34 resultados para feeding practices and beliefs

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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In addition to providing nutrition and immunological protection, breast-feeding has positive effects on the development of the infant's oral cavity. The aim of the present study is to assess breast-feeding patterns and to analyze the influence of breast-feeding practices and maternal sociodemographic variables on the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits in a sample of Brazilian infants. This cross-sectional study was carried out in Southern Brazil. A random sample of 100 mothers of infants up to 12 months of age was interviewed during the National Vaccination Campaign Day. The prevalence and median duration of breast-feeding were assessed. Breast-feeding practice, the exposure factor, was categorized as exclusive breast-feeding, predominant breast-feeding, complementary breast-feeding, or weaning. Maternal sociodemographic variables included age, race, marital status, educational level, profession, and family income. The outcome investigated was the prevalence of sucking habits (pacifier use and thumb sucking). We used two-sample tests, the chi-square test and Fisher exact test0 for statistical analyses of the data. The study revealed that 75% of infants were being breast-fed. Pacifier use and thumb sucking were common in 55%. Bottle-feeding was prevalent in 74% of infants. Breast-feeding was negatively correlated with pacifier use and thumb sucking (OR = 0.11; 95% CI: 0.03 to 0.4). Bottle-feeding was strongly associated with weaning (p = 0.0003). Among the sociodemographic variables, only marital status showed a statistical association with sucking habits (p = 0.04). These findings suggest that breast-feeding can prevent the occurrence of sucking habits. Although we could not evaluate causality assessment, malocclusion prevention seems to be yet one more reason for promoting breast-feeding practices.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Feedlot consulting nutritionists were invited to participate in a survey of feedlot nutritional and management practices in Brazil. Thirty-one nutritionists completed the survey on a Web site that was designed for collection of survey data. The survey consisted of 94 questions that included general information (n = 10); commodity information (n = 12); and questions about the use of coproducts (n = 5), roughage source and levels (n = 5), finishing diet adaptation methods (n = 7), supplements and micronutrients (n = 8), feed mixers (n = 6), feeding management (n = 3), cattle management and type of cattle fed (n = 16), formulation practices (n = 17), information resources used for nutritional recommendations (n = 2), and 2 additional questions. One final question addressed the primary challenges associated with applying nutritional recommendations in practice. The number of animals serviced yearly by each nutritionist averaged 121,682 (minimum = 2,000; maximum = 1,500,000; mode = 120,000; total = 3,163,750). Twenty-two respondents (71%) worked with feedlots that feed less than 5,000 animals/yr. Labor, along with availability and precision of equipment, seemed to be the main challenges for the nutritionists surveyed. Most of the nutritionists surveyed used TDN as the primary energy unit for formulation. More than 50% of the clients serviced by the 31 nutritionists did not manage feed bunks to control the quantity of feed offered per pen, and 36.6% fed cattle more than 4 times daily. The NRC (1996) and Journal of Animal Science were the most used sources of information by these nutritionists. Overall, general practices and nutritional recommendations provided by the 31 nutritionists surveyed were fairly consistent. Present data should aid in development of new research, future National Research Council models, and recommendations for Brazilian feeding systems in which Bos indicus cattle predominate.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Avaliou-se a influência dos níveis nutricionais da ovelha antes do parto, da idade à desmama e do sistema de terminação sobre as fibras musculares e a qualidade da carne dos cordeiros. Utilizaram-se matrizes mestiças Ile de France × Bergamacia criadas a pasto. As ovelhas foram divididas em dois grupos: um com suplementação alimentar 30 dias antes do parto e outro sem suplementação. Os animais (ovelha e cordeiros) foram subdivididos de acordo com a idade à desmama (45 ou 60 dias de idade) e os cordeiros desmamados foram submetidos a três sistemas de terminação: confinamento com dieta completa; confinamento somente com feno; e confinamento somente no pasto. O abate dos cordeiros foi realizado aos 30 kg de peso vivo ou aos 150 dias de idade. As características de carcaça analisadas foram morfofisiologia da fibra do músculo longissimus dorsi, fragmentação miofibrilar pós-morte (maturados nos dias 0, 3 e 7 pos mortem) e redução do pH e da temperatura da carne pós-abate. Não houve efeito da suplementação às ovelhas ou da idade à desmama sobre nenhuma das características avaliadas. A composição em fibras de contração lenta e oxidativa, contração rápida e oxidativa ou contração rápida e glicolítica não foi alterada pelos fatores em estudo, mas a área transversal das fibras foi menor nos cordeiros terminados com feno, assim como os valores de pH, temperatura e as medidas dos fragmentos de miofibrila. Com o aumento do tempo de maturação de 0 para 3 e 7 dias post mortem, houve redução do comprimento dos fragmentos de miofibrilas. O sistema de terminação de cordeiros em confinamento somente com feno interfere mais intensamente na qualidade da carne que o sistema de terminação a pasto ou em confinamento com dieta completa.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study provides information concerning the feeding behaviour of Goniopsis cruentata (Latreille, 1803), through analysis of stomach contents according to demographic categories. Collections were carried out monthly from May 2005 through April 2006 in a subtropical estuary on the southeastern Brazilian coast (23 degrees 29'24 '' S 45 degrees 10'12 '' W). The crabs were collected by hand, with a 2-hour sampling effort by three people. In the laboratory, the crabs were sexed and measured for greatest carapace width, and grouped into demographic categories: adult males, juvenile males, adult females, juvenile females, and ovigerous females. For the fullness analysis, the stomachs were grouped into two categories: (1) E = Empty, with no food; and (2) F = Full, whether partially filled or totally. The frequency-of-occurrence method was used to characterize feeding behaviour, and the demographic categories recognired were compared. We obtained stomachs from 171 adult males, 69 juvenile males, 136 adult females, 72 juvenile females, and 41 ovigerous females, of which 85.6% were full. of the eight food items recorded, sediment was the most frequent, and unidentified material was the least. Goniopsis cruentata can be characterized as a generalist feeder, exploiting most of the food items available in the mangrove swamps. In spite of this generalist behaviour, the dominant presence of sediment suggests that G. cruentata is primarily a detritivore that exploits particulate organic matter from microbial biodegradation, one of the most important mangrove functions. The trophic role of this crab in the ecosystem showed no significant differences among the demographic categories, and seems to be wider than those observed for sesarmid and ocypodid mangrove crabs. These ecosystem engineers may occupy different positions in the trophic chains of estuarine environments.


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Butterflyfishes of the genus Chaetodon (Chaetodontidae) are mostly bottom-feeders, and juveniles of some Pacific species are known to clean other fish, Herein we report on occasional cleaning by adult individuals of the Western Atlantic butterflyfish Chaetodon striatus, during their plankton-feeding aggregation, Four species of reef fish solicited cleaning to the butterflyfish amidst the aggregation.


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Bothrops pubescens is a member of the neuwiedi complex that occurs in southern Brazil and Uruguay. We studied the ecology of B. pubescens from a field site (at Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) and based on preserved specimens from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. In Santa Maria, individuals were collected during visual encounter surveys (VES), in pitfall traps with drift fences and during incidental encounters. Most snakes found in the field were on the ground, mainly on leaf litter, in mosaics of light and shadow or in completely shaded areas. In disturbed areas, snakes were usually associated with country houses and agricultural fields. Snakes were found much more frequently in forests and forest edges than in open habitats. The diet of B. pubescens comprised small mammals (56.2% of individual prey found), anurans (21.2%), lizards (7.5%), snakes (7.5%), birds (5.0%), and centipedes (2.5%). Prey predator mass ratios ranged from 0.002-0.627, and larger snakes tended to consume larger prey. Bothrops pubescens seems to be able to survive in disturbed areas, mainly those close to forests, and this ability may be facilitated by its generalized feeding habits. Copyright 2005 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.


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Breeder feed restriction may negatively affect broiler progeny immunity. Sources of trace minerals (TM) with higher bioavailability in breeder diets have been reported to enhance humoral and cellular immunity in broiler progeny. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of breeder feeding programs and TM dietary sources on maternal antibody transfer and humoral immune response of progeny to a live vaccine against Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Cobb 500 breeders were fed according to 2 feed allocation programs, sigmoid late fast and sigmoid late slow, from 14 to 29 wk of age. From 56 to 62 wk of age, breeders were fed with either inorganic TM or an organic source (OTM) to replace 30% of Cu, Zn, and Mn. Progeny broilers were vaccinated intraocularly with La Sota NDV vaccine at 7 d of age. Blood samples were collected at hatching, 4, and 14 d postvaccination. Serum antibody levels against NDV were assessed by ELISA and cytokine expression by real time PCR. At hatching, late slow breeder progeny fed diets with 30% OTM had higher antibody titers as compared with progeny of breeders fed 100% inorganic TM. Similar results were observed 2 wk postvaccination. Breeder feeding programs and TM sources affected the expression level of IL-4 in NDV vaccinated broiler progeny. It was concluded that breeder feeding programs influenced humoral immune response to NDV vaccine in the broiler progeny, and 30% OTM may increase these responses. © 2013 Poultry Science Association, Inc.


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A visual methods study was conducted with 16 at-risk youth living in a mid-sized Brazilian city. In this study, we focus on data obtained from four of those youth who were working adolescents, aged 13-15, and identify contextually specific protective processes associated with resilience. Through a reciprocal process of collaborative research that included observation, photo elicitation, video recording of a 'day in the life' of each youth, and semi-structured interviews, youth and researchers co-constructed an understanding of adaptive coping in a particularly challenging social environment. By employing techniques from grounded theory to analyze the data, we identified a pattern of protagonism among these youth that enabled them to maintain well-being despite exploitation as working children. This conceptualization of protagonism as a protective process has implications for human service workers who intervene to improve the living conditions of working children. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.