22 resultados para fecal indicator bacteria

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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Foram submetidas às contagens de colifagos, coliformes totais, coliformes fecais e de estreptococos fecais, 104 amostras de água colhidas de 8 poços rasos localizados na área urbana do Município de Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil, com a finalidade de avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias e de verificar as correlações existentes entre o número de colifagos e o de bactérias indicadoras de poluição fecal. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram a ocorrência de 96 (92,3%) amostras fora dos padrões bacteriológicos de potabilidade estabelecidos pelo Ministério da Saúde, monstrando ser precárias as condições higiênico-sanitárias das águas analisadas. Os achados evidenciaram a inexistência de correlação entre o número de colifagos e os números de bactérias indicadoras de poluição fecal.


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Foram colhidas 105 amostras de água sendo 44 de mananciais e de 61 bebedouros, a partir das quais foram realizadas as determinações dos NMP (Número Mais Provável) de bactérias coliformes totais e fecais. de acordo com a Portaria GM/0013 de 15 de janeiro de 1976, da Secretaria Especial do Meio Ambiente do Ministério do Interior, os 44 mananciais revelaram-se dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos. Embora não haja referência com relação a bebedouros, aplicando-se os valores estabelecidos para mananciais, das 61 amostras estudadas, somente 6 (9,8%) não poderiam ser usadas para a dessedentação de animais. Das 105 amostras analisadas, verificou-se que as condições sanitárias revelaram-se não satisfatórias em 6 (5,7%) amostras de bebedouros quanto a coliformes fecais, sendo 3 (2,8%) também com relação a coliformes totais.


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The effects of metal bioleaching on nutrient solubilization, especially nitrogen and phosphorous, from anaerobically-digested sewage sludge were investigated in this work. The assessment of the sanitary quality of the anaerobic sludge after bioleaching was also carried out by enumerating indicator (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci) and total heterotrophic bacteria. The experiments of bioleaching were performed using indigenous sulphur-oxidizing bacteria (Thiobacillus spp.) as inoculum and samples of anaerobically-digested sludge. Nitrogen and phosphorous solubilization from sewage sludge was assessed by measuring, respectively, the concentration of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, and soluble and total phosphorous before and after the bioleaching assays. At the end of the experiment, after 4 days of incubation (final pH of 1.4), the following metal solubilization yields were obtained: zinc, 91%; nickel, 87%; copper, 79%; lead, 52%; and chromium, 42%. As a result of sludge acidification, the viable counts of selected indicator bacteria were decreased to below the detection limit (4 × 103 cfu 100 ml-1), followed by an increase in the mineral fraction of nitrogen (from 6 to 10%) and in the soluble fraction of phosphorous (from 15 to 30%). Although some loss of sludge nutrients can occur during solid-liquid separation following bioleaching, its beneficial effects as metal removal and reduction of pathogenic bacteria are sufficient to consider the potential of this treatment before sludge disposal onto agricultural fields.


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Sixty small farms of Botucatu County, S. Paulo, Brazil, given over to cattle breeding were studied. These farms account for 15% of the total of 402 farms that exist in the county. The sample was drawn by simple probabilistic technique. There were found to be one hundred and thirteen drinking places located on the farms. Samples of water were taken from these drinking places and examined for bacteria of the genus Salmonella, for the determination of Most Probable Number (MNP) of fecal coliform bacteria as well as determination of the water's pH. Water temperature was measured before collection. Samples from 15 drinking places (13.3%) were positive for Salmonella. The drinking places belonged to 12 of the sixty farms studied (20%). The following serotypes were identified: S. dublin, S. newport, S. madelia, S. IV 43:g,z57:-, S. saphra, S. glostrup, S. IV ochsenzool; S. I9,12:i:- and two new serotypes S. IV 41:z52:- and S. IV 50:d:-. Of the 113 samples studied 14 (12.4%) presented MPN/100ml of fecal coliforms above 4,000. There was no relationship between MPN/100ml of fecal coliforms above 4,000 and positivity for Salmonella. Highest positivity both for Salmonella and MPN/100mL of fecal coliforms over 4,000 occurred at temperatures above 18 degrees C. As regards pH, in both situations the highest positivity occurred between 6.0 and 7.0.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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This paper reports the data on the cuiabana sausage historical aspect, and from the study performed on its technical/sensory characteristics. Four formulations of cuiabana-type sausage were prepared, varying the basic raw material (bovine, chicken and swine meats). For processing these sausages, the raw meats (beef, chicken and pork) were cut into cubes and together with the other ingredients (garlic, cheese, pepper and chives) they were weighed and homogenized. The resulting mixture was refrigerated for 24 hours for intensifying the flavor. Thereafter, it was stuffed into natural casings. These prepared samples were characterized on the physical-chemical profile and on the shelf life under refrigeration for over a seven day-storage in order to assess the microbiological contamination (total coliforms and fecal thermotolerant bacteria), sulphite-reducing clostridium, Salmonella spp., coagulase-positive Staphylococcus), and pH. The sensory evaluation and statistics analysis were carried out on the different types of laboratory- processed cuiabana sausage. Introducing over time changes in the cuiabana sausages formulation are positive factors; therefore, variations in the formulations it is feasible to get a better final product than that original one, and it might be resulted from the market demand.


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This research studied the sequential ozone and chlorine process with respect to, the inactivation of indicator bacteria and the formation of ozone disinfection byproducts in sanitary wastewater effluent. The applied ozone doses were 5, 8 and 10 mg.O3.L(-1), followed by chlorine doses of 10, 20 and 30 mg.L(-1), respectively. After the sequential ozone/chlorine process, the mean reduction in chemical oxygen demand ranged from 9 to 37%. Total coliform inactivation ranged from 1.59 to 3.73 log10, and E. coli was always <1 CFU 100 mL(-1). Ozonation resulted in the formation of aldehydes, which were not significantly impacted by the subsequent chlorine dose (P ≤ 0.05).


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a produção fecal por meio do indicador interno, fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi), e externos, cromo complexado com ácido etilenodiaminotetracético (Cr-EDTA ) e o cloreto de itérbio (YbCl3), além de estimar o fluxo duodenal da matéria seca e os coeficientes de digestibilidades aparentes total, ruminal e pós-ruminal, de diferentes nutrientes. Foram utilizadas oito novilhas mestiças Holandês/Zebu, distribuídas em duplo quadrado latino 4 x 4. Os indicadores Cr-EDTA, YbCl3 e o FDNi não estimaram produção fecal de forma eficiente (p < 0,05), obtendo resultado de 1,64; 1,71 e 2,71 kg dia-1, respectivamente, quando comparado à coleta total de fezes, que obteve resultado de 1,39 kg dia-1. Os valores estimados de fluxo de matéria seca, tanto para a metodologia de único, quanto para de duplo indicador, podem ser considerados biologicamente aceitáveis. Contudo, o valor obtido pela associação Cr-EDTA/YbCl3, utilizada na forma de duplo indicador, foi o mais confiável, pela melhor recuperação dos indicadores externos (Cr-EDTA e YbCl3), que obtiveram médias de 89 e 85%, respectivamente, em comparação ao interno (FDNi), que obteve média 67%. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade ruminal e pós ruminal, estimados pela associação Cr-EDTA/YbCl3, foram considerados melhores, em consequência do valor de fluxo de matéria seca estimado por esta associação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Samples of tongue and bucal mucosa surfaces were obtained from six healthy subjects with the purpose of isolating S. salivarius. It was verified that 47 out of 48 S. salivarius strains produced bacteriocin-like substances against at least one of the indicator species: Actinomyces viscosus, Rothia dentocariosa, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis. The method employed to test for bacteriocin production was that of deferred antagonism. The results showed that there was a high antagonism against R. dentocariosa, S. pyogenes and A. viscosus; extremely low against S. mutans and S. sanguis and no inhibition for S. aureus.


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The microbiological quality of various fresh waters in the Araraquara region, state of São Paulo, Brazil was investigated. Ninety-nine water samples were taken from rivers, reservoirs, artesian and non-artesian wells, springs and tap waters, and these waters were analysed using: plate counts of heterotrophic microorganisms (per 1 ml); Most Probable Number (MPN) of fecal coliforms and E. coli (per 100 ml); tests for presence of Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, the E. coli pathogens of classes EPEC, ETEC and EIEC and Mycobacterium, Shigella, Yersinia and enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) were not isolated. The other types of microorganisms were isolated in varying proportions. We conclude that the waters investigated represent a potential microbiological health risk.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)