36 resultados para granulation tissue

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The interference of a blood clot in the first postoperative hours of dental extraction wounds was studied in rats. Sixty male albino rats were divided into two groups: Group I, immediately after extraction of right maxillary incisor the gingival mucosa was approximated and sutured; Group II, after 6 to 8 minutes postoperatively the blood clot was removed with saline irrigation and absorbent paper cones. The mucosa was then approximated and sutured. Six animals in each group were sacrificed after 12 hours, 1, 4, 7 and 10 days. There was a profound delay in healing in Group II since, although a new blood clot was later formed, it was not organized. The quality and the constitution, maintenance and retraction of the clot are the regulating factors in connective tissue formation during alveolar healing.


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A study of the subcutaneous connective tissue response of 24 white rats to three different formulations of gutta-percha was undertaken. The prepared specimens were examined under the light microscope after intervals of 7, 21, 60 and 120 days. The results showed identical tissue responses after the initial period of 7 days. However, after 120 days the gutta-percha supplied with the Ultrafil system presented mature granulation tissue with neither oedema nor vascular congestion, in contrast to the responses observed with the McSpadden and Obtura formulations.


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Purpose: The purpose of this work was to study the bone tissue reaction after porous polyethylene (Polipore) implantation into surgical defects in the parietal bones of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, treated with salmon calcitonin. Materials and Methods: Porous polyethylene implants were placed in bone defects created in 36 adult female rats. The rats were divided into 3 equal groups: diabetic treated with calcitonin (DCa), diabetic (D), and control (C). The animals of the DCa group received applications of salmon calcitonin on alternating days immediately after the surgery until sacrifice. The rats were sacrificed after 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, and the defects were examined histologically and statistically through histomorphometric analysis. Results: Histomorphometric analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the mean quantity of inflammatory cells among all study groups after 15 and 90 days. At 30 days, a statistically significant difference was observed between the D and C groups and the D and DCa groups. At 60 days, there was no statistically significant difference between the D and DCa groups. Discussion: Porous polyethylene can be considered an option for implant material when there are investigations that prove its biocompatibility and stability in the host tissues. Salmon calcitonin positively aided the bone repair and attenuated the inflammatory response until 30 days after the surgery. Conclusion: Porous polyethylene was tolerated by the host tissues in all groups, and moderate chronic inflammatory reaction was observed up to the 90-day period. Salmon calcitonin attenuated the inflammatory response up until 30 days.


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O efeito cicatrizante do hidrocarboneto alifático foi pesquisado através da aplicação diária em feridas cutâneas, cirurgicamente provocadas, em roedores da espécie Calomys callosus. As feridas dos animais foram analisadas sob os aspectos macroscópicos e histológicos transcorridos 3, 7, 14 e 21 dias de tratamento e comparado com o uso de solução fisiológica a 0,9%. O hidrocarboneto alifático antecipou a cicatrização ao diminuir a umidade, aumentar a formação do tecido de granulação e a neovascularização, conduzindo à reepitelização.


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Background: Cutaneous lesions by Pythium insidiosum infection are commonly observed in horses, especially in those living at flooded environments. Equine pythiosis is characterized by the development of tumoral masses that are frequently located at distal limbs, ventral abdomen, thorax, breast and face. The lesions are usually granulomatous, serosanguineous and ulcerated, most often destroyed by self-mutilation due to the intense pruritus. The proposed treatment includes surgical excision followed by antifungal drugs administration, which can be done systemically or topically. Amphotericin B and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in association has been successfully used for cutaneous pythiosis topical treatment due to the DMSO property to carry any substance through plasmatic membranes.Case: The present report concerns a 12-year-old mixed breed gelding presenting with self-mutilation of a tumoral mass located at the left flank. The owners reported that the horse had initially presented a small wound that had evolved to a 20-cm in diameter mass in 4 weeks. Tissue samples were collected, processed and stained by the Gomori's methenamine silver (GMS) method. The histopathological analysis revealed Pythium insidiosum hyphae in a granulomatous tissue, especially located at peripheral region, where kunkers were present. Surgical excision of the mass followed by cauterization was indicated as initial treatment, and due to financial reasons, the owners elected only the topical antifungal therapy to control the fungus infection after surgery. Flunixin meglumine was also administrated for five days aiming the control of pain and inflammation. The wound was cleaned with povidone-iodine solution and rinsed with a solution containing, 50 mg, of amphotericin B in 10 mL of sterile water and 10 mL of DMSO. This procedure was carried Out twice a day. The wound healed fast due to an excellent centripetal epithelialization. and the horse was discharged after 64 days showing only 5% of the initial wound area. The owner reported by telephone the complete healing and hair growth 10 days after discharge.Discussion: Despite the atypical location of the tumoral lesion described at the present report, the history and clinical manifestations, especially the intense pruritus, showed similarity with other characteristic reports of equine cutaneous pythiosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by the histopathological examination showing hyphae structures, as described to be evidences of the presence of Pythium insidiosum in the tissue. The surgical procedure was the first step to provide remission of clinical signs, and one day after surgery the pruritus desapeared. After excision of the granulomatous tissue and cauterization, daily topical administration of amphotericin B associated with DMSO was effective in destroying the infectious agent, as observed by the excellent epithelization. A pink granulation tissue grew up providing an ideal surface for epithelial migration and the healing process progressed quickly. Centripetal epithelialization reduced the wound area until 3% of the initial area in 64 days of treatment, when the remaining wound was found almost completely healed and covered with hair. At the present report, the horse presenting pythiosis was only topically treated. The recommended therapy using amphotericin B and DMSO solution was effective, economically viable and low risk, considering that the systemic antifungal therapy usually suggested is expensive and extremely nephrotoxic. The atypical location of the lesion on the left flank shows that any anatomical region can be affected by the fungus, since the conditions for its development were present.


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Venous ulcers of the lower limbs complicated by infection or chronicity represent a serious public health problem. The elevated number of those afflicted burdens the health services, interferes in quality of life and causes absenteeism. Although there are 2,500 items on the market, ranging from the simplest dressing up to the most complex types of dressing, treatment remains a challenge. Among the substances used, fibrin sealant is the one that promotes diminution of bacterial colonization and of edema, controls hemorrhaging, alters the pain threshold by protecting the nerve endings, hydrates the wound bed and forms granulation tissue that favors healing. Its disadvantages include higher cost and utilization of human fibrinogen that can transmit infectious diseases. The Center for the Study of Venoms and Venomous Animals (CEVAP) at São Paulo State University (UNESP) developed a new sealant made up of fibrinogen extracted from large animals and from an enzyme obtained from snake venom. The present study, developed in the Health Education Clinic (CEPS) of Sacred Heart University (USC) aimed to evaluate the effect of the new sealant on the healing process of venous ulcers in 24 adult patients, seven of whom were male and 17 female. Two study groups were formed as follows: Group 1 (G1) - control group of 11 patients treated with essential fatty acid (EFA) and Unna's boot, and Group 2 (G2) - 13 patients treated with essential fatty acid (EFA), fibrin sealant and Unna's boot. The follow-up lasted eight weeks and the sealant was applied at only the first and fourth weeks. The results showed that Group 2 presented worse lesion conditions as to healing, but, when comparing the two groups, it was noteworthy that the the sealant was effective in healing venous ulcers. There is evidence that the new sealant is recommended for leg ulcers with the following advantages: ease of application, preparation of the wound bed, diminution of pain and a higher number of discharges in the eighth week. More important, other positive characteristics are non-transmission of infectious diseases, absence of adverse reactions, and economic advantage of being produced by Brazilian technology. Finally, it is suggested that the weekly application of sealant, for at least eight weeks, could improve the healing process and consequently life quality.


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We placed spheres of synthetic hydroxyapatite (calcium chloride combined with sodium phosphate) in the eviscerated or enucleated orbital cavity of rats in order to evaluate the biocompatibility of this material with the orbital cavity. The study was conducted on 50 albino rats, 25 of which were submitted to enucleation and 25 to evisceration of one eye. The animals were sacrificed 7, 15, 21, 30 and 60 days after surgery and the orbital content was submitted to histopathological examination. A reaction of the young granulation tissue type was observed first. The hydroxyapatite was gradually surrounded by a granulomatous macrophage inflammatory response and covered with dense connective tissue that formed a sort of mesh septating and supporting progressively smaller blocks of the substance. The same type of reaction was observed in the enucleated and eviscerated cavities. We conclude that synthetic hydroxyapatite is an inert nonallergenic material which is appropriate for volume replacement in the anophthalmic cavity


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the influence of estrogen deficiency on autogenous bone block grafts in aged variectomized rats. Materials and Methods: Fifty 12-month-old female Wistar rats were used in the study. They were divided into 2 groups, an ovariectomized group and a sham-operated group. After 30 days the animals received autogenous block bone grafts on the angle of the mandible, harvested from the calvaria. The animals were euthanized at 7, 14, or 28 days postoperatively. Results: Histologic analysis showed that at 7 days postsurgery, the interface between graft and recipient site in the sham-operated group appeared filled by a granulation tissue with angiogenic activity, whereas the ovariectomized group still exhibited a blood clot and a granulation tissue in organization. on the 14th postoperative day, the interface in the shamoperated group was partially filled by newly formed bone establishing a union between the graft and the recipient site. The interface in the ovariectomized group was typically filled by granulation tissue with discrete osteogenic activity in most specimens. on the 28th postoperative day, the graft in the sham-operated group appeared histologically integrated to the mandible. However, the interface in the ovariectomized group appeared partially filled by newly formed bone, with areas of interposed connective tissue. The statistical analysis revealed that bone neoformation was significantly greater in the sham-operated group (57.41% at 14 days and 68.35 at 28 days) in comparison with the ovariectomized group (40.82% at 14 days and 53.09 at 28 days) at the 5% level. Conclusion: The estrogen depletion caused by the ovariectomy hindered the healing process of autogenous block bone grafts placed in the mandibles of aged rats.


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Medicamentos homeopáticos como o Symphytum officinalle e a Calendula officinallis são dotados de propriedades anti-sépticas, antiinflamatória, cicatrizantes e também agem como promotores da consolidação de fraturas ósseas. Neste trabalho, uniram-se esses dois medicamentos similares em um complexo para verificar o seu efeito no reparo em feridas de extração dentária em camundongos. O complexo Symphytum officinalle e Calendula officinallis nas potências de 6CH e 3CH, respectivamente, foi ministrado por via oral ao grupo tratado durante 5 dias antes e após a extração do incisivo superior direito. No grupo controle, administraram-se 5ml de álcool etílico a 70% diluídos em 30 ml de soro fisiológico. Após a proservação, os animais foram sacrificados, a maxila direita separada da esquerda, fixada e processada para inclusão em parafina. Após a microtomia, os cortes obtidos foram corados pela H/E. A análise histológica mostrou que, tanto no grupo controle como no tratado, o alvéolo dentário estava preenchido por tecido de granulação e tecido ósseo neoformado, com graus variáveis de maturação, rico em osteócitos. No entanto, nos animais tratados, o processo de reparo em feridas após extração dentária do incisivo superior direito mostrou um avanço progressivo de neoformação óssea mais acentuado quando comparado ao grupo controle, em tempos equivalentes. Estes resultados enfatizam as propriedades biológicas do complexo Symphytum officinalle e Calendula officinallis e sua possível utilização como recurso terapêutico na Odontologia.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to research a membrane material for use in guided bone regeneration. Study design: In this study, 25 male Wistar rats were used to analyze the biocompatibility and degradation process of biomembranes. The morphological changes in subcutaneous implantations were assessed after 7, 14, 21, 28 and 70 days. The materials were made of polyurethane polymer (AUG) obtained from vegetal oil (Ricinus communis) and polytetrafluoroethylene membrane (PTFE). The surface characteristics of the physical barriers in scanning electronic microscopic (SEM) were also evaluated. Results: In both groups, the initial histological analysis showed moderate inflammatory infiltrate, which was predominantly polymorphonuclear. There was also a presence of edema, which was gradually replaced by granulation tissue, culminating in a fibrous capsule. In the AUG group, some multinucleated giant cells were present in the contact interface, with the space previously occupied by the material. However, membrane degradation was not observed during the period studied. According to the present SEM findings, porosity was not detected in the AUG or PTFE membranes. Conclusion: The researched material is biocompatible and the degradation process is extremely slow or may not even occur at all.


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Objective: This study aimed evaluating histologically and histomorphometrically the response of the conjunctive tissue face to the implant of chlorhexidine chips in the subcutaneous tissues of rats. Study Design: In this research 35 male rats Wistar were used to analyze the biocompatibility and the degradation process of chlorhexidine chip. In each animal, it was made 2 incisions for subcutaneous implantation of chlorhexidine chip (test group) and a polytetrafluorethylene membrane (control group). The morphological changes in subcutaneous implantations were assessed after 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21 days. The data were submitted to Friedman nonparametric test to analyze the comparisons among observation periods and to allow the comparison among groups. Results: Differences were found in the analysis of the inflammatory response when comparing the tested materials (p values <= 0.05). In test group was observed hemorrhage, edema and intense inflammatory infiltrate predominantly neutrophilic around material. From 3-day and subsequent periods was verified granulation tissue externally at this infiltrate. From 10-day on was observed crescent area of degradation of chlorhexidine chip, associated with neutrophilic and macrophagic infiltrate, that maintained until 21-day. In the control group, moderate inflammatory infiltrate was observed initially, predominantly polymorphonuclear, edema and granulation tissue 3-day period. The inflammatory infiltrate was gradually replaced for granulation tissue, culminating in a fibrous capsule. Giant multinucleate cells situated at contact interface with the coating was examined since 3-day and persisted until 21-day. Conclusion: The chlorhexidine chip induces an intense acute inflammatory response at subcutaneous tissue of rats. Therefore, at conditions of this study was not biocompatible.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJETIVO: Comparar a cola de fibrina (Tissucol®) e o plasma rico em plaquetas em enxertos cutâneos de espessura completa em malha em cães. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 18 cães, distribuídos em dois grupos, cola de fibrina (CF) e plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP). em todos os animais foi realizado um enxerto cutâneo de 3x3 cm, em malha de espessura completa. No membro esquerdo foi colocado o biomaterial entre o enxerto e o leito receptor, cada qual em seu grupo, o membro direito serviu como grupo controle. Todos os animais foram avaliados clinicamente a cada 48 horas até o décimo quarto dia, através das variáveis: exsudação, coloração, edema e aspecto cosmético; histologicamente em três animais, no terceiro, sétimo e décimo quarto dia de pós-operatório através das variáveis: fibroblastos, colágeno, tecido de granulação, integração-aderência microscópica e inflamação aguda. RESULTADOS: Avaliações clínicas demonstraram que o grupo CF apresentou melhor escores em todas variáveis quando comparado com o grupo PRP. Nas avaliações histológicas o grupo PRP apresentou maior presença de fibroblastos ao sétimo e décimo quarto dia. CONCLUSÃO: A cola de fibrina foi clinicamente superior ao grupo plasma rico em plaquetas quando usados em enxertos cutâneos de espessura completa em cães.


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Background. Thin study evaluated the effects of a silicone membrane on the treatment of the raw flesh area in wounds.METHODS. The experimental study was carried out with 30 male Wistar rats divided into three groups: in the G(G) group, the raw area was treated with gauze, in the G(H) group with homograft, and in the G(S) group with a silicone membrane. Animals were sacrificed at fourteen days of postoperative. The studied attributes were body mass variation, histological study quantifed by morphometric analysis evaluating the number of neovessels, fibroblasts, collagen fibers, leucocytes, monocytes; and using a micrometric ruler measurement of the raw area thickness. Data were then submitted to statistical analysis.RESULTS. There was no significant difference between the animals' mass (p=0.0685). Predominance of neovessels (p<0.01), fibroblasts (p<0.001) and thickness of the raw flesh were observed in G(S) animals. There was predominance of leucocytes (p<0.021) and monocytes (p<0.0001) in G(H) animals. Also, no significant difference between the groups as for collagen fibers (p=0.0536) was observed.CONCLUSION. The silicone membrane promoted granulation tissue with a large number of neovessels, fibroblasts and greater thickness.