is considered to be gauged for evaluation of socially skilled responses from preschool children, and applicable in educational and clinical environments. Copyright 2009 by The Spanish Journal of Psychology.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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The caroticoclinoid foramen is an inconstant structure, formed by the union of the anterior and middle clinoid processes. The aim of this study was to perform an incidence and morphometry of the caroticoclinoid foramen in Brazilian human skulls and discuss its clinical implications. Eighty dry human skulls with sex distinction were used, and 3 groups of incidence were determined: General, sex, and sides. The morphometry was performed using a manual caliper and the major diameter of the foramina was measured; the values were also divided in general, according to sex and sides. The incidence of skulls with at least one foramen was 8.5%. According to the sides, 8.5% of the skulls showed foramen on the right side and 2.5% on the left. We found 2.5% of the skulls with bilateral foramen and 6.25% with unilateral foramen. In relation to sex, the foramens were found in 5% of male skulls and 12.5% of female skulls. The major diameter of this structure presented on mean, values of 5.23 mm on general, 5.18 mm on the right side and 5.35 mm on the left, 5.30 mm in male skulls and 5.18 mm in female skulls. The anatomical characteristics of this foramen should be considered in view of its clinical implications associated with neurosurgery as clinoid process removal, and symptoms as headache due to internal carotid artery alterations in this region. In conclusion knowledge of this structure supports the diagnosis and treatment of clinical complications related to this variation.


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Thirty-seven samples of human milk (colostrum) from donors living in the Ribeirao Preto region were analyzed to determine the levels of organochlorine pesticide residues. Donors were classified into two groups, i.e., occupationally exposed and non-exposed to pesticides. Other factors such as age, previous lactations, race, smoking habit, occupation, family income and educational level were also considered. Analysis was performed by preliminary lipid extraction followed by fractional partition on a column and finally by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. Lindane was found in 32% of the samples in amounts of less than 0.001 mg/kg; heptachlor was found in 65% of the samples at mean levels of 0.001 mg/kg, i.e., a level five-fold lower than that established by FAO/WHO (1970) for cow's milk. Aldrin and endrin were not detected in any of the samples. Dieldrin was detected in only one sample at a level of 0.038 mg/kg, which is considered high. DDT and DDE amounts are reported as total DDT and at least one of these compounds was present in every sample. Amounts detected in donors occupationally exposed to pesticides ranged from 0.008 to 0.455 mg/kg (mean, 0.149 mg/kg), i.e., three times the limit established by FAO/WHO (1970), while values for donors who had not been exposed ranged from 0.002 to 0.072 mg/kg (mean, 0.025 mg/kg), i.e., half the limit. Considering the level of acceptable daily intake proposed by FAO/WHO (1973), lactents ingested 1% of the acceptable intake of lindane (all donors), 30% of the acceptable intake of heptachlor (all donors), 60% of the acceptable intake of DDT (non-exposed donors), and 3.7 times the acceptable intake of DDT (exposed donors). Comparing the present results with those obtained 10 years ago, the total DDT level in human milk is decreasing in this part of the country. The mean amount of organochlorine residues in non-exposed women's milk was one of the lowest levels among those recorded in the literature. DDT levels of occupationally exposed women's milk were comparable with those reported for developed countries and lower than those detected in Latin American countries. When the results of this survey are considered in relation to the advantages of breast-feeding, the risk-benefit balance is still favorable to breast-feeding. However, given the lack of long-term epidemiological studies, undesirable or harmful long-lasting effects cannot be excluded.


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This study aimed to determine the lag time between increased fluoride (F) intake and F detection in human nails, as well as the influence of nails growth rate and length on this. Ten 20- to 35-year-old volunteers received 1.8 mg F daily, for 30 days. Nail growth rate and length were determined for all fingernails and toenails. Nail samples were collected at the beginning of the study and every 2 weeks (15 collections in all) and F concentrations were determined. The growth rate was statistically higher in fingernails than in toenails. No statistically significant differences were observed between right and left sides. Growth rate was significantly greater for big toenails than for the other toenails, but this pattern was not found for fingernails. The estimated mean lag times for F detection in fingernails and toenails were 101 and 123 days, respectively. An apparent increase in fingernail F concentrations was observed 84 days after the beginning of the study, although this was not statistically different from baseline. For toenails, statistically significant increases in F concentration in relation to baseline were observed 112 and 140 days after increased F ingestion. These increases occurred within the 95% confidence intervals for the calculated mean lag time for fluoride detection in nails. Considering the large amount of sample provided by the big toenails, together with their faster growth rate, as well as the fact that toenails are less prone to environmental contamination, our data suggest that big toenails are more suitable biomarkers of fluoride intake.


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THIS IS A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY of 418 patients who received active periodontal treatment between the years of 1984 and 1990. The patients were instructed to return for supportive periodontal treatment (SPT) at 3 to 6-month intervals. The objective of this study was to evaluate patient compliance with periodic recall visits, and to study the relationship of bleeding upon probing in those who returned regularly. The patients were divided into 3 groups: patients who returned periodically for supportive treatment, patients who interrupted the proposed maintenance treatment, and patients who never returned after active periodontal treatment. Analysis was made for each group to correlate the degree of compliance with gender, disease classification, and type of treatment received. To analyze bleeding upon probing, 2 groups of patients were selected: a test group with 39 patients who had attended at least 10 recall visits and participated in the study for more than 40 months, and a control group of 21 patients who interrupted the SPT for at least 12 months. The results showed that 26% of the treated patients returned for SPT and, of those, 40% returned irregularly. There was a statistical significant difference in compliance in relation to disease classification and the type of treatment received, but no correlation was found between compliance and gender. There was a statistically significant difference in compliance between the test group and the control group in relation to the variation of the bleeding index.


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Transthyretin and retinal-binding protein are sensitive markers of acute protein-calorie malnutrition both for early diagnosis and dietary evaluation. A preliminary study showed that retinal-binding protein is the most sensitive marker of protein-calorie malnutrition in cirrhotic patients, even those with the mild form of the disease (Child A). However, in addition to being affected by protein-calorie malnutrition, the levels of these short half-life-liver-produced proteins are also influenced by other factors of a nutritional (zinc, tryptophan, vitamin A, etc) and non-nutritional (sex, aging, hormones, renal and liver functions and inflammatory activity) nature. These interactions were investigated in 11 adult male patients (49.9 ± 9.2 years of age) with alcoholic cirrhosis (Child-Pugh grade A) and with normal renal function. Both transthyretin and retinol binding protein were reduced below normal levels in 55% of the patients, in close agreement with their plasma levels of retinal. In 67% of the patients (4/6), the reduced levels of transthyretin and retinal-binding protein were caused by altered liver function and in 50% (3/6) they were caused by protein-calorie malnutrition. Thus, the present data, taken as a whole, indicate that reduced transthyretin and retinal-binding protein levels in mild cirrhosis of the liver are mainly due to liver failure and/or vitamin A status rather than representing an isolated protein-calorie malnutrition indicator.


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A high rate of root exposure and consequently the exposure of the furcation area is usually observed in multirooted teeth. In maxillary molar teeth, this fact may endanger the three existent furcations (buccal, mesial and distal), causing serious problems. In this research, distance measures from the buccal furcation to the mesial (F1M) and distal (F1D) surfaces of the mesio-buccal and disto-buccal roots; from the mesial furcation to the buccal (F2B) and palatal (F2P) surfaces of the mesio-buccal and palatal roots and from the distal furcation to the buccal (F3B) and palatal (F3P) surfaces of the disto-buccal and palatal roots, respectively were established. One hundred maxillary first molar teeth were used, 50 of the right and 50 of the left side. Reference marks and demarcations were determined on the furcations and also on the root surfaces involved in the measures. We concluded that these measurements are important because they may effectivelly contribute to diagnosis, prevention and treatment of periodontal problems.


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The purpose of this study is to assess the relation between the speaking space of the /s/ sound and the freeway space in two subject groups. One group had natural dentition (Group I, n = 61) and the other comprised complete denture wearers (Group II, n = 33). The analysis was done by means of a jaw-tracking device (K6-I Diagnostic System, Myotronics Research Inc., Seattle, WA, USA). Freeway space was determined by asking the subjects to occlude from the postural rest position. Speaking space of /s/ was measured during the pronunciation of the word seis and comprised the mean distance from the /s/ speaking position to maximal intercuspation. A weak correlation was found between the speaking space of /s/ and the freeway space in Group I (r = 0.41, p < 0.01), but in Group II, the correlation was stronger (r = 0.75, p < 0.01). The speaking space of /s/ and freeway space were different in Group I, but statistically similar in Group II (paired t-test, alpha = 0.05). It can be suggested that anatomic changes following prosthetic procedures caused a functional adaptation which resulted in more similar values for the speaking space of /s/ and the freeway space.


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Background: Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances often experience an absolute increase in the number of Streptococci mutans colony-forming units (cfu). The aim of this investigation was to study the development of biofilm and S. mutans cfu in connection with stainless steel ligatures and elastomeric rings in orthodontic patients treated with and without 0.4% stannous fluoride gel (SFG). Material: Forty-seven patients were divided into 2 groups: those treated with 0.4% SFG for 4 minutes (experimental) and those without 0.4% SFG (control). In each patient, elastomeric rings were used for ligation on 1 side of the dental arch midline, and stainless steel ligatures were used on the opposite side. Saliva samples were collected before and after appliance placement. At 15 and 30 days after appliance placement, biofilm samples from the stainless steel ligatures and the elastomeric rings were collected and subjected to microbiologic procedures and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis. Results: The numbers of S. mutans cfu in the saliva and biofilm were not statistically different between the teeth fitted with elastomeric rings and stainless steel ligatures, or between the experimental and control groups. SEM analysis showed biofilm formation on both ligature ties. Conclusions: Topical application of 0.4% SFG in orthodontic patients with elastomeric rings or stainless steel ligatures does not cause a significant decrease in S. mutans cfu in the saliva and biofilm. Copyright © 2005 by the American Association of Orthodontists.


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Multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus constitutes an important public health problem, especially in view of its possible spread in nosocomial environments. In the present work, we analyzed the susceptibility profile of 80 S. aureus stains from human infections resistant to at least 10 drugs. For this study, the techniques used were the disk method and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the following drugs: cefuroxime, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamycin, imipenem, oxacillin, rifampicin, tetracycline and vancomycin, according the criteria of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Methicillin was included in the antibiogram as a marker, which is usually used in drugs selection for the treatment of staphylococcal infections. Results indicated that the most effective drug was vancomycin. For the other 10 drugs, the percentage of resistant strains ranged from 85% to 93.75%. In relation to the MICs, it was observed that vancomycin (MIC 90% = 0.615ug/ml) was the most effective drug; followed by rifampicin (MIC 90% = 2.6ug/ml) and ciprofloxacin (MIC 90% = 26.6ug/ml). The drugs that showed the least effective activity were cefuroxime, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamycin, and oxacillin. On the other hand, observation of β-lactamase production revealed that most of the methicillin-resistant strains produced β-lactamase (83.7%), potentiating the risks of nosocomial infections. In general, vancomycin still continues to be one of the most effective drugs for staphylococcal infections therapy.