46 resultados para fans

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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The necessity of adapting the standardized fan models to conditions of higher temperature has emerged due to the growth of concerning referring to the consequences of the gas expelling after the Mont Blanc tunnel accident in Italy and France, where even though, with 100 fans in operation, 41 people died. However, since then, the defied solutions have pointed to aerodynamic disadvantages or have seemed nonappropriate in these conditions. The objective of this work is to present an alternative to the market standard fans considering a new technology in constructing blades. This new technology introduces the use of the stainless steel AISI 409 due to its good adaptation to temperatures higher than 400°C, particularly exposed to temperatures of gas exhaust from tunnels in fire situation. Furthermore, it presents a very good resistance to corrosion and posterior welding and pressing, due to its alloyed elements. The innovation is centered in the process of a deep drawing of metallic shells and posterior welding, in order to keep the ideal aerodynamic superficies for the fan ideal performance. On the other hand, the finite element method, through the elasto-plastic software COSMOS permitted the verification of the thickness and structural stability of the blade in relation to the aerodynamic efforts established in the project. In addition, it is not advisable the fabrication of blades with variable localized thickness not even, non-uniform ones, due to the verified concentration of tensions and the difficulties observed in the forming. In this way, this study recommends the construction of blades with uniform variations of thickness. © 2007 Springer.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Increasing air movement over poultry by using fans (ventilation) has become an accepted means of reducing environmental heat stress over the last several years. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of air velocity and exposure time to ventilation on body surface and rectal temperature of broiler chickens. Male broiler chickens aged 36-42 days were placed in individual wire cages and exposed to five different air velocities (5.7, 4.2, 3.1, 2.4, or 1.8 m/sec). Throughout the experiment head, back, leg, and rectal temperatures were monitored every 10 min during a 30-min period for each air velocity. The data showed that exposure time to the wind affected (P<.05) leg and body temperature, with a rapid reduction being observed during the first 10 min. There was a reduction in leg temperature with air velocity of 2 m/sec; however, air velocity lower than 4.5 m/sec was not effective in decreasing head and back temperature. The results suggest that air velocity of 2 m/sec, in air temperature of 29 degrees C, improves heat loss in the birds. The data also indicate that exposure time to ventilation seems to be a critical point in the maintenance of bird thermal homeostasis.


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Caffeine is the legal stimulant consumed most extensively by the human world population and may be found eventually in the urine and/or blood of race horses, the fact that caffeine is in foods led us to determine the highest no-effect dose (HNED) of caffeine on the spontaneous locomotor activity of horses and then to quantify this substance in urine until it disappeared. We built two behavioural stalls equipped with juxtaposed photoelectric sensors that emit infrared beams that divide the stall into nine sectors in a 'tic-tac-toe' fashion. Each time a beam was interrupted by a leg of the horse, a pulse was generated; the pulses were counted at 5-min intervals and stored by a microcomputer. Environmental effects were minimized by installing exhaust fans producing white noise that obscured outside sounds. One-way observation windows prevented the animals from seeing outside. The sensors were turned on 45 min before drug administration (saline control or caffeine), the animals were observed for up to 8 h after i.v. administration of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 5.0 mg caffeine kg(-1). The HNED of caffeine for stimulation of the spontaneous locomotor activity of horses was 2.0 mg kg(-1). The quantification of caffeine in urine and plasma samples was done by gradient HPLC with UV detection. The no-effect threshold should not be greater than 2.0 mug caffeine ml(-1) plasma or 5.0 mug caffeine ml(-1) urine. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Objetivou-se investigar os efeitos das características do pelame sobre a idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) e o intervalo de partos (IEP) de vacas holandesas manejadas em sistema de estabulação livre com ventiladores e aspersores e estimar os parâmetros genéticos destas características. Os dados foram analisados pelo método dos quadrados mínimos, considerando os efeitos: ano; estação; número de inseminações; origem do pai; pai dentro da origem; idade (somente para IEP); porcentagem de malhas negras; espessura do pelame; comprimento dos pêlos; número de pêlos por unidade de área da epiderme; diâmetro dos pêlos; transmitância e refletância efetiva do pelame. O método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita foi utilizado para estimar os componentes de (co)variância sob um modelo animal. Os resultados incluíram as estimativas de herdabilidade para IPP (0,23±0,08), IEP (0,19±0,10), malhas negras (0,75±0,08), número (0,05±0,04), espessura (0,04±0,05), comprimento (0,36±0,09) e diâmetro (0,63±0,08) de pêlos. As estimativas de correlação genética entre IPP (-0,37±0,17), IEP (0,49±0,27) e diâmetro apresentaram valores significativos e favoráveis. Entretanto, as correlações genéticas entre espessura (-0,56±0,46), número (-0,66±0,43), porcentagem de malhas negras (0,04±0,16) e IPP foram desfavoráveis para seleção conjunta para melhor adaptação e precocidade sexual. O alto valor estimado para herdabilidade e as correlações genéticas favoráveis entre diâmetro e IPP e IEP indicaram ser possível selecionar para melhorar conjuntamente a adaptação e o desempenho reprodutivo.


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O futebol possui grande representatividade social em diferentes culturas. Porém, a paixão despertada nas torcidas pode gerar comportamentos agressivos e violentos, em um momento que deveria ser de diversão, caracterizando o lazer desviante, o qual ainda não está devidamente esclarecido. Esta pesquisa qualitativa teve como objetivo investigar, nos estudos acadêmicos, o comportamento agressivo das torcidas organizadas e seus desdobramentos no tempo destinado ao lazer. Para tanto, na pesquisa bibliográfica, buscou-se informações em obras de referência, compostas por livros e teses, além da consulta a diferentes bases de dados, com os descritores: lazer, torcidas organizadas, agressividade e violência. Os resultados indicam que, independente da gênese do comportamento agressivo, quando em presença de um grupo, ou dependendo do contexto sociohistórico, da composição das torcidas, da violência integrante da sociedade, da mídia, da má organização esportiva e da impunidade, estes fatores podem afetar mudança no comportamento individual, contribuindo para manifestações agressivas e violentas no âmbito futebolístico em campo e nas torcidas. Este tipo de manifestação pode favorecer a diminuição do público nos estádios, além de repercutir na delimitação das atividades vivenciadas no contexto do lazer. Estas condutas violentas podem, até mesmo, acarretar graves conseqüências nos âmbitos físico e/ou psíquico. Por fim, aponta-se a premência de políticas públicas específicas envolvendo o lazer e os megaeventos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Late Carboniferous-Early Permian Itarare Group is a thick glacial unit of the Parana Basin. Five unconformity-bounded sequences have been defined in the eastern outcrop belt and recognized in well logs along 400 km across the central portion of the basin. Deglaciation sequences are present in the whole succession and represent the bulk of the stratigraphic record. The fining-upward vertical facies succession is characteristic of a retrogradational stacking pattern and corresponds to the stratigraphic record of major ice-retreat phases. Laterally discontinuous subglacial tillites and boulder beds occur at the base of the sequences. When these subglacial facies are absent, deglaciation sequences lie directly on the basal disconformities. Commonly present in the lowermost portions of the deglaciation sequences, polymictic conglomerates and cross-bedded sandstones are generated in subaqueous proximal outwash fans in front of retreating glaciers. The overlying assemblage of diamictites, parallel-bedded and rippled sandstones, and Bouma-like facies sequences are interpreted as deposits of distal outwash fan lobes. The tops of the deglaciation sequences are positioned in clay-rich marine horizons that show little (fine-laminated facies with dropstones) or no evidence of glacial influence on the deposition and likely represent periods of maximum ice retreat. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Pantanal is a tectonic depression located at the left margin of the Upper Paraguay River. The Paraguay is the trunk river of an alluvial depositional tract composed by several large marginal alluvial fans, the Taquari fan being the largest one. The present landscape is a complex tropical wetland characterized by month-long floods every year, with geomorphic features derived from the present conditions and others inherited from successive Pleistocene and Holocene climates. Some areas containing ponds are landscape relicts generated by eolian deflation during the Last Glacial Maximum. Many ponds, closed depressions isolated from the superficial waters by vegetated crescent ridges of fine sands, were interpreted as salt pans bordered by lunette sand dunes. Initiation of the modern wetland has occurred during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition, with the change to a more humid climate and the individualization of lacustrine systems. Active tectonics has been playing an important role in the development of the Pantanal landscape. Nowadays, the Paraguay River meanders in a large flood plain with extensive swamp surfaces, being structurally constrained by faults in the west border of the basin. Sedimentation within the Pantanal wetland is also affected by tectonic activity, especially along faults associated with the Transbrasiliano Lineament. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.


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The Pantanal wetland is located in a tectonically active interior sedimentary basin in west-central Brazil. The south-flowing Paraguay River is the trunk-river of an alluvial constructional landform comprising several large alluvial fans, the largest one of which is the Taquari megafan. The Taquari River flows in two distinct geomorphologic zones within the megafan. Entrenched on sediments of Pleistocene fan lobes, the Taquari River flows in a 3 to 5 km wide meander belt in the upper fan, where avulsion is hindered by entrenchment. Downstream of the intersection point, stream discharge progressively decreases and the Taquari River becomes narrow and shallow toward the Paraguay River plain. Within the distributary fan lobe, the channel-levee sandy complex is topographically higher than the adjacent floodplains and avulsion is a natural consequence of crevasses in the natural levees. Many channel avulsions have occurred during the last decades and documented cases show that significant channel changes may take place in a few years. Beginning with crevassing in 1988 and ending with the abandonment of the former channel in 1998, the river completely changed course in the lower fan. Presently, a major avulsion is occurring in the upper portion of the growing fan lobe, where many crevasses have appeared in the natural levees with associated splays onto the floodbasin. New anastomosed channels have formed north of the Taquari River, but downstream of them the flow is unconfined and the water spreads into natural floodbasins. This avulsion is still in process and allows observation of channel evolution, the geomorphic features produced, the sedimentary processes involved, and resulting effects. If the new channels do not rejoin the main channel, the river mouth may abandon its present master channel and shift to a position a hundred kilometers north from its present position. A large volume of sediment has been transferred to the floodbasin, with progradation of crevasse splay deposits over fine overbank sediments. Many geomorphic features, recognizable in satellite and radar images, clearly show that avulsion has occurred many limes before in the Taquari River. Avulsion belt deposits and former diverted channels testify to ancient avulsion events within the fan lobe and show that progradation of splays onto the floodbasin is the most important infilling process within the Taquari distributary fan lobe. The avulsion process in the lower Taquari River has accelerated in the last 30 years, along with the magnitude of flooding. Pasture and intensive agriculture in the catchment area has increased the sediment supply to the wetland, but larger floods are also a consequence of higher rainfall since 1973. Avulsion and floods have been a cause of great concern among the local population and landowners. Before human intervention in attempting to control floods, however, a better understanding of the avulsive river system is needed, especially because a major navigation project including the channelization of the Paraguay River was recently proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article presents an analysis of facies of sedimentary sequences that occur as discontinuous bodies in the Jundiai region, west of the main Tertiary continental basins of the southeastern Brazil continental rift. Nine identified sedimentary facies, grouped into four associations, suggest the existence of an ancient alluvial fan system whose source area was the Japi mountain range (Serra do Japi). The deposits are considered Tertiary in age and chronocorrelated with those identified in the Atibaia region and at other sites up to 100 km east and northeast of Jundiai. The depositional model adopted to explain the filling of the basin proposes that the alluvial fans, which directly derive from the source area, terminated in a braided channel longitudinal to the basin axis that flowed to northwest, in a similar configuration to that of the present day. This basin may have extended to the Atibaia region or formed a set of small basins laterally contiguous to the faults associated with the rift. Such occurrences show that the formation of rift basins was broader than the area presently occupied by the main deposits. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Faciologic analysis method was applied to after-basaltic sedimentary deposits in Triangulo Mineiro (MG) area. Faciologic association 1 (Adamantina formation) and unities 1 to 5 (Uberaba formation) are related to the fluvial and lake deposits: faciologic association 3 (Ponte Alta Member) and 2 (Sierra da Galga Member) represent the sedimentary deposits associated to the alluvial fans conditions. With faciologic association and unities it could be to recognize the paleogeografic and tectonic conditions in sedimentation time of that depositional tract. -English summary


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This work considers a problem of interest in several technological applications such as the thermal control of electronic equipment. It is also important to study the heat transfer performance of these components under off-normal conditions, such as during failure of cooling fans. The effect of natural convection on the flow and heat transfer in a cavity with two flush mounted heat sources on the left vertical wall, simulating electronic components, is studied numerically and experimentally. The influence of the power distribution, spacing between the heat sources and cavity aspect ratio have been investigated. An analysis of the average Nusselt number of the two heat sources was performed to investigate the behavior of the heat transfer coefficients. The results obtained numerically and experimentally, after an error analysis, showed a good agreement.