144 resultados para flexion

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The gastrocnemius was analysed in 10 male volunteers during knee flexion and extension with the foot in normal, plantar flexion and dorsal flexion positions. Hewlett-Packard surface electrodes, an electromyographic signal amplifier, a computer equipped with an AID conversion plaque (Model CAD 10/26), a software specially designed to record and analyse the signals, a horizontal leg press, and electrogoniometers were used. The gastrocnemius muscle showed strong potentials at the end of knee extension and beginning of knee flexion. The muscle presented a similar activity both in the zipper and lower platforms. As to bilateral action, the right gastrocnemius presented stronger potentials on the upper platforms, whereas the potentials were bilaterally similar on the lower platforms. As for foot position, the gastrocnemius presented strong potentials when the foot was in plantar flexion. The remaining positions had no effect on the work of the muscle.


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Background: The literature indicated that the majority of professional ballet dancers present static and active dynamic range of motion difference between left and right lower limbs, however, no previous study focused this difference in non-professional ballet dancers. In this study we aimed to evaluate active movements of the hip in non-professional classical dancers.Methods: We evaluated 10 non professional ballet dancers (16-23 years old). We measured the active range of motion and flexibility through Well Banks. We compared active range of motion between left and right sides (hip flexion and abduction) and performed correlation between active movements and flexibility.Results: There was a small difference between the right and left sides of the hip in relation to the movements of flexion and abduction, which suggest the dominant side of the subjects, however, there was no statistical significance. Bank of Wells test revealed statistical difference only between the 1st and the 3rd measurement. There was no correlation between the movements of the hip (abduction and flexion, right and left sides) with the three test measurements of the bank of Wells.Conclusion: There is no imbalance between the sides of the hip with respect to active abduction and flexion movements in non-professional ballet dancers. © 2011 Valenti et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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The objective of this paper was to analyse the activity of the longissimus dorsi and the iliocostalis lumborum muscles--components of the erector spinae muscle--in order to determine: their action potentials during the use of a plain and a tilt Roman table; 2) to compare the action potentials of the two muscles; 3) to verify if the action potential of these two muscles remain constant during the arc of movement--knee flexion and extension--divided into angle ranges, and 4) to compare the action potentials of the muscles in movements performed in a free manner and against resistance. Twenty-three young volunteers were studied electromyographically and each muscle received a needle electrode (Mise) and a surface electrode. The results showed that the table model did not determine any difference in the action potential of the muscles and that, on average, the iliocostalis lumborum muscle developed a slightly higher action potential than the longissimus dorsi muscle during the free flexion of knees on the plain table. In more than 70% of the cases, there was no difference between the action potential of the muscles over the various angle ranges of knee flexion and extension. Relatively higher action potentials were recorded during knee flexion and extension against resistance than during the same movements performed in a free manner. This shows that the paravertebral musculature responds better to an overload (8 kg) imposed on the knee flexor group, confirming the stabilizing role of the longissimus dorsi and iliocostalis lumborum muscles during knee flexion and extension on a Roman table.


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Stair ascent is an activity that exacerbates symptoms of individuals with patellofemoral pain. The discomfort associated with this activity usually results in gait modification such as reduced knee flexion in an attempt to reduce pain. Although such compensatory strategy is a logical approach to decrease pain, it also reduces the normal active shock absorption increasing loading rates and may lead to deleterious and degenerative changes of the knee joint. Thus, the aims of this study were (i) to investigate whether there is reduced knee flexion in adults with PFP compared to healthy controls; and (ii) to analyze loading rates in these subjects, during stair climbing. Twenty-nine individuals with patellofemoral pain and twenty-five control individuals (18-30years) participated in this study. Each subject underwent three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic analyses during stair climbing on two separate days. Between-groups analyses of variance were performed to identify differences in peak knee flexion and loading rates. Intraclass correlation coefficient was performed to verify the reliability of the variables. On both days, the patellofemoral pain group demonstrated significantly reduced peak knee flexion and increased loading rates. In addition, the two variables obtained high to very high reliability. Reduced knee flexion during stair climbing as a strategy to avoid anterior knee pain does not seem to be healthy for lower limb mechanical distributions. Repeated loading at higher loading rates may be damaging to lower limb joints.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To analyze the effect of arm bracing posture on respiratory muscle strength and pulmonary function in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).Methods: 20 patients with COPD (11 male; 67 +/- 8 years; BMI 24 +/- 3 Kg . m(-2)) were submitted to assessments of Maximal Inspiratory and Expiratory Pressures (MIP and MEP, respectively) and spirometry with and without arm bracing in a random order. The assessment with arm bracing was done on standing position and the height of the support was adjusted at the level of the ulnar styloid process with elbow flexion and trunk anterior inclination of 30 degrees promoting weight discharge in the upper limbs. Assessment without arm bracing was also performed on standing position, however with the arms relaxed alongside the body. The time interval between assessments was one week.Results: MIP, MEP and maximal voluntary ventilation (MW) were higher with arm bracing than without arm bracing (MIP 64 +/- 22 cmH(2)O versus 54 +/- 24 cmH(2)O, p = 0,00001; MEP 104 +/- 37 cmH(2)O versus 92 +/- 37 cmH(2)O, p = 0,00001 and MW 42 +/- 20 L/min versus 38 +/- 20 L/min, p = 0,003). Other variables did not show statistical significant difference.Conclusion: The arm bracing posture resulted in higher capacity to generate force and endurance of the respiratory muscles in patients with COPD. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. on behalf of Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. All rights reserved.


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Background: The literature reports that the eccentric muscular action produces greater force and lower myoelectric activity than the concentric muscular action, while the heart rate (HR) responses are bigger during concentric contraction. Objectives: To investigate the maximum average torque (MAT), surface electromyographic (SEMG) and the heart rate (HR) responses during different types of muscular contraction and angular velocities in older men. Methods: Twelve healthy men (61.7 +/- 1.6years) performed concentric (C) and eccentric (E) isokinetic knee extension-flexion at 60 degrees/s and 120 degrees/s. SEMG activity was recorded from vastus lateralis muscle and normalized by Root Mean Square-RMS (mu V) of maximal isometric knee extension at 60 degrees. HR (beats/min) and was recorded at rest and throughout each contraction. The data were analyzed by the Friedman test for repeated measures with post hoc Dunn's test (p<0.05). Results: The median values of MAT (N.m/kg) was smaller and the RMS (mu V) was larger during concentric contraction (C60 degrees/s=2.80 and 0.99; C120 degrees/s=2.46 and 1.0) than eccentric (E60 degrees/s=3.94 and 0.85; E120 degrees/s=4.08 and 0.89), respectively. The HR variation was similar in the four conditions studied. Conclusion: The magnitude of MAT and RMS responses in older men were dependent of the nature of the muscular action and independent of the angular velocity, whereas HR response was not influenced by these factors.


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Aim. Extrinsic compression of the popliteal artery and absence of surrounding anatomical abnormalities characterize the functional popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES). The diagnosis is confirmed to individuals who have typical symptoms of popliteal entrapment and occlusion or important stenosis of the popliteal artery with color duplex sonography (CDS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or arteriography during active plantar flexion-extension maneuvers. However, variable result findings in normal asymptomatic subjects have raised doubts as to the validity of these tests. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of popliteal artery compression in 2 groups of asymptomatic subjects, athletes and non-athletes.Methods. Forty-two individuals were studied. Twenty-one subjects were indoor soccer players, and 21 were sedentary individuals. Physical activity was evaluated through questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Evaluation of popliteal artery compression was performed in lower limbs with CDS, ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurements and continuous wave Doppler of the posterior tibial artery.Results. The athletes studied fulfilled the criteria of high level of physical activity whereas sedentary subjects met the criteria of low level of activity. Popliteal artery compression was observed with CDS in 6 (14.2%) studied subjects; 2 of whom (4.7%) were athletes and 4 (9.5%) were non-athletes. This difference was not statistically significant (p=0.21). Doppler of the tibial arteries and ABI measurements gave good specificity and sensibility in the identification of popliteal artery compression.Conclusion. The frequency of popliteal artery compression during maneuvers in normal subjects was 14.2% irrespective of whether or not they performed regular physical activities. Both Doppler and ABI showed good agreement with CDS and should be considered in screening popliteal arteries in individuals suspected of PAES.


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Os AINH (Antiinflamatórios não hormonais) são agentes utilizados na prática clínica que interferem no processo inflamatório pela inibição da síntese de prostaglandinas e tromboxanos. Alguns trabalhos experimentais investigaram sua ação no processo de consolidação de fraturas, por meio de estudos clínicos e histológicos, sendo escassas as análises biomecânicas. Nesse estudo foram utilizados 20 ratos da linhagem Wistar, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos iguais: grupo A (controle) e grupo B (tratado com diclofenaco sódico). em ambos os grupos foram realizadas fraturas abertas, após perfuração, na tíbia direita. A administração da droga foi via intramuscular, dose única diária, por 28 dias. Os animais foram pesados semanalmente. Após o sacrifício as tíbias foram dissecadas, pesadas e submetidas a ensaio biomecânico de flexão analisando-se carga máxima, deformação e coeficiente de rigidez. Observou-se que no grupo tratado com AINH não houve aumento do peso corpóreo a partir da segunda semana e as tíbias fraturadas foram mais pesadas. Neste grupo o calo ósseo suportou menor carga máxima, apresentando maior deformação e menor coeficiente de rigidez. Nos animais tratados, o osso não fraturado também se mostrou menos rígido. Concluiu-se, nas condições estudadas, que o DS alterou o processo de consolidação e o metabolismo ósseo, levando a retardo na maturação do calo e menor rigidez do osso intacto, respectivamente.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da suplementação de diferentes doses de todo-trans ácido retinóico sobre a resistência óssea, por meio de ensaio biomecânico de flexão, em tíbia de ratos jovens. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 58 ratos jovens, com quatro diferentes doses de vitamina A em suas dietas, sendo divididos em 4 grupos: grupo-controle (n=15), sem acréscimo de todo-trans ácido retinoico; grupo com acréscimo de 0,3mg de todo-trans ácido retinoico por kg de ração (n=13); grupo com 10mg de todo-trans ácido retinoico por kg de ração (n=15); e grupo com 50mg de todo-trans ácido retinoico por kg de ração (n=15). O estudo durou 30 dias. Após o sacrifício dos animais, suas patas esquerdas foram congeladas, dissecadas e as tíbias submetidas ao ensaio de flexão. Foram avaliados a carga máxima e o coeficiente de rigidez. Foi aplicada análise de variância one-way. O nível de significância estatístico adotado foi p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Os valores médios de carga máxima (em Newton) foram: grupo-controle =37,94, DP=4,76; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 0,3=36,49, DP= 4,38; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 10=40,12, DP=6,03; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 50=35,68, DP=5,22 (p=0,107). Os valores médios de coeficiente de rigidez (em Newton/milímetros) foram: grupo-controle =31,84 DP=6,75; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 0,3=29,18, DP=4,35; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 10=35,48, DP=8,14; grupo todo-trans ácido retinoico 50=30,31, DP=7,14 (p=0,85). CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que a exposição a diferentes doses de todo-trans ácido retinoico, em ratos, durante 30 dias, não exerce efeito sobre a resistência óssea, quando avaliada por ensaios biomecânicos.


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Foi realizado estudo experimental em ratos para avaliar o efeito do anticoagulante na consolidação óssea, conforme critérios clínicos, anatomopatológicos e biomecânicos. Manualmente, após perfuração do osso, foi produzida fratura aberta, na diáfise da tíbia direita, mantida sem imobilização, em 72 ratos machos da linhagem Wistar, com 60 dias de idade e peso médio de 242 gramas. Doze horas após a fratura, foi iniciado tratamento anticoagulante, mantido por 28 dias. Via subcutânea, um grupo recebeu heparina sódica na dose de 200UI/Kg de 12 em 12 horas, enquanto outro, recebeu enoxaparina na dose de 1mg/Kg de 12 em 12 horas, doses preconizadas para tratamento do tromboembolismo em humanos. O terceiro grupo, controle, recebeu água destilada. Durante o experimento, os animais foram avaliados clinicamente e após 28 dias, sacrificados. Nos animais dos três grupos, a evolução clínica foi semelhante. Mediante análise anatomopatológica efetuada por estudo descritivo e quantitativo, foi observada presença de fibrose, cartilagem e osso igualmente nos três grupos, sempre com predomínio de tecido ósseo. O estudo biomecânico, realizado por intermédio de ensaios de flexão, demonstrou coeficiente de rigidez e carga máxima semelhantes nos três grupos. Nenhuma diferença clínica, anatomopatológica e biomecânica foi encontrada, resultando todas as fraturas em consolidação de acordo com os critérios adotados, concluindo-se, portanto, que a heparina sódica e a enoxaparina nas doses, via e tempo de administração utilizados não interfiriram na consolidação da fratura da tíbia do rato.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)