104 resultados para energy values

em Repositório Institucional UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho"


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An experiment was carried out to determine the chemical composition, metabolizable energy values, and coefficients of nutrient digestibility of corn germ meal for layers. The chemical composition of corn germ meal was determined, and then a metabolism assay was performed to determine its apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn) values and its dry matter and gross energy apparent metabolizability coefficients (CAMDM and CAMGE, respectively). In the 8-day assay (four days of adaptation and four days of total excreta collection), 60 29-week-old white Lohman LSL layers were used. A completely randomized experimental design, with three treatments with five replicates of four birds each, was applied. Treatments consisted of a reference diet and two test diets, containing 20 or 30% corn germ meal. Results were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared by the Tukey tests at 5% probability level. The chemical composition of corn germ meal was: 96.39% dry matter, 49.48% ether extract, 1.87% ashes, 7243 kcal gross energy/kg, 11.48% protein, 0.19% methionine, 0.21% cystine, 0.48% lysine, 0.40% threonine, 0.72% arginine, 0.35% isoleucine, 0.83% leucine, 0.57% valine, and 0.37% histidine, on as-fed basis. There were no statistical differences in AME, AMEn, CAMDM, and CAMGE values with the inclusion of 20 and 30% corn germ meal in the diets. On dry matter basis, AME, AMEn, CAMDM, and CAMGE values of corn germ meal were: 4,578 and 4,548 kcal/kg, 4,723 and 4,372 kcal/kg, 64.95 and 61.86%, respectively.


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An experiment was conducted to determine the chemical composition and apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEn) values of corn, soybean meal (SBM), soybean oil (SO) and sugarcane yeast (SY) (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). A metabolism trial was performed with 120 Dekalb White laying hens at 65 weeks of age, using the method of total excreta collection. Birds were housed in metabolism cages and distributed according to a completely randomized design into five treatments with, six replicates of four birds each. The experimental period consisted of four days of adaptation and four days of excreta collection. The experimental diets included: a reference diet based on corn and SBM and four test diets containing 40% corn, 30% SBM, 10% SO or 30 % SY. The chemical compositions of the tested ingredients, expressed on "as-is" basis were: 86.9, 87.29, 87.32 and 99.5% dry matter; and 3.51, 2.08, 99.31 and 0.03 ether extract for corn, SBM, SO and SY, respectively. Corn, SBM, and SO presented 7.33, 43.61 and 24.64% crude protein, and 0.58, 5.07 and 6.77% ash, respectively; and crude fiber contents of corn and SBM were, respectively, 2.24% and 3.56%. The following AME and AMEn (kcal/kg dry matter) values were obtained: 3,801 and 3,760 kcal/kg for corn, 2,640 and 2,557 kcal/kg for SBM, 8,952 and 8,866 kcal/kg for SO, and 1,023 and 925 kcal/kg for sugarcane yeast, respectively.


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Maize gluten feed (MGF) is a co-product of wet milling of maize, and is composed of structures that remain after most starch, gluten and germ has been extracted from the grain. Although currently used in dog foods, its digestibility and energy values have not been documented. Two techniques were used to determine nutrient digestibility of MGF for dog foods. Both techniques used extruded diets fed to Beagle dogs, with six replicates per diet. The first study used a difference method in which 300 g/kg of a reference diet was replaced by MGF. Based on the difference method, the coefficient of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of MGF was 0.53 for dry matter (DM), 0.69 for crude protein (CP), 0.74 for fat, 0.99 for starch, and 0.55 for gross energy (GE). The calculated metabolizable energy (ME) of MGF was 7.99 MJ/kg (as-fed). The second study used a regression method and included a basal diet and a basal diet with 70, 140 and 210 g MGF/kg of diet (as a substitute for maize starch). Maize gluten feed inclusion resulted in a linear reduction of CTTAD of DM (R(2)=0.99; P<0.001), CP (R(2)=0.95; P=0.002), fat (R(2)=0.87; P=0.009). starch (R(2)=0.81; P<0.001), and GE (R(2)=0.99; P<0.001). Faecal production increased linearly from 56 g to 107 g/dog/d (R(2)=0.99; P<0.001), with a linear reduction of faecal DM (R(2)=0.99: P<0.001) and a linear increase in faecal lactic acid concentration (P<0.02). Both urine (R(2)=0.77; P=0.029) and faeces (R(2)=0.92: P=0.019) showed a linear reduction in pH. Results of ingredient MAD obtained by the regression and difference methods were close (6% or less of variation) for CP, fat, and starch, and also for ME content (1.4% higher for the difference method), but the two methods disagreed on calculated CTTAD of DM and organic matter. The high dietary fiber content of MGF (382 g/kg) may explain the low digestibility of this ingredient. Maize gluten feed could be a useful ingredient for formulations designed to have low energy or reduce the urine pH of dogs. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper studies energy localization conditions in lattices of the type proposed by Peyrard and Bishop. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous lattices are analyzed and the role of interfaces in the latter is emphasized. Simulations allowed us to identify critical energy values for the existence of localization. After a certain energy value, it is possible to observe the loss of energy localization along the chain.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The eutectoid transformation may be defined as a solid-state diffusion-controlled decomposition process of a high-temperature phase into a two-phase lamellar aggregate behind a migrating boundary on cooling below the eutectoid temperature. In substitutional solid solutions, the eutectoid reaction involves diffusion of the solute atoms either through the matrix or along the boundaries or ledges. The effect of Ag on the non-isothermal kinetics of the reverse eutectoid reaction in the Cu-9 mass%Al, Cu-10 mass%Al, and Cu-11 mass%Al alloys were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The activation energy for this reaction was obtained using the Kissinger and Ozawa methods. The results indicated that Ag additions to Cu-Al alloys interfere on the reverse eutectoid reaction, increasing the activation energy values for the Cu-9 mass%Al and Cu-10 mass%Al alloys and decreasing these values for the Cu-11 mass%Al alloy for additions up to 6 mass%Ag. The changes in the activation energy were attributed to changes in the reaction solute and in Ag solubility due to the increase in Al content.


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The digestible energy and apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients of common diet ingredients were determined for pacu Piaractus brachypomus (370.21 ± 17.56 g). Fish were fed with pelleted practical diets to apparent satiation and the feces were collected by siphoning. The digestibility value for each ingredient was determined by comparison of the digestibility of a test diet with a reference diet (24.5% crude protein and 1% chromic oxide). The digestible energy values of soybean meal (SBM), fish meal (FM), corn (CN), and wheat bran (WB) were 2382, 3826, 3353, and 1784 kcal/kg, respectively. The apparent dry matter digestibility coefficients were 83.72, 90.14, 89.13, and 82.05% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The apparent crude protein digestibility coefficients were 75.88, 90.49, 85.06, and 61.62% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The apparent lipid digestibility coefficients were 63.03, 77.00, 83.01, and 82.45% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The digestibility of protein, lipid, and energy from SBM were somewhat low compared to values for other warmwater omnivorous fishes, but similar to values reported for pacu-caranha P. mesopotamicus. Otherwise, the nutrient and energy availability of the ingredients to P. brachypomus was similar to that of other fish. This information will be useful in formulating nutritious, economical diets for pacus. © by the World Aquaculture Society 2004.


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Using a recent shape-independent approximation for the 3S1-3D1 mixing parameter, theoretical prevision for the low-energy mixing parameters is made. The present prevision is consistent with the deuteron binding energy, its asymptotic D-state to S-state ratio, ηd, the triplet-scattering length, and the meson exchange tail of the tensor nucleon-nucleon potential. The theoretical prevision up to an incident laboratory energy of 25 MeV is consistent with the recent multi-energy determination of mixing parameters, but is much higher than many single-energy determinations of the same. The low single-energy values of the mixing parameter could be reproduced by meson-theoretical potentials only with a substantially reduced ηd. © 1994 The American Physical Society.


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O mercado de alimentos para cães e gatos absorve importante quantidade de proteínas e carboidratos, apesar disso poucos estudos existem sobre digestibilidade e energia metabolizável destes ingredientes. Arroz e milho têm sido considerados as melhores fontes de amido, mas demonstra-se que o sorgo é igualmente bem digerido por cães. Na interpretação dos estudos, deve-se distinguir os que empregaram farinhas ou amidos purificados dos que empregaram ingredientes moídos, como utilizado na fabricação de alimentos para animais de companhia. Além de sua digestibilidade e valor energético, amidos interferem na glicemia de cães, o que torna interessante se empregar, para animais em condições específicas, fontes de carboidrato que levem à menores respostas de glicose e insulina. Devido a elevada necessidade de proteína, ingredientes protéicos são importantes nas formulações. Proteínas de origem animal apresentam maior variação em composição química, qualidade e digestibilidade que as de origem vegetal. Farinhas de origem animal podem apresentar excesso de matéria mineral, limitando sua inclusão na fórmula, enquanto derivados protéicos vegetais apresentam diversos fatores anti-nutricionais que devem ser inativados durante seu processamento. Demonstra-se que proteínas vegetais apresentam boa digestibilidade e energia metabolizável para cães e gatos, sendo sua inclusão interessante para reduzir a matéria mineral da dieta, controlar o excesso de bases do alimento e manter adequada a digestibilidade do produto, neste sentido soja micronizada e o farelo de glúten de milho 60% se destacam em digestibilidade e teor de energia metabolizável. A farinha de vísceras de frango, dentre as proteínas de origem animal secas demonstra-se como a de melhor digestibilidade e energia metabolizável.


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Avaliaram-se a digestibilidade ileal e a retenção de alguns nutrientes e os valores de energia de dietas contendo mananoligossacarídeo (MOS) e/ou complexo enzimático (CE) para frangos de corte. Foram utilizadas 275 aves em delineamento em blocos ao acaso e arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 + 1, com dois níveis de MOS (0 e 0,1%), dois níveis de complexo enzimático (0 e 0,05%) e uma dieta controle positivo com antibióticos. O óxido crômico (0,5%) foi adicionado às dietas para estimativa do fator de indigestibilidade. O experimento teve início quando as aves completaram 13 dias de idade; a coleta de excretas foi realizada do 20º ao 22º dia e a de digesta, no 23º dia de idade das aves. A interação MOS × CE foi significativa para a retenção de PB e P e de energia metabolizável aparente (EMA), cujos valores foram maiores nas dietas com MOS e CE. A inclusão do CE melhorou a retenção de MS e os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal de MS, PB, Ca e P na retenção de cálcio e nos valores de energia digestível com a inclusão de mananoligossacarídeo. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal da MS, a retenção de MS, PB, Ca e P e os valores de energia digestível e de EMA das dietas contendo MOS e/ou CE foram superiores aos obtidos com a dieta contendo antibióticos.


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Foram conduzidos dois ensaios de metabolismo utilizando-se frangos de corte machos, com o objetivo de determinar o valor de energia metabolizável aparente (EMA) do óleo de soja, o coeficiente de metabolização da matéria seca (CMMS) e a retenção de nitrogênio (RN) em rações isocalóricas, em função de duas idades das aves: crescimento (22 30 dias) e final (42 50 dias) e quatro níveis de inclusão do óleo de soja: 0; 3,3; 6,6 e 9,9%.Os experimentos tiveram duração de oito dias, sendo três dias para adaptação das aves às rações experimentais e cinco dias para coleta de excretas. O valor energético do óleo de soja foi determinado por diferença. O delineamento utilizado nos dois ensaios foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições de seis aves cada. Os valores de EMA do óleo de soja, de RN e do CMMS das rações obtidos para os níveis de 3,3; 6,6 e 9,9% de óleo de soja no período de crescimento foram, respectivamente, de 9.437 kcal/kg, 68,22 g e 75,47%; 9307 kcal/kg, 74,80 g e 74,69%; e 8.701 kcal/kg, 69,98 g e 74,93% e para o período final, de 9.558 kcal/kg, 54,03 g e 79,33%; 8.659 kcal/kg, 48,18 g e 77,92%; e 8307 kcal/kg, 52,88 g e 76,28%. Os níveis de inclusão do óleo de soja não influenciaram os valores de EMA, de RN e o do CMMS. A RN foi maior para aves no período de crescimento e o CMMS foi maior para as aves no período final. A EMA do óleo de soja não foi influenciada pelas idades.


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Um mil quatrocentos e quarenta pintos de um dia, machos, foram utilizados com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização da farinha de carne e ossos (FCO) sobre o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2, com os fatores: níveis de inclusão da FCO (3 e 6%), tipos de FCO (37,51 e 41,58% de proteína bruta), valores de energia metabolizável da FCO conforme equações de predição sugerida pelo NRC (1994) ou tabela de Rostagno et al. (1994), mais um tratamento controle sem a inclusão de FCO, com quatro repetições de 40 aves cada. O consumo de ração e ganho de peso (GP) foram influenciados pela inclusão de FCO, sendo verificado maior GP quando a FCO não foi utilizada. As demais características de desempenho não foram afetadas pelos fatores estudados. A gordura abdominal foi reduzida quando a FCO não foi utilizada. Concluiu-se que dietas de frangos de corte contendo até 6% de FCO proporcionam pior desempenho quando comparadas com aquelas a base de milho e farelo de soja.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Nucleation process and crystal growth for three samples of the (20-x)Li(2)O-80TeO(2)-xWO(3) glass system were studied using X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry techniques. X-ray diffraction data confirmed the amorphous characteristic of the as-quenched samples and indicated the growth of crystalline phases formed due to the thermal treatment for annealed samples. These results reveal the presence of three distinct gamma-TeO(2), alpha-TeO(2) and alpha-Li(2)Te(2)O(5) crystalline phases in the TL sample, and two distinct alpha-TeO(2) and gamma-TeO(2) crystalline phases in the TLW5 and TLW10 samples. The activation energy and the Avrami exponent were determined from DSC measurements. The activation energy values X-ray diffraction data of the TLW10 glass sample suggest that gamma-TeO(2) phase occur before the alpha-TeO(2). The results obtained for the Avrami exponent point to that the nucleation process is volumetric and that the crystal growth is two or three-dimensional.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)